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  1. Dance

    Karzai makes mockery of trilateral summit by attacking Pakistan

    You know you're a joke when even Zardari seems professional compared to you. Only Afghans themselves are to blame for the pathetic condition of their country.
  2. Dance

    Afghanistan fire 25 mortar shells in Pakistan: Officials.

    We know that the mayor of Kabul is a joke, but at least have enough guts to accuse these "foreign countries" to their face. Afghanistan has been a threat to Pakistan and world peace for decades now.
  3. Dance

    Jihadis flock to Pakistan from more diverse backgrounds

    I agree. I mean Pakistan's current president and former Prime Minister are big feudal lords in their respective areas. It can't get any worse then that. As Karan pointed out, Pakistan needs a major Land reform process to sort that out. Also law and order needs to be changed so that the...
  4. Dance

    Two PAF personnel shot dead in gawadar

    I haven't seen news about that, but BLA did gun down people from Punjab today: Four gunned down in Balochistan – The Express Tribune
  5. Dance

    Jihadis flock to Pakistan from more diverse backgrounds

    Pakistan does have an issue with feudalism, especially in the rural parts. There is a slow change taking place in regards to feudalism (read about the Shahzeb Khan case to get a good understanding). Twenty years ago feudal lords could get away with almost anything, but thanks to the media and...
  6. Dance

    Two PAF personnel shot dead in gawadar

    Can you post the link to this news?
  7. Dance

    Jihadis flock to Pakistan from more diverse backgrounds

    Can you explain what you mean?
  8. Dance

    Jihadis flock to Pakistan from more diverse backgrounds

    Yeah I don't know why Indians keep saying this, when no Pakistani says that. Saying Pakistan is the "thekedaar of Islam" is like saying India is a superpower or is shining. Both are based on delusions lol
  9. Dance

    Jihadis flock to Pakistan from more diverse backgrounds

    I've only heard Indians say this. I'm glad you guys think so highly of us ;)
  10. Dance

    WHO: Pakistan On Track to Eradicate Polio This Year

    I hope so. There's no reason for anyone to have this disease when it can be easily prevented
  11. Dance

    India will suffer for what it did in Kashmir: Arundhati

    I agree with the statement above. But next time someone like Asma Jahangir or Tarek Fateh go on a rant, I hope Indians will remember what you have said above too.
  12. Dance

    Jihadis flock to Pakistan from more diverse backgrounds

    Why don't these people do jihad in their own country? The Pakistani government needs to wake up and start keeping track foreign nationals in the country (Especially Uzbecks and central Asians)
  13. Dance

    India will suffer for what it did in Kashmir: Arundhati

    Well to majority of Pakistanis are going to like them for now, regardless of the motives. Just like Indians like people Asma Jahangir, Raza Rumi, Najam Seti, etc. Whereas a lot of Pakistanis don't
  14. Dance

    King of Victimhood: Shah Rukh Khan bites the hand that fed him

    Typical case of bad journalism What do India's neighboring countries have to do with the third class status of Muslims in India?
  15. Dance

    India will suffer for what it did in Kashmir: Arundhati

    Finally more and more people in India are talking sense Arundhati, Shinde
  16. Dance

    Afghanistan look to Pakistan for growth

    Sorry but why are we helping them?
  17. Dance

    Pakistani Ambassador to USA Sherry Rehman to be charged with Blasphemy

    She was charged with it but that doesn't mean the judge will convict her. This case will most likely be thrown out
  18. Dance

    Musharraf Turns An Indian Anchor Into An Epic Goof.

    I finally got around to watching the interview and Musharraf was a boss! That anchor was such a joker, glad he got owned
  19. Dance

    PCB bars players from Bangladesh T20 league

    simple thing is that BCB should not have promised things they couldn't keep. PCB may not be the best, but they were the ones right in this situation and and are justified in not sending their players
  20. Dance

    The Bara sit in/protest at the Peshawar Governor House

    Because ANP has the governmental powers in that province to call the police. Governor post is mainly just ceremonial, CM has the power. so it's very likely that ANP called the police on these protestors. If you would have read I said I support the culprits need to be punished but there needs...
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