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Point 5353 in Pakistan's control Drass sector

It's not a threat, I don't control Pakistan's policy, I'm just giving you my assessment of the Public opinion based on which the country's direction in the long run would be set up.
Nobody gives a rats a$$ about the Pakistani sentiment.

You have your one option from Pakistan. You don't like it, you can do something about it sure. But no one in Pakistan believes you really can attack Pakistan, but we're very motivated to keep attacking your soldiers in Kashmir to free Kashmir.

Just as we believe status quo will remain in Kashmir. We continue to wait for the day an assertive leadership asks Pakistan to return GB and AJK rather than pliantly listening to Pakistani rhetoric on Kashmir.
Btw, where exactly do you see Pakistan 10-20 years down the lane? I would appreciate an honest answer, considering what is going on in your country and your neighborhood, and its implications on other countries and their subsequent or even pre-emptive responses.
Some other thread may be.
Killing Indian soldiers is not terrorism. They are enemy combatant. By definition killing them is okay.

Of course, but its valid only when faced with another professional army. Not the bozos who you support. Consider yourselves lucky that those ak-47 toting bozos still enjoy human rights in India, while those making all the noise about human rights send in such brainwashed bozos to be killed!! How ironic, eh? What happened there, did the coinsack fall of?

GoI/IA should for all purposes suspend the human rights of any person who picks up a gun and wages war against GoI. To hell with 'concerns' of external parties! Then, lets talk.
Nobody gives a rats a$$ about the Pakistani sentiment.

Just as we believe status quo will remain in Kashmir. We continue to wait for the day an assertive leadership asks Pakistan to return GB and AJK rather than pliantly listening to Pakistani rhetoric on Kashmir.
I know that, and I appreciate finally an Indian manning up to the reality. So thats where this discussion took off from when I said its a good thing that we control a strategic hill from where we can probably launch another offensive in the future, we just got to wait till India slips up again.

You guys get too emotional over the simple truths.

its the highest in the vicinity not in the drass sector as per many sources. The highest point in this sector is point 131. Look at the fork through that i was talking about, in reality that fork cut right through the LOC and divides into Pakistan territory therefore it remain in a could zone in terms of ownership. Notice the difference between the LOC and the Indian LOC, they change every year.

OK but many Indian and neutral sources consider point 5353 to be an Indian post. Anyways I already know about this excuse from Indians. You can go with it if it satisfies you.

If they want to attack you, we'll support them. Basically an internal uprising is more likely to be effective than anything that Pakistan brings in from the outside. So its even better for the freedom struggle that Kashmiris kill Indian soldiers than for Pakistanis to kill Indian soldiers. Why should we stop doing something thats good?

Who is They? Why not get done with this once for all. You have a decent Army with nukes. For such a pious cause if you dont use them then what u r going to do with them. Why let Kashmiris bleed? You really dream this movement with proxies can win u kashmir. arent u just using them for ur good. If they win u gain if they dont still u didnt loose anything. Win - win situation all around
Of course, but its valid only when faced with another professional army. Not the bozos who you support. Consider yourselves lucky that those ak-47 toting bozos still enjoy human rights in India, while those making all the noise about human rights send in such brainwashed bozos to be killed!! How ironic, eh? What happened there, did the coinsack fall of?

GoI/IA should for all purposes suspend the human rights of any person who picks up a gun and wages war against GoI. To hell with 'concerns' of external parties! Then, lets talk.
Look, in essence, "India has opted to fight". We have given India the option to not fight. In fact we are the ones insisting on not fighting. We're the ones actually making the case for saving human lives by not fighting.

We are the ones who said look lets not fight and do a simple vote.

India said no. So we have to fight, after all the dispute is still there. There're only two ways to settle it. One peaceful, one violent. India has chosen violence.

Now that India has chosen to fight, Pakistan will choose how to fight. Once you choose to fight, you can't be picky and say "Okay Pakistan, only throw punches at me, not kicks". We'll beat you up, down, left right, however, thats up to us. Not you.
Another thread with Indians and Pakistanis spitting on one another without realizing they are spitting on themselves??

Iss hamaam mei hum sub nangay hain - lets put our point across with some dignity, please.
It's not a threat, I don't control Pakistan's policy, I'm just giving you my assessment of the Public opinion based on which the country's direction in the long run would be set up.

And I gave you my assessment of public opinion in India.
You have your one option from Pakistan. You don't like it, you can do something about it sure. But no one in Pakistan believes you really can attack Pakistan, but we're very motivated to keep attacking your soldiers in Kashmir to free Kashmir.

You still do not understand your enemy my friend..this same flawed thinking, that led to your strategic blunder of 65(which in turn led to 71) and 99.
You misjudge our passion for Kashmir.

On the other hand, I thought you were a firm believer of the fact.."that India was responsible for responsible for current crisis in Pakistan"

so are you changing your views "that India is not already attacking Pakistan"??:azn:
You're talking as if India was on the brink of holding UN administered plebiscite :D

India is the one that is continually committing an act of war by staying in Kashmir. Everything else from that point on - its fair game against India. The day India says, okay fine, we won't impose our tyranny upon the Kashmiris and we'll ask them "Do you want to be free or you want to be with India?" and let a UN team do the balloting, I'll be the first one to say "Stop killing Indian soldiers". Till then party on!

What do you want? Plebiscite or talks.

I have not heard the word "plebiscite" from the mouths of your leadership for a very long time.

If you really want plebiscite, then you should take out a morcha infront of the UN Assembly, instead ur politicians are begging India to resume high level dialogue.

What do you want to discuss in this dialogue? - On how to resolve Kashmir issue OR when is India going to hold a plebiscite?
Who is They? Why not get done with this once for all. You have a decent Army with nukes. For such a pious cause if you dont use them then what u r going to do with them. Why let Kashmiris bleed? You really dream this movement with proxies can win u kashmir. arent u just using them for ur good. If they win u gain if they dont still u didnt loose anything. Win - win situation all around
It's a sound strategy, get the Kashmiris to weaken your hold on Kashmir and then attack you full on.

Kashmiris have the advantage of fighting behind enemy lines.
Dont worry, we will progress slow but steadily. By following "Israeli" like policies of capturing it inch by inch, securing it and then moving forward will enable us to take entire siachun glacier by next 50-60 years.

Walllah ho ma'as sabireen.
Patience pays off.
Killing Indian soldiers is not terrorism. They are enemy combatant. By definition killing them is okay.

Indian soldiers represent the Indian state. Kill them and you are messing with India. Even as you are free to do as you choose to, you have to be prepared for the retribution.

Dont live in a comatose state where you think you can challenge the authority of India and still request an outdated referendum.
I know that, and I appreciate finally an Indian manning up to the reality. So thats where this discussion took off from when I said its a good thing that we control a strategic hill from where we can probably launch another offensive in the future, we just got to wait till India slips up again.

A strategic hill, bang on the actual LoC. How can anyone launch an offensive, the proportions of which have to be gigantic considering the presence of IA in the area and the logistics involved without getting noticed, is beyond me. Can you care to explain as to how are you going to pull it off, under the eyes of all those terrain mapping and weather satellites India has pointed at the region, let alone the high tech equipment being fielded in recent years?

Seriously, AA? I do wonder.
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