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'ISI killing US troops in Afghanistan'

Every nation that America has built have become a very prosperous countries. Just to name a few for you: Germany, Japan, South Korea, etc....

And what about the nations that US has destroyed, all the millions of innocent people the US has killed directly or through their proxy wars. You can only name 4 nations the US has helped that being Germany, Japan(they nuked them too), Israel and South Korea. No matter how much the Indians admire Americans or adore them, you cant change the facts that they have committed a lot of evil around the world.
America is here (in Afghanistan) today, perhaps gone tomorrow. My questions are not about America, but Pakistan.

If Pakistan is claiming Afghanistan as it's 'backyard', then:

i) What kind of govt. it envisages for Afghanistan?
ii) What infra-structure development projects has Pakistan undertaken in Afghanistan?

America is here (in Afghanistan) today, perhaps gone tomorrow. My questions are not about America, but Pakistan.

If Pakistan is claiming Afghanistan as it's 'backyard', then:

i) What kind of govt. it envisages for Afghanistan?
ii) What infra-structure development projects has Pakistan undertaken in Afghanistan?


A government that's according to the wishes of the people of Afghanistan. No neighbour should interfere in Afghanistan. The people of Afghanistan should ideally have the freedom to elect their own government.

When Afghanistan becomes stable a lot of projects can become a reality. Pakistan borders with Afghanistan and both have mutual interests such as trade.
Does that mean that Pakistan has no on-going development projects in Afghanistan right now?
Does that mean that Pakistan has no on-going development projects in Afghanistan right now?

Not that I know. Still, Afghanistan needs stability before any projects are initiated. One cannot rebuild a country whilst war is taking place.
Surely, there are large parts of Afghanistan which are not under war.

Don't you think that training doctors/police, building hospitals, schools, roads, canals etc. is part of the 'stabilization' process?
And what about the nations that US has destroyed, all the millions of innocent people the US has killed directly or through their proxy wars. You can only name 4 nations the US has helped that being Germany, Japan(they nuked them too), Israel and South Korea. No matter how much the Indians admire Americans or adore them, you cant change the facts that they have committed a lot of evil around the world.

Even 4 nations is not an easy task to do, but name me the ones US has destroyed. Besides Iraq and Afganistan they are work in progress.
Surely, there are large parts of Afghanistan which are not under war.

Don't you think that training doctors/police, building hospitals, schools, roads, canals etc. is part of the 'stabilization' process?

Nope, large parts of Afghanistan are under the control of the Taliban. The Americans and the current Afghan puppet regime only rule in Kabul.

Only when Afghanistan becomes truly stable we can talk about projects.
"facts you have killed 7.5 "INNOCENT MUSLIMS" in Iraq n Afganistan your army kills randomly"

Seven I'll believe. The other one-half, NO WAY!:lol:

"we dont want democracy BIASED,we want 'KHALIFA'"

You bet. Well, inshallah, eh?

Yes INSHALLAH khalifah rashidun will return and there is prophecy to prove it in hadith musnad.

"we will rule the world once again like we did 1400years ruling over you regardless of your modren weapons"

So if that's your intent is there some reason why I shouldn't do everything in my power to KILL you and all of your like-minded buddies now by any means available?

You can do whatever but you yanks and all other ****** infidels are going to be humiliated and defeated by us muslims. Means ??? ha ha ha ..your means are running out everyday, america is the giant sinking TITANTIC...that ship sank in 1912 with arrogance it can't be sunk and AMERICA will sink too soon cause of it's COUNTLESS EVILS against other nations and arrogance.

I don't want to ruled by numbskulls that seek caliphates. I'd rather kill those who think like this.

Numbskulls ??? ..you will find out if you live long enough to see that caliphate is the only just political set up best for mankind. Democracy is a joke and failure which has failed mankind repeatedly. Like the europeans said to turks of Otthman Empire calling it " Sick Man of Europe", today America is the sick man of the World. We lost islamic caliphate due to divisions and decline in morality but we will RISE again to peak of morality to gain back our right to RULE THE WORLD. Your ***** are going to be kicked yanky.

"I consider myself a terrorist..."

That makes you my enemy.

Well...then we are your enemy and will cherish slaughtering you.

"just to let you know this is not the blood of a "RED INDIAN" its a "BLOOD OF A MUSLIMS"

Actually I suspect you carry the blood of a Martian myself. Well, Mao Tse-Tung said that the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. You should haul your irhabist azz over to Afghanistan and begin your journey. You'll meet young American soldiers eager to assist your passage.

American soldiers are going to be buried in afghanistan, there will be so many surplus dead bodies that you will run out of money to ship back home to UNited states of Evil America.

Oh! No reward in heaven. The streets of heaven are guarded by U.S. Army infantry. No virgins there.

U.S Army Infantry guarding Heavens ??!! ha ha ha nice joke yanks. The only place your **** ARMY will be in the depth of HELL FIRE drinking boiling water and eating their own defecations/ EXCRETIONS which you thoroughly deserve as rewards !
"Yep, seeing is believing. Go and see."

I believe they built a neat hard-surface road that runs 218 km from Delaram to Zaranj and finished it late last July.

The Afghans who use it every day believe it too. Since that road only cost about $140 mil, I guess India still has another $1.06 Billion to spend in Afghanistan and they seem bent on doing so.

Good for Afghanistan. Good for India. Probably not so good for Pakistan.

Oh well. One nation's opportunity missed is another more astute nation's gain.
"Yes INSHALLAH khalifah rashidun will return and there is prophecy to prove it in hadith musnad."

You're foaming at the mouth. Wipe your chin, please.:lol:
"Yep, seeing is believing. Go and see."

I believe they built a neat hard-surface road that runs 218 km from Delaram to Zaranj and finished it late last July.

The Afghans who use it every day believe it too. Since that road only cost about $140 mil, I guess India still has another $1.06 Billion to spend in Afghanistan and they seem bent on doing so.

Good for Afghanistan. Good for India. Probably not so good for Pakistan.

Oh well. One nation's opportunity missed is another more astute nation's gain.

India accomplishes Afghan road mission
- Strategic highway survives Pakistan scare and Kabul embassy blast

New Delhi, July 15: India has braved the 7/7 Kabul embassy blast and held on to complete the strategic Afghanistan road linking Zaranj on the Iran border to Delaram in its north-east.

The 218-km road, which will loosen Pakistan’s stranglehold on its land-locked neighbour by allowing Afghanistan access to the sea from the Iran side, is likely to be declared completed on Thursday, sources said.

Security agencies see the success of this project, funded and executed by Delhi, as a reason for the car-bomb attack on the Kabul embassy that killed four Indians. They allege Pakistan set off the blast as it is uneasy about the edge India will now have in the central Asian power game.

The blast victims were today nominated for the Kirti Chakra, India’s second-highest peacetime military award, according to a PTI report. The names of the four — IFS officer V.V. Rao, defence attache R.D. Mehta and ITBP jawans Roop Singh and Ajai Pathania — have been forwarded by the defence ministry to the department concerned. If approved, it will be the first time an IFS officer will be given the military award for bravery.

The completion of the road by the Border Roads Organisation will also be an enduring tribute to the four, described as “martyrs” by Indian officials.

Sources said the road, which required the services of four companies of the Indo-Tibetan Border Police to guard the construction workers, will be dedicated to the Afghan people. The 400-odd ITBP officers are likely to return home.

The road is a godsend for Afghanistan as it will now be able to access the Iranian port of Chabahar. The time taken to reach the sea will be much less than that taken via the Pakistan route as Delaram is on the Kandahar-Herat road.

This will not only increase the volume of Afghan trade, it will facilitate the transit of Indian goods to that country. Pakistan can no longer play difficult and refuse permission to ferry goods through their territory.

In 2003, India, Iran and Afghanistan had signed an MoU to improve Kabul’s access to the coast. While Iran was to build a transit route to link Milak in its south-east to Zaranj in Afghanistan, India was to construct the Zaranj-Delaram road.

Proposals are being worked out on additional manpower requirements at consulates in Jalalabad and Kandahar where security will be beefed up. India also has consulates in Mazar-e-sharif and Herat.
The Telegraph - Calcutta (Kolkata) | Frontpage | India accomplishes Afghan road mission
Nope, large parts of Afghanistan are under the control of the Taliban. The Americans and the current Afghan puppet regime only rule in Kabul.

Only when Afghanistan becomes truly stable we can talk about projects.

Did you read the last post? Read news from various sources about things happening around you and then make an informed decision!

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