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'ISI killing US troops in Afghanistan'

"We need to teach uncle Sam some big lessons."

What "big lessons" would you like to administer?

And the reason that you haven't already done so?

"This is our backyard and we should really punish the Americans for any wrongdoing."

Grow up. FATA is your backyard and it hardly bears the name "Pakistan" except on maps. Quit meddling in the affairs of others when you can barely control the citizens within your own.

You want a position in Afghanistan? Earn it by your good deeds. India has pledged $1.2 Billion to Afghanistan's recovery. Unlike many who've done so, they are actually providing the money and aid. Their projects are visible and helpful to all concerned and don't at all appear to be the problem so implied by all here.

Sid has no proof of evil operations and mal-intent by the Indians. I've plenty of proof of militias that make war on Afghanistan from sanctuary in Pakistan. At this point there's no remote comparison.

Those are the broad facts of the matter and it's too bad that it really boils down to most here believing in their heart of hearts that Afghanistan constitutes some personal sandbox for the GoP's continuing pursuit of the ever-elusive "strategic space".

Stop with your bad selves and, personally, get off your high horse, Maximus. You've no leverage with America which we can't muliply in spades against you. Y'all are along for the ride- and you should be if you know what's best for yourselves.:tsk:

Were I you, I'd hope it stays that way. You need America like never before.

Have a good day there, stud.:usflag:

facts you have killed 7.5 "INNOCENT MUSLIMS" in Iraq n Afganistan your army kills randomly...Muslims are sleeping but not dead we dont want democracy BIASED,we want "KHALIFA" that you guys call terrorist organization thats want to unite Muslims countries and be "ONE" and we will rule the world once again like we did 1400years ruling over you regardless of your modren weapons.I consider myself a terrorist as a Pakistan thats all we are labeled in US we've seen alot of dicrreaminations just to let you know this is not the blood of a "RED INDIAN" its a "BLOOD OF A MUSLIMS"

THE HARSH TRUTH INDIA,ISRAEL n US shyt thier pants when they hear the name ISI
The truth is that you lost in Vietnam. You also lost in Iraq and now you're going to lose the war in Afghanistan.
No it is not US who lost, it is the people of respective states who lost. War happened in their backyard it is the children of respective states which lost their parents and home.
US idea of invasion is not to seek any sort of tangible victory.. it is all about regime change by hook or crook.
No it is not US who lost, it is the people of respective states who lost. War happened in their backyard it is the children of respective states which lost their parents and home.
US idea of invasion is not to seek any sort of tangible victory.. it is all about regime change by hook or crook.

Well, they didn't achieve their objectives, the war was highly unpopular and they had to abandon it. If that isn't losing what else can you call it? The world is now all too familiar with US warmongering. Times have changed and if they screw with a nuclear Pakistan we should embrace ourselves for WW3. It's only a matter of igniting a spark.
"facts you have killed 7.5 "INNOCENT MUSLIMS" in Iraq n Afganistan your army kills randomly"

Seven I'll believe. The other one-half, NO WAY!:lol:

"we dont want democracy BIASED,we want 'KHALIFA'"

You bet. Well, inshallah, eh?

"we will rule the world once again like we did 1400years ruling over you regardless of your modren weapons"

So if that's your intent is there some reason why I shouldn't do everything in my power to KILL you and all of your like-minded buddies now by any means available?

I don't want to ruled by numbskulls that seek caliphates. I'd rather kill those who think like this.

"I consider myself a terrorist..."

That makes you my enemy.

"just to let you know this is not the blood of a "RED INDIAN" its a "BLOOD OF A MUSLIMS"

Actually I suspect you carry the blood of a Martian myself. Well, Mao Tse-Tung said that the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. You should haul your irhabist azz over to Afghanistan and begin your journey. You'll meet young American soldiers eager to assist your passage.

Oh! No reward in heaven. The streets of heaven are guarded by U.S. Army infantry. No virgins there.
"facts you have killed 7.5 "INNOCENT MUSLIMS" in Iraq n Afganistan your army kills randomly"

Seven I'll believe. The other one-half, NO WAY!:lol:

"we dont want democracy BIASED,we want 'KHALIFA'"

You bet. Well, inshallah, eh?

"we will rule the world once again like we did 1400years ruling over you regardless of your modren weapons"

So if that's your intent is there some reason why I shouldn't do everything in my power to KILL you and all of your like-minded buddies now by any means available?

I don't want to ruled by numbskulls that seek caliphates. I'd rather kill those who think like this.

"I consider myself a terrorist..."

That makes you my enemy.

"just to let you know this is not the blood of a "RED INDIAN" its a "BLOOD OF A MUSLIMS"

Actually I suspect you carry the blood of a Martian myself. Well, Mao Tse-Tung said that the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. You should haul your irhabist azz over to Afghanistan and begin your journey. You'll meet young American soldiers eager to assist your passage.

Oh! No reward in heaven. The streets of heaven are guarded by U.S. Army infantry. No virgins there.

LOL You only got hollow words and nothing to back them up. You're quite clearly a frustrated and angry being and I can sense it. You're living in a fantasy world. Wake up and smell the coffee dude. Just fix your crumbling economy before acting like G.I. Joe. The world is changing and other emerging powers are now posing a threat to your hegemony. How many more enemies can you afford to create? You are in no position to wage any war.
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Why aren't people saying, "Afghanistan is our backyard and we'll build hospitals, schools, and roads there."
"Slaughtered, tortured and raped half of the population."

Only half?:lol:


We're off our game. Hope that improves.:tsk:
Why aren't people saying, "Afghanistan is our backyard and we'll build hospitals, schools, and roads there."

Well, let the superpower do it. LOL They are there for that reason as they claim to be, right? Gosh, the Americans are very eager to rebuild a war torn nation. That too for free! For the sake of spreading freedom and democracy! Hip, hip, hooray! After all, they managed to break it into pieces in the first place by creating the menace of the Mujahideen.
So, what kind of govt. would Pakistan like in Afghanistan?

(not Taliban again, hopefully)...
So, what kind of govt. would Pakistan like in Afghanistan?

(not Taliban again, hopefully)...

actually why not Taliban ? they bring LAW n Order in Afgnaistan...people have a wrong preception about Taliban geez Allah plaese Educate people.Sucide bombers are not Talibans nor Al-Qaeda its US,Israel n India with thier agencies.
actually why not Taliban ? they bring LAW n Order in Afgnaistan...people have a wrong preception about Taliban geez Allah plaese Educate people.Sucide bombers are not Talibans nor Al-Qaeda its US,Israel n India with thier agencies.

Despite that the Taliban have very rigid and outdated dogma's. We cannot condone their way of thinking. Many of their stringent beliefs are even against the tenets of Islam. Let's not ignore the fact that the Taliban originated from the Mujahideen proxy. There existence was directly related to US interests until they became obsolete. The Taliban didn't just land from Mars. Of course, malign foreign elements are involved in destabilizing Pakistan. Suicide attacks are part of their strategy.
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Well, let the superpower do it. LOL They are there for that reason as they claim to be, right? Gosh, the Americans are very eager to rebuild a war torn nation. That too for free! For the sake of spreading freedom and democracy! Hip, hip, hooray! After all, they managed to break it into pieces in the first place by creating the menace of the Mujahideen.

Every nation that America has built have become a very prosperous countries. Just to name a few for you: Germany, Japan, South Korea, etc....
So, what kind of govt. would Pakistan like in Afghanistan?

(not Taliban again, hopefully)...

What the hell you going on about? Pakistan had no alternative. The US left the whole region high and dry after the Cold War. Instead of rebuilding the war torn nation, the Mujahideen had the opportunity to fight amongst themselves and as a result the divided fractions of NA, AQ, Taliban etc. came into existence. All neighbours were involved in supporting their interests within Afghanistan.
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