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Ahmadinejad again passes remarks on Holocaust, 9/11

Jew Holocaust was the biggest tragedy and genocide in last century. One should not say such things or even compare.

Even those who says about Palestine, it was not even 1% what happened in Europe against Jews. It's ridiculous and very offensive when people discuss and even say it didn't happened or post such things.
You are kidding !!!? Are you sure im shocked! Im most surprised at this!

Nai yaar. I heard he is an incredible indian lecturer in uk uni bournmouth. You guys should show more respect to your elders

Didn't I say so ?

No you smarties go play with VKVM aka false flag aka grass eater aka the future prime minister.

For all I know even one of two might be the "ghostly" VKVM :azn:
Jew Holocaust was the biggest tragedy and genocide in last century. One should not say such things or even compare.

Even those who says about Palestine, it was not even 1% what happened in Europe against Jews. It's ridiculous and very offensive when people discuss and even say it didn't happened or post such things.

27 million death russians ? Millions of Asians killed by Japan Blood thirsty conquest ? what the Italians did in Africa ? 60 million death in ww2 yet the Holocaust is more important then all of that.
Listen Nirreich I will say I don't hate jews or diminish the holocaust, In Europe it's a crime to talk of the holocaust and you will be put in jail, however your free to speak on the 27 million dead Russians killed by Hitler.

Russia population was not even 27 Million 70 years back. Even if 54 Million, Means half population died ? I don't think, you read the history. if you are sure, prove it !!
Didn't I say so ?

No you smarties go play with VKVM aka false flag aka grass eater aka the future prime minister.

For all I know even one of two might be the "ghostly" VKVM :azn:

well done mate you sussed me its me venkat. No but seriously yaar show some respect for your elders just in case hes indian.
Russia population was not even 27 Million 70 years back. Even if 54 Million, Means half population died ? I don't think, you read the history.

I suggest you read a history book, the Russian Population was around 170-210 million, the russians relased by KGB and Western historians state that they Lost 27-30 million at max.
Russia population was not even 27 Million 70 years back. Even if 54 Million, Means half population died ? I don't think, you read the history. if you are sure, prove it !!

so the point he makes is still valid millions of russians died too and we should value even 1 life be it russian jewish or even palestinian. So stop nit picking
Bit quite Nirreich mate. Ahmadinejad has as much right to tak crap as Netanyahoo
so the point he makes is still valid millions of russians died too and we should value even 1 life be it russian jewish or even palestinian. So stop nit picking

Yes, we should value every human being.

Even Millions of Germans also died.

There is difference between dying in war fighting for the country and Killing everyone for specific religion with worst kind of genocide in History.
Dr. Ahmadinejad despite who's opinion has the right to speak and stop comparing Dr. Ahmadinejad to Hitler, first off Dr. Ahmadinejad said he respect Jews, Second Dr. Ahmadinejad isn't even in control of the Military it's the supreme leader who is.

---------- Post added at 05:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:18 PM ----------

Yes, we should value every human being.

Even Millions of Germans also died.

There is difference between dying in war fighting for the country and Killing everyone for specific religion with worst kind of genocide in History.

My point is that why is the holocaust more important then any of the other things in WW2, I bow my head to the people who died in WW2 including the Jews.
I can see that you all comfortably ignore the obvious.

The Holocaust was the biggest atrocity in history not because the largest number of people were massacred (although 6 million, a third of the Jewish people, is a huge number). It is the worst atrocity because it was planned to details and was industrialised - the Nazi regime established a death industry in order to eliminate all the Jews from the face of the earth.

The Nazis massacred other ethnic groups and nationals but not in a systematic way in order to eliminate them completely just because they were born Jewish - men, women and children.

Although the Nazis treated the Slavic nations as inferior they did not plan to exterminate them like bugs in a similar approach to their treatment to the Jews. The wanted the Slavs to be their slaves in the new German Empire.

In this thread all I can smell is hatred and hypocrisy by a bunch of Holocaust deniers. And the odour you all spread is disgusting.

That is because common humanity, educated thought or any self respect is void in them. You can disagree politically on any and everything- but to deny the holocaust only shows lack of upbringing. In India they call the "ghatiya log"... In english " uncouth"
I can see that you all comfortably ignore the obvious.

The Holocaust was the biggest atrocity in history not because the largest number of people were massacred (although 6 million, a third of the Jewish people, is a huge number). It is the worst atrocity because it was planned to details and was industrialised - the Nazi regime established a death industry in order to eliminate all the Jews from the face of the earth.

The Nazis massacred other ethnic groups and nationals but not in a systematic way in order to eliminate them completely just because they were born Jewish - men, women and children.

Although the Nazis treated the Slavic nations as inferior they did not plan to exterminate them like bugs in a similar approach to their treatment to the Jews. The wanted the Slavs to be their slaves in the new German Empire.


NO hitler hated the slavs and communism thats why he continued to fight on even when they were losing at Stalingrad, russia at the time had a population 170-220 , his troops could have won but they slaughtered all the slavs now if they considered the slavs inferior and THEY were going to wipe them out what do you think they would have did to the Non-Slavs that lived in Russia ?>
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