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  1. N

    Two Stories of women affected by insurgency in India

    One lost her family land in the communal frenzy of '89 and the other has given up food to protest AFSPA Tehelka - India's Independent Weekly News Magazine Tehelka - India's Independent Weekly News Magazine The Parable Of The Vamp WHAT DOES TRASHING SUNANDA PUSHKAR SAY ABOUT OUR...
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    India offers 20 mln dollars in new flood aid to Pakistan

    http://www.dawn.com/wps/wcm/connect/dawn-content-library/dawn/news/world/14-india-offers-20-mln-dollars-in-new-flood-aid-to-pakistan-zj-01 NEW DELHI: India on Tuesday offered another 20 million dollars in flood aid to Pakistan, the country's foreign minister said, boosting efforts to build...
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    Helicopters idling in India,needed in Pakistan

    Whatever else may or may not be possible it is possible for Pakistan to hire civilian helos from private companies that operate such fleets. Aircraft Rental,Helicopter Rental,Aircraft Rental Services,Helicopter Rental Services Also military a/c can be operated by joint crews-Indian pilot...
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    Immortalizing Our War Heroes

    http://www.outlookindia.com/article.aspx?266529 Bullets don’t bounce off their chests. Nor do they have superhuman powers to unleash webs or hoist themselves into the air, voluminous capes and all. What they do have is extraordinary courage. Meet the heroes of the Indian War Comics, a...
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    Majority of Pakistanis still consider India as a threat: Poll

    Pakistanis Ask: Drones? What Drones? | Danger Room | Wired.com Here in the America, the CIA’s drone program targeting extremists in the tribal areas of Pakistan is the subject of heated debate. The CIA calls it a uniquely valuable and precise counterterrorism tool. The Obama administration...
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    Point 5353 in Pakistan's control Drass sector

    <fanboy>You can keep waiting on IA to show up along point 5333, while the rest of Pak is obliterated.</fanboy> So again, exactly what are you fighting for?
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    Point 5353 in Pakistan's control Drass sector

    What is the population of these places? What mineral, oil, gas wealth lies buried here? What are we fighting for?
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    Point 5353 in Pakistan's control Drass sector

    No Kashmir is not the problem. It is a symptom. Pakistan can only keep itself together by casting itself as not-India. Some1 mentioned that the one thing that keeps Pakistanis together is fighting a demonized India. You are fighting a loosing battle if you portray Pakistan with saintly...
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    Point 5353 in Pakistan's control Drass sector

    We are conveniently forgetting Bangladeshis because they have seen the writing on the wall and are busily building their own future. Don't know how their economy is shaped right now, but also don't remember them heading abroad looking for friends with fat wallets. If Kashmiris are the only...
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    Point 5353 in Pakistan's control Drass sector

    Can't have it both ways. You want the resolutions implemented but on your terms. Have you ever thought what Bangladeshis have to say about Kashmir? After all in the early fighting when Pakistan was one, both E and W Pakistanis gave their blood fighting. Why forget them now? Non selfish?
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    Point 5353 in Pakistan's control Drass sector

    If you want to keep harping to resolutions signed by grand papa, then also include Bangladesh as a stake holder.
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    Point 5353 in Pakistan's control Drass sector

    Indian soldiers represent the Indian state. Kill them and you are messing with India. Even as you are free to do as you choose to, you have to be prepared for the retribution. Dont live in a comatose state where you think you can challenge the authority of India and still request an outdated...
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    Point 5353 in Pakistan's control Drass sector

    Nobody gives a rats a$$ about the Pakistani sentiment. Just as we believe status quo will remain in Kashmir. We continue to wait for the day an assertive leadership asks Pakistan to return GB and AJK rather than pliantly listening to Pakistani rhetoric on Kashmir.
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    Point 5353 in Pakistan's control Drass sector

    I have already shown you how you are on a weak legal footing vis a vis Kashmir. That Pakistan continues to harp on resolutions signed by somebody else is impersonation. Will you take resolutions signed by USSR as binding on Kazakhistan today? Just because Pakistan has not undergone a change of...
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    Point 5353 in Pakistan's control Drass sector

    No you are wrong there & I just told you why. Compare the situation in Kashmir to that in Bangladesh when PA went on a genocidal spree in its Eastern flank. You had refugees spilling into India. What is the amount of refugees spilling into Pakistan or Pakistan Occupied Kashmir today?
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    Point 5353 in Pakistan's control Drass sector

    I am saying you have no locus standi for a fight. That is all. Pakistan circa 2010 is not the Pakistan that was party to the whole UN thing. Reconcile to that.
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    Point 5353 in Pakistan's control Drass sector

    The plebiscite was signed when Pakistan was Pakistan + Bangladesh way back in 1948. For treaty to hold today, you will have to first swallow Bangladesh. Legally you are in a disadvantageous position. The world has moved on, and so should all Paksitanis still telling their grandchildren to...
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    Point 5353 in Pakistan's control Drass sector

    Why don't you let it go free? Why don't you let the Sindhi, Balochi and Pashtuns choose? It's not a selfish demand since I'm not asking for Sindhudesh, Balochistan and Pakhtunistan for myself, but for Sindhi, Balochi and Pashtuns . You see from where I'm looking, you people are horrible. The...
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    Who wants peace, India or Pakistan?

    IA is in Kashmir because it is their country, they are on the border for precisely the same reason. You think having more weapons equates to more fear? You would think US and Russia are the most scared countries on this planet. Increasingly China is growing more and more scared day by day...
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    Afghanistan Trade Transit Pact

    If you believe that afgs are resupplying pak with duty free pakistani stuff, then they may also choose to load this on the afg-ind trade in effect creating a supply chain for duty free t/f of goods from pak to india via afg. i am not aware of what duties are imposed on afg-pak border and at...
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