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  1. Sayyaf

    Pakistan and Israel

    if only all indians were like you! :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
  2. Sayyaf

    The Nuclear Battlefield - India vs Pakistan

    lol, and will the PA be sleeping at that time? I guess bollywood has gotten to your head! :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
  3. Sayyaf

    The World's Best Special Forces

    Sorry, but if you don't believe me then you can look all this up! As for SWAT, it was a successful operation, SSG has helped in eliminating TTP! Why else do you think TTP terrorists are using desperate tactics such as suicide bombings? Now the SSG went up against Soviets, and it should be...
  4. Sayyaf

    The Nuclear Battlefield - India vs Pakistan

    Lol, bro don't worry, if these indians want war then BRING it on! We Muslims have nothing to be afraid of, remember in history Muslims have given a lot of sacrifices! From the first crusade and the mongol invasions to the recent massacres of Gujrat, Muslims have been killed, but for us...
  5. Sayyaf

    The Nuclear Battlefield - India vs Pakistan

    PA? lol, why is it always about PA, you indians are a funny bunch! We don't need the PA, the Pakistani people themselves can deal with indian army! don't forget it wasn't the PA who captured 40% of Kashmir, it was regular ordinary Pakistani tribes who captured it, the PA entered the war later...
  6. Sayyaf

    Afghan MI-35 Live Fire

    Its a beautiful machine!
  7. Sayyaf

    Indian soldiers try to rape 17 year old girl in Kashmir

    Somebody try and rape my sister and i'll stuff a grenade down his throat! :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
  8. Sayyaf

    Indian soldiers try to rape 17 year old girl in Kashmir

    Seriously, i think Kashmir deserves freedom from such sick minded out of control freaks! [url= - Crowd Smearing Dirt On Indian Soldiers Faces[/url] :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
  9. Sayyaf

    Pakistan and Israel

    whoa, if only those Arabs were here to see how good you indians are at turning against your own friends! :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
  10. Sayyaf

    Pakistan and Israel

    lol, we're 100% sure! Unlike you indians we don't make idiotic silly threats! When we say something, we mean it, and we keep our promise! If israel dares to do something to Pakistan we'll make a bad example of that country, and of course you indans can join your friend israel if you want...
  11. Sayyaf

    Pakistan and Israel

    hmm, finally a indian exposes his true nature! :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
  12. Sayyaf

    Once we were kings

  13. Sayyaf

    The World's Best Special Forces

    SSG fought covert wars against the soviets in Afghanistan! SSG effectively rescued hostages in the GHQ attack! SSG has been successful in SWAT and Waziristan as well! SSG also cleared the Holy Kaaba of militants! SSG also trains special forces of other nations as well! To say we have no...
  14. Sayyaf

    Arab intellectual on Arabs

    Yep, Tipu Sultan, a legendary hero and Mujahid, the first Muslim general who struck terror into the undefeated british army and defeated them twice! I heard that even after his martyrdom the british feared he was still alive, and they refused to go near his body! MashaAllah, indeed we Muslims...
  15. Sayyaf

    The Nuclear Battlefield - India vs Pakistan

    lol, you make it sound as if its nothing, in real life i'd like to see your army do that! Indian army doesn't stand a chance on Pakistani soil!
  16. Sayyaf

    Aman Ki Asha: The Indo-Pak Peace project

    lol, not only surgical strikes but threats of "limited" nuclear war as well! :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
  17. Sayyaf

    The Nuclear Battlefield - India vs Pakistan

    lol, don't fantasize too much, it isn't good for your health! BTW this reminds me how the indian general during the 1965 war fantasized about capturing Lahore and having breakfast there, but the next day all his forces were pounded by PAF, so the indians withdrew! And we ordinary Pakistanis...
  18. Sayyaf

    CIA bomber in video with Hakeemullah Mehsud

    what assistance? oh you mean when you guys withdrew your posts from the Afghan side of the border when Pakistan army launched its operation against TTP in South Waziristan? Thanks a lot because of your assistance TTP leadership escaped across the border! :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
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