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Point 5353 in Pakistan's control Drass sector

What is the population of these places? What mineral, oil, gas wealth lies buried here? What are we fighting for?

leave it my friend...somebody is fighting for a false ego,at the cost of justifying thousands of men killed, an entire brigade wiped out, a crippled Air Force exposed,an international humiliation experienced and yet another military coup that followed.

Well that petty much summarizes everything.Now we know that all that was for point 5353,which doesnt even serve any military purpose.The NH-1 is safe and secured again.Even I went on a Bike expedition on that highway last year.Did not encounter any militant there.....
Yes leave it - this piece of liberated Kashmir is safely in our hands, and you were probably in the cross hairs of our boys - but being honourable soldiers, we allowed you as a civilian to carry on your merry way.

As to you trolling - Kashmiri Mujahideen are again becoming potent again - so that turned out all right.

Vital supply line to be cut in time of war, I think indians do not have patience to listen to an alternative view, because in their hearts of hearts they know that we are correct. :) come again ;)
Yes leave it - this piece of liberated Kashmir is safely in our hands, and you were probably in the cross hairs of our boys - but being honourable soldiers, we allowed you as a civilian to carry on your merry way.

As to you trolling - Kashmiri Mujahideen are again becoming potent again - so that turned out all right.

Vital supply line to be cut in time of war, I think indians do not have patience to listen to an alternative view, because in their hearts of hearts they know that we are correct. :) come again ;)

ohh man, you are truly the best i have seen on here so far, your as delusional as there can be. I have nothing to say to you, keep living in your dream world.
And you to your own dream world, sweet dreams kemo savi ;)
Being delusion, is in the eye of the beholder ;) as Apu would say, come again :)
Being delusion, is in the eye of the beholder ;) as Apu would say, come again :)

for sure, it is in the eye of the beholder. One thing you need to learn is to be open to other peoples opinions, not everytime what you think is right. This lesson will go a long way for you in life. From your actions you seem to be a young person, so try to respect other people and dont jump onto them just because they are from a different nationality. We all love our respective countries but it does not mean we insult another.
My friend, I am quite sure I have never insulted anyone, for sure - indians love their country, as much as we love ours - but I do hope indian people don't assume some one is delusional if they have a difference of opinion.

That then brings a response, and then things can spiral out of control, I have nothing against indian people, my brother married a young Sikh girl from indian Punjab - so that negates anyone's opinion of me being anti-indian :)
Their location is their true worth, as the tehelka article I posted before states, this peak is the highest point in the area, it gives a commanding view of a vital national supply line for indian occupation forces, and therefore in times of conflict allow the PA to close and/or disrupt resupply of occupation troops.

As for your comment trying to dismiss this liberated area, it seems like sour grapes to me, india tried to retake this prized piece of real estate and failed miserably.

PA arty and the new long range MLRS's could make mince meat of convoys taking vital supplies up this road. :)

<fanboy>You can keep waiting on IA to show up along point 5333, while the rest of Pak is obliterated.</fanboy>

So again, exactly what are you fighting for?
karthic - do try to write in english, it is very tedious for me to decipher - what you are trying to say, I think you are validating what I have said, a) point 5353 is in Pakistan's possession. b) injuns desperately tried to get it back, before the ceasefire, but failed.

Thank you karthic, for admitting that we are in possession of this part of liberated Kashmir, I know it was not easy for you to admit this. :)

Beat it Kiddo...it was my mistake coming to argue with u in the first place..i stooped too low to reach u that my back is aching.

Fine be happy with the liberated Kashmir or liberated Papua New Guinea...:lol:
Beat it Kiddo...it was my mistake coming to argue with u in the first place..i stooped too low to reach u that my back is aching.

Fine be happy with the liberated Kashmir or liberated Papua New Guinea...:lol:

why are you calling him kiddo...your posts are full of nonsense.

please take a look at yourself first. :rolleyes:
My friend, I am quite sure I have never insulted anyone, for sure - indians love their country, as much as we love ours - but I do hope indian people don't assume some one is delusional if they have a difference of opinion.

That then brings a response, and then things can spiral out of control, I have nothing against indian people, my brother married a young Sikh girl from indian Punjab - so that negates anyone's opinion of me being anti-indian :)

its not about being Anti-Indian rafi, its about how receptive you are to facts and other peoples opinions. I have been to Pakistan myself and I am open to your opinion if you talk to me properly. When in one sentence you include words like Injun or other demeaning words, it totally cuts out your credibility. The Kargil war is a very complex thing, both sides can justify " Victory" in some way or the other but the facts are in front of us. It does not matter which peaks are held by whom but what was the state of the nations after the war ended. When you analyze a war, you need to answer one main question, did you achieve the goal you set out to achieve. I have worked in this industry for a long enough time to understand that victory in war is very subjective, almost everytime both sides can justify victory in some way or the other. Keeping all this in mind, Kargil was not a failure for Pakistan in terms of execution but in terms of planning. The strategic goal to cut up the road to Leh was not achieved nor was the goal to internationalize the Kashmir issue in good light. Yes your soldiers fought with a lot of bravery and courage but so did the Indian soldiers who faced many odds. Altogether cutting everything short, Kargil was a big mistake and hope such things are not repeated again, both of us are nuclear powers and any lapses from can result in a disaster.And Rafi control your emotions and indulge in meaningful conversations, most people on this forum are very nice so make friends not enemies.
But responses such as karthic and newman, don't encourage meaningful debate, I am tempted to give a withering response - but will refrain on this occassion from doing so.
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