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Peoples republic of china and Republic of china

Yes, legitimacy was definitely on the Chinese side of the Hong Kong handover negotiations.

It was ridiculous for a Chinese city like HK, to be ruled over by a British expat (Chris Patten) who couldn't even speak a single sentence in Cantonese.

I actually liked Chris Patten as a person, but he as a British expatriate, really had no legitimacy to rule over a city full of Hong Kong Chinese.

There is no shame in admitting though, that the British did a good job at developing Hong Kong while they were there.

My first visit to Hong Kong was at 1994, at that time, the city of Hong Kong was far more advanced than any city in mainland China.
There is no shame in admitting though, that the British did a good job at developing Hong Kong while they were there.

My first visit to Hong Kong was at 1994, at that time, the city of Hong Kong was far more advanced than any city in mainland China.

Actually, I would consider us lucky more than anything else. Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia I mean.

Look at Britain's other colonies. Nigeria, Sudan, Somalia... Zimbabwe, Burma and Sierra Leone...

Not just in Africa, but the Middle East as well.

Though even Africa was lucky, compared to the Native Americans and the Aboriginal Australians, who faced near extinction at the hands of the colonialists.

Find a list of ex-British colonies, and I can think of only three, in which the native peoples actually benefitted. Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia.

We did not succeed because of the colonization, we succeeded DESPITE the colonization. Looking at a list of ex-British colonies, we could have ended up as the people of Zimbabwe, or faced near extermination like the Native Americans and the Aboriginal Australians.
Actually, I would consider us lucky more than anything else. Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia I mean.

Look at Britain's other colonies. Nigeria, Sudan, Somalia... Zimbabwe, Burma and Sierra Leone...

Not just in Africa, but the Middle East as well.

Though even Africa was lucky, compared to the Native Americans and the Aboriginal Australians, who faced near extinction at the hands of the colonialists.

Find a list of ex-British colonies, and I can think of only three, in which the native peoples actually benefitted. Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia.

We did not succeed because of the colonization, we succeeded DESPITE the colonization. Looking at a list of ex-British colonies, we could have ended up as the people of Zimbabwe, or faced near extermination like the Native Americans and the Aboriginal Australians.


That's for us. LOL.

On topic, I agree. I really don't think the British were that bad of colonial masters. They didn't try to convert us or change our culture, on the contary them being here directly or indirectly brought a lot of good changes to Malaysia .

They implemented the whole railway and communication system here, brought democracy and governance, united the whole Malaysia which at that time was a few different states and most importantly, made us realize who we actually are as a nation, that we are equally capable as the British to handle our own countries :tup:
That's for us. LOL.

On topic, I agree. I really don't think the British were that bad of colonial masters. They didn't try to convert us or change our culture, on the contary them being here directly or indirectly brought a lot of good changes to Malaysia .

They implemented the whole railway and communication system here, brought democracy and governance, united the whole Malaysia which at that time was a few different states and most importantly, made us realize who we actually are as a nation, that we are equally capable as the British to handle our own countries :tup:

We were lucky that they did not want our land, in the same way they wanted the land of the Native Americans or the Australian Aboriginals.

We were lucky that they did not want to plunder our resources, like they did to Africa and the Middle East.

Do you think they would have treated us any differently to the Africans and the Arabs? Look how they left Burma.

I have no particular grudge against the British, and as before, I actually liked Chris Patten. But I do breathe a sigh of relief, in the knowledge that they mostly left us to our own devices. And that we did not have land or resources that they needed, like many of their other colonies did... to their great misfortune.
We were lucky that they did not want our land, in the same way they wanted the land of the Native Americans or the Australian Aboriginals.

There is no way they could have taken our land. We're not sparsely populated like those countries were when the British first landed there.

We were lucky that they did not want to plunder our resources, like they did to Africa and the Middle East

For Malaysia, they actually did. They took a lot of silver and precious mining resources while they were here. More importantly they used our citizens for cheap labour (Chinese for mining, Indians to work in the plantations and estates). When you think about it, if it's not for the British, there would be no Chinese or Indians here, no Singapore, and Malaysia would have been just like Indonesia. Is that a good or bad thing? God knows.

Do you think they would have treated us any differently to the Africans and the Arabs? Look how they left Burma..

Agreed. Ever heard of the term "white man's burden"? :lol:

I have no particular grudge against the British, and as before, I actually liked Chris Patten. But I do breathe a sigh of relief, in the knowledge that they mostly left us to our own devices. And that we did not have land or resources that they needed, like many of their other colonies did... to their great misfortune.

In Malaysia, they were actually not interested in staying anymore once they left India (supposedly the crown jewel of the British empire), so after WW2, it wasn't a hard task convincing them to leave.

But when I look back at the history of various countries, I have to admit, atleast when it comes to Malaysia, British were one of the better colonizers. Look at South America, their culture is now more of Spanish/Portuguese. While in Malaysia, we're still very much Malays just like our ancestors were.

My great grandparents, who were alive when Japanese took over Malaysia, often remarked on how cruel the invading Japanese army was to the local people (some of the stories are shocking really). I never heard such stories about the British. Till the day they died, they never said anything bad about the British but would often tell horror stories about the Japanese occupation.

Don't get me wrong, I'm thankful the British left, but on the whole, I harbour no ill-feelings to the British. It could have been a lot worse.
Don't get me wrong, I'm thankful the British left, but on the whole, I harbour no ill-feelings to the British. It could have been a lot worse.

Same, I don't harbour any ill-feelings towards the British either. They mostly left Hong Kong alone, and that is when we did our best.

My personal grudge was against colonialism itself. I will always see it as a blot in the history of humanity, even though my home city was one of the lucky ones.

My great grandparents, who were alive when Japanese took over Malaysia, often remarked on how cruel the invading Japanese army was to the local people (some of the stories are shocking really). I never heard such stories about the British. Till the day they died, they never said anything bad about the British but would often tell horror stories about the Japanese occupation.

In Secondary School, I had a history teacher who was actually a British expatriate. He told us of how during the age of colonialism in HK, if a white person ran over a Chinese person in their car and gravely wounded him, they were advised to reverse the car over the injured person and kill them. Because the cost of paying for a funeral was cheaper than the hospital bills.

There are many such stories, though of course they pale in comparison to the stories of the Imperial Japanese Army during WW2. The truth is that a British colonizer in those days wouldn't have cared if a person was Chinese, Black, Arab, Malay, Native American, etc. We were all "coloured" people back then, and our lives were not worth much.

This is not directed at the British specifically, but at the colonial powers in general.
Same, I don't harbour any ill-feelings towards the British either. They mostly left Hong Kong alone, and that is when we did our best.

My personal grudge was against colonialism itself. I will always see it as a blot in the history of humanity, even though my home city was one of the lucky ones.

We were all "coloured" people back then, and our lives were not worth much.

This is not directed at the British specifically, but at the colonial powers in general.

Agreed with your whole post a 100% :tup:

Just curious, did the Japanese Imperial army ever invade Hong Kong? They did horrible things to the people here (especially those of Chinese descent), even the school I studied it has a mass grave where the Japanese beheaded people and dumped their bodies into that tunnel which is right underneath my classroom :confused:
Agreed with your whole post a 100% :tup:

Just curious, did the Japanese Imperial army ever invade Hong Kong? They did horrible things to the people here (especially those of Chinese descent), even the school I studied it has a mass grave where the Japanese beheaded people and dumped their bodies into that tunnel which is right underneath my classroom :confused:

Yes they did invade us during WW2.

This is a picture of a statue of a lion, in front of the HSBC's (Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation) main building in Central.


Even today, it still has the holes left by the Japanese shrapnel bombs.
Since it’s been 62 years the PRC has existed, relations have improved with nearly all countries

I wanted to ask would china recognise Taiwan’s independence and have normal state to state relations.

Os is it a big problem???? With a wide range of issues that goes outside the box….

Don’t take it as offence to any Chinese members here but any insight would be appreciated.



Taiwan and Mainland China both claim to be real china. Taiwan don't declare them a country.At the end of civil war, Commuzzzzs took control over bigger part of china (With russian support and cruelity).

There can be only two solution ,Chinese communist formally defeat Taiwani Democrats and take control by force (Which USA will not let happen) or Communism get over in china and democracy unite both.
Taiwan and Mainland China both claim to be real china. Taiwan don't declare them a country.At the end of civil war, Commuzzzzs took control over bigger part of china (With russian support and cruelity).

There can be only two solution ,Chinese communist formally defeat Taiwani Democrats and take control by force (Which USA will not let happen) or Communism get over in china and democracy unite both.
The KMT was extremely unpopular with majority of the people at the time. To simply attribute communists success to Russian support and "cruelty" is absurd. Communists had the support of the peasants, which composed of the vast majority of the population. KMT on the other hand, were supported by a dozen elite families that have strong ties with the wealthy. When 5% of the population fights against the 95%, you will lose. Communist victory was certain from the start of the civil war. Also, Russians provided assistance to KMT as well, and tried to negotiate a deal that would see China split along Yangtze river.

Ironically, the communists today are starting to resemble of the old KMT in the 1930's.
Taiwan and Mainland China both claim to be real china. Taiwan don't declare them a country.At the end of civil war, Commuzzzzs took control over bigger part of china (With russian support and cruelity).

There can be only two solution ,Chinese communist formally defeat Taiwani Democrats and take control by force (Which USA will not let happen) or Communism get over in china and democracy unite both.
Or mainland China takes over TW at a timeframe the US can not help, or mainland China and TW bothe see the futility of this situation and part ways or the population of TW sees democracy is not all great and decides to join communist china.
the days of japanese cruelty are gone. nowadays japanese and chinese live and work together. China donated to help Japan during the Fukushima disaster.

Taiwan knows that America can supply all arms they want but its actually wiser to work with PRC rather than against it. Even Americans know Taiwanese will work together with China because more benefit comes for both working together rather than with each other.
Of course china outlined peaceful dialogue with Taiwan but since 1991 till 2007 the previous regime in Taiwan submitted its application for UN member ship on the basis of the island being sovereign.
they have NO submitted an application under Chen, Chen press of a referredum(vote) on submitting an application, it fail to reach minimal vote, while the people of taiwan might claim they are not China, when given the chance to vote, they refuse to support independence.

and even now, the passport they carry has the word CHINA written on the cover, they want to be Taiwan? then they must first revolt against their Chinese government.
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