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  1. King123

    Ahmadinejad again passes remarks on Holocaust, 9/11

    Don't be offended mate. Many people say many things. But it doesn't mean it's truth or it makes any difference. Try to ignore such things. Those who matters, don't say such things. There are billions of human beings on earth, who really cares. There are millions of Indians who support Israel...
  2. King123

    Ahmadinejad again passes remarks on Holocaust, 9/11

    If supporting Israel is Crime, Then Ahmadinejad is doing 100 times bigger crime by supporting Assad family who killed 1,00,000+ of own people. Ask any person from Saudi Arabia or Turkey.
  3. King123

    Ahmadinejad again passes remarks on Holocaust, 9/11

    Start a thread, I will post how He Killed 1,00,00 Sunni Muslim. Forget about plenty, There is very few who do for money. Start, I will post all news from Middle-east country only. A Person Ahmadinejad who supports Assad Father-Son duo for killing of 1,00,000+, Don't have right to say such...
  4. King123

    Ahmadinejad again passes remarks on Holocaust, 9/11

    So, You want to say whole country supports ? Yes, 30% population. Many people might know, But i am aware of what's happening there. So, don't say such things. It's easy to know. Assad's killing machine operates nonstop as protesters blast Russia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hama_massacre
  5. King123

    Ahmadinejad again passes remarks on Holocaust, 9/11

    He is the person who supports assad blindly.Sorry, Dr. Assad. He even denies he is killing Syrian people.
  6. King123

    Ahmadinejad again passes remarks on Holocaust, 9/11

    Let us assume, Tomorrow, There is war between Syria and Turkey. Iran will obviously support asad. Many people dies in war. But Asad Kills many Sunnis by holocaust. He is already killing many. What we will remember in History ? How many Turk died or Syrian died ? We will remember, How many...
  7. King123

    Ahmadinejad again passes remarks on Holocaust, 9/11

    Yes, we should value every human being. Even Millions of Germans also died. There is difference between dying in war fighting for the country and Killing everyone for specific religion with worst kind of genocide in History.
  8. King123

    Ahmadinejad again passes remarks on Holocaust, 9/11

    Russia population was not even 27 Million 70 years back. Even if 54 Million, Means half population died ? I don't think, you read the history. if you are sure, prove it !!
  9. King123

    Ahmadinejad again passes remarks on Holocaust, 9/11

    Jew Holocaust was the biggest tragedy and genocide in last century. One should not say such things or even compare. Even those who says about Palestine, it was not even 1% what happened in Europe against Jews. It's ridiculous and very offensive when people discuss and even say it didn't...
  10. King123

    US will forget Vietnam if it attacks 'FATA'

    People are getting over-confidence. They just want to feel good by saying nothing will happen. The day, When US will attack, All will look very easy and will be over sooner than later. US don't have intention to invade Pakistan whereas Vietnam, they wanted to invade. It's different. In...
  11. King123

    Sikh leader under threat in Pakistan

    In Godhra 100 Hindus were burn alive and in retaliation few angry people started riot. 1,000 people died including many Hindus too. In Gujarat, Total Muslims are 10% means 6 Million. If it was government sponsored why only few hundred died and not few million ? In last 10 years, Not a small riot...
  12. King123

    ICA orders India to stop work on Kishan Ganga Dam

    So much of water are wasted. Right now, It's flood in Pakistan. Why they didn't build few dams to store water ?? On one side, Pakistan don't store water. What we will do ? We also need electricity. We need to complete our mission of 100% electricity in India by 2020. But first, I will wait...
  13. King123

    ICA orders India to stop work on Kishan Ganga Dam

    India should scrap the indus river treaty. New treaty should come. Only India is following and few of our neighbours are not following. Dam will be build no matter what, May be some modification if news is correct. We can always present correct info in next hearing and things will continue as...
  14. King123

    how to defend against a possible US invasion of Pakistan ?

    I heard this many times. 50% Insurgencies are no more left. Many surrendered. 50% are located in very small areas. So, that is never big concern. We know how to control. It will never happen because our basic stricture of country was created for Unity. Also, No matter How corrupt our leaders are...
  15. King123

    Sachin scared of me, says Shoaib Akhtar in his biography

    Shoaib was a problem and remains a problem: Akram - The Times of India Butt terms Akhtar’s claims as “bullshit”
  16. King123

    Delhi: Quran exhibition called off after protests

    I see many Pakistani people in Indian flag on daily basis. IP check is very much needed. Few Pakistani find some Hindu name, Make a ID, set location US, Canada, UK and pretend as Indian. I reported for 3 such members today.
  17. King123

    Shoaib was a problem and remains a problem: Akram

    Butt terms Akhtar’s claims as “bullshit” Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) chairman Ijaz Butt has hit back at Shoaib Akhtar’s claims in his autobiography, terming them as “bullshit” and threatening legal action. The book “Controversially Yours&#8221...
  18. King123

    Fresh atrocities on Hindu families in Bangladesh - A Shame on Bangladesh

    You don't compare India with Bangladesh. We are 100 times better. Nothing happening in India. 1-2 incident in decade, That's it. In India, A Christian is strongest leader of South Asia. A Christian is defence minister. No Indian leaves India, Indeed, Muslim population has increased 4% since...
  19. King123

    Muslim U.S. Students Convicted Of Disrupting Speech

    See who is talking :lol: A country who was taking help of US since 1947. :lol: Only relation become very bad for last few years.
  20. King123

    Fresh atrocities on Hindu families in Bangladesh - A Shame on Bangladesh

    This is not 1st incident that happened. It happening on daily basis. Why such things happens on first place ? See, the link and read all, Its from Bangladesh. Indian media never cover such things. There should be some solution rather than ignoring the main problem.
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