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    Cultural exchanges improve friendship between Pak, China

    Cultural exchanges improve friendship between Pak, China - People's Daily Online May 15, 2010 A new chapter has been added in the Pakistan-China all weather friendship when prestigious university students and faculty members embarked on Friday on a visit to Pakistan to strengthen cooperative...
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    China tops in 2010 QS Asian University Rankings

    Asian university rankings - top 200 | Top Universities
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    China tops in 2010 QS Asian University Rankings

    HongKong University will be a pretty good choice. language will not be a problem. Hong Kong University tops Asian University rankings | Asian Correspondent
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    Mumbai struggles to catch up with Shanghai

    May i proudly present you on behalf of Indian's PM, Mr, Manmohan Singh, "Mumbai", the "new Shanghai 2010", :cheers: "In 5 years time, people will forget about Shanghai, Mumbai will be the talking point" India PM finally fulfill his "Dream" :cheers:
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    Mumbai struggles to catch up with Shanghai

    HaHaHa, well said bro, but i doubt those .... ...millionare will ever understood the meaning of "save the children" in India, not existed in their dictionary. Btw, you are going to India in August, make sure bring along yourself some change, you know thats the only way to get off those...
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    Exclusive-India's Future Main Battle Tank (FMBT)

    In my humble opinion, it will be a much more convincing topic like ; "Exclusive-India's Future Main Battle Rifle" instead of some "Star War science fiction" topic of "Future Main Battle Tank" One step at a time will be more appropriate.:cheers: Saddled with Insas, Army wants new AK-47s - India...
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    Mumbai struggles to catch up with Shanghai

    "fly over the cuckoo's nest" goodbye
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    Mumbai struggles to catch up with Shanghai

    You know exactly whats your PM meant, but you are playing games of wording....feel free to enjoy yourself.:cheers:
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    Mumbai struggles to catch up with Shanghai

    people think of the great changes that have come about in Shanghai. I share this aspiration to transform Mumbai in the next five years in such a manner that people would forget about Shanghai and Mumbai will become a talking point," Come on pal.....
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    Mumbai struggles to catch up with Shanghai

    Ok, now everybody which including me, kindly "Stop Trolling" and get back to the topic, So whats my Indian friends on your PM's chest-pumping speech back in 2004 ? you believe him at that time ? Now in 2010, it proved to be a bounce "Check" regarding his "Promise" what do you think ? angry...
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    Mumbai struggles to catch up with Shanghai

    Bro, i give up , i feel like i am in the middle of a mental hospital.
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    Mumbai struggles to catch up with Shanghai

    Don't feel too bad, my friend, it happen, its not too late to edit your post. Checks Unlimited Offers Personal Checks and Business Checks Online.
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    Mumbai struggles to catch up with Shanghai

    So, you got a problem with my source ? it ain't true ? or i am getting a natural response from someone due to embarrassment ?:cheers:
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    Mumbai struggles to catch up with Shanghai

    Bro, after a serious research on the problem of why Mumbai will never be the next Shanghai, and also why they are in extreme poverty. Its because of this, Indians should focus more on their persnal hygiene sanitation problems blunt their nation's growth, shooking indeed. India Failing to...
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    Mumbai struggles to catch up with Shanghai

    Please give me a break, you will be like fighting a losing battle when trying your best to compare China with India, you know very well what type of a ... hole you live in, i could bring up tons of you embarrass data on the table, now first solve your sanitation crisis and then comback and talk...
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    Mumbai struggles to catch up with Shanghai

    So, thats mean your PM is a "Big Time Fan Boy" regarding his idiotic claim of Mumbai will be the next Shanghai ? shame. Oh, check this out, India is no angel either, poor kids:cry: Delhi's Commonwealth Games slave labour shame | Herald Sun
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    Mumbai struggles to catch up with Shanghai

    Here come the "New Shanghai"=Mumbai. Congrate
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    Mumbai struggles to catch up with Shanghai

    I need some help here, looking for a few updated pictures of Mumbai that will be compared to Shanghai of today, all i able to find is something like poverty.
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    Mumbai struggles to catch up with Shanghai

    First, stop trolling, second, kindly take a good English class. Thanks.
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