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  1. maximus

    Pakistani president urges 'holistic' approach to fighting terrorism

    Apart from his cool temper, we need to credit him for the economic success. He had a vision and managed to attract FDI on a scale never witnessed before in Pakistan. Of course leaving out the record high deficit levels. At the same time, we need to be sceptical about his blatant pro US stance...
  2. maximus

    Arabs lost 2.5 trillion dollars from credit crunch

    The Arabs are a different story all together. I feel pity. So much wealth and opportunities yet arrogance has always been a spoiling factor. To some extent the Arabs are really in a pathetic state. Their brothers and sisters are getting slaughtered by a handful of Zionists. Yet no one is willing...
  3. maximus

    Dancing girl murdered by Taliban

    Dear brother Pashtun, Let me start by revealing that I also inherit the Pashtun origin. Even though, the Quaid may have agreed at the time, he surely would have disapproved today. Having said that, the Jirga tribal system is an ancient and outdated system that ought to be banished in my humble...
  4. maximus

    U.S. and Pakistan: different wars on terror

    Gosh, give me a break! I think you're too delusional to think that those nations will stay indefinitely. There is an expiry date and we've already seen nations come and go. Besides, those nations (including the one in which I reside) are thinking very hard about whether to extend their stay...
  5. maximus

    How deadly JF-17 will strike deep into enemy territory.

    Now that we also have A2A refuellers we can expect the combat radius to increase significantly. However, the consequent batches will most likely have an increased range. Perhaps the integration of CFTs. ACM has pointed out before that range and payload are two aspects of JF-17 that will be...
  6. maximus

    U.S. and Pakistan: different wars on terror

    Well, you got the point and that's all that matters really. You think you're very smart, don't you? Well, you're just a little kid that's acting like an official spokesperson of the US. Sorry to burst your bubble buddy, but you're not an official spokesman. This isn't the Pakistan of the 60's...
  7. maximus

    U.S. and Pakistan: different wars on terror

    Cut the crap dude! You're so out of touch with reality. Get out of the Bush syndrome. If you're so independent, is that why your administration is all of a sudden willing to listen to the government of Pakistan? Is that why your politicians and generals are visiting unannounced on a weekly...
  8. maximus

    U.S. and Pakistan: different wars on terror

    Indeed, that's what it all comes down to. A bunch of Torah Borah loonies are creating havoc for a so-called superpower. These people have no notion what they are dealing with. This isn't the Pakistan of the 60's where they could sanction and blackmail us. They are dealing with a solid nuke...
  9. maximus

    U.S. and Pakistan: different wars on terror

    LOL All I hear are just empty threats with nothing to backup whatsoever. The guy is frustrated, angry and irritated. So would I be if I was an American. 8 years of Bush legacy has quite clearly had a negative impact. Look how he is leaving the once undisputed world power behind. It's a gruelling...
  10. maximus

    U.S. and Pakistan: different wars on terror

    Shut up you stupid cowboy. We will take you apart. We aren't those silly rag tag militias that you have been fighting up to now in Afghanistan and Iraq. LOL you couldn't even win against those rag tag street fighters. This is the highly trained army of Pakistan we are talking about. Learn to...
  11. maximus

    U.S. and Pakistan: different wars on terror

    Spot on. We need to take the initiative and also apply an offensive strategy. We need to pursue the rogue elements across the border just like Turkey. Something we should seriously consider in order to alleviate the pressure. It needs to be a mix of both internal and external effort. However, I...
  12. maximus

    U.S. and Pakistan: different wars on terror

    We should definitely clear up these US remnants, but only on our own terms. This evil was created with one purpose only, namely to wreak havoc and destruction. We shouldn't expect any good from it. US dictation should be disregarded at all cost. If these people were ever sincere, they would have...
  13. maximus

    'ISI killing US troops in Afghanistan'

    Yep, seeing is believing. Go and see.
  14. maximus

    'ISI killing US troops in Afghanistan'

    Nope, large parts of Afghanistan are under the control of the Taliban. The Americans and the current Afghan puppet regime only rule in Kabul. Only when Afghanistan becomes truly stable we can talk about projects.
  15. maximus

    'ISI killing US troops in Afghanistan'

    Not that I know. Still, Afghanistan needs stability before any projects are initiated. One cannot rebuild a country whilst war is taking place.
  16. maximus

    'ISI killing US troops in Afghanistan'

    A government that's according to the wishes of the people of Afghanistan. No neighbour should interfere in Afghanistan. The people of Afghanistan should ideally have the freedom to elect their own government. When Afghanistan becomes stable a lot of projects can become a reality. Pakistan...
  17. maximus

    'ISI killing US troops in Afghanistan'

    Your point being?
  18. maximus

    'ISI killing US troops in Afghanistan'

    What the hell you going on about? Pakistan had no alternative. The US left the whole region high and dry after the Cold War. Instead of rebuilding the war torn nation, the Mujahideen had the opportunity to fight amongst themselves and as a result the divided fractions of NA, AQ, Taliban etc...
  19. maximus

    'ISI killing US troops in Afghanistan'

    Despite that the Taliban have very rigid and outdated dogma's. We cannot condone their way of thinking. Many of their stringent beliefs are even against the tenets of Islam. Let's not ignore the fact that the Taliban originated from the Mujahideen proxy. There existence was directly related to...
  20. maximus

    Bin Laden: U.S. Decline Fueled Gaza Attack

    Well, let's not pretend that the war in Iraq and Afghanistan didn't have any impact. The US is frankly speaking in deep crap to put it mildly. More wars means more costs, debts and burden on the already strained economy. Is that rocket science or am I missing something? So there is no need to be...
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