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  1. Determined Tiger

    India and Vietnam co-operation in SCS

    That apply the same to you!!! Who you think you are to come up to such illiterate language!!!??? Your vietnamese must watch at yourself before blaming on others "rude" or something bad......there is nobody but YOU!!!:angry:
  2. Determined Tiger

    Proudly South Korea & USA Alliance - “Sex Among Allies.”

    So what is the point here???? After being pushed hard to pissed off you now intent to drive the attention of people to another story???? You want to talk with me about the size??? Who the hell care what the SIZE you have???? All people could easy to know is your korean are little arrogant punks...
  3. Determined Tiger

    Proudly South Korea & USA Alliance - “Sex Among Allies.”

    Why bragging others down every time you are going to nut???? Where was your overconfident with aggressive attitude as you used to treat to others in China-bashing threads???? You are totally pissed off, looser.....YOU can't deny the truth!!! Truth hurt and you have to ADMIT it!!!! Let's make...
  4. Determined Tiger

    Proudly South Korea & USA Alliance - “Sex Among Allies.”

    Right, typical korean mentality......you also claim Jesus is korean and the whole universe was created by korean isn't it!!!??? where was the Washington, I though he is a korean either, or Allah as you used to claim Muslim was invented by your korean.....the incident had proved according to your...
  5. Determined Tiger

    Proudly South Korea & USA Alliance - “Sex Among Allies.”

    Prostitution Thrives with U.S. Military Presence With the presence of U.S. soldiers, flesh trade is flourishing near the Camp Stanley Camptown close to Seoul. Since 1945, U.S. troops have been stationed in the Korean peninsula, with their current strength estimated to be 28,500. The...
  6. Determined Tiger

    Philippines, U.S. stage war games in face of China warning

    humn...what a way of speaking of invaders!!! from that you shameless must never turn back and blame at us hoe we fight against your yuon people in our southeast borders during those days. Your youn are greedy and selfish, you never give up your dream of assimilate and "swallow' our Khmer...
  7. Determined Tiger

    Philippines, U.S. stage war games in face of China warning

    many viets clownish trolls nowadays still think their viertnam is powerful and could stand to against any invaders by themselves, vietnamese....but they are obvious the product of their failed education system and brainwashed machines under that ungrateful viet cong government. vietnam is...
  8. Determined Tiger

    Proudly South Korea & USA Alliance - “Sex Among Allies.”

    Ex-Prostitutes Say South Korea and U.S. Enabled Sex Trade Near Bases SEOUL, South Korea — South Korea has railed for years against the Japanese government’s waffling over how much responsibility it bears for one of the ugliest chapters in its wartime history: the enslavement of women from...
  9. Determined Tiger

    IIT-Bombay to set up campus in New York

    here I see indian anywhere...and they "keep" helping those people coming in more and more! I feel like this nation is gonna dominated by indian under the very please of the locals!!! one day the indian will never talk to you with their eyes on contact with you but up to the sky with their...
  10. Determined Tiger

    Korea and Japan to sign an military information sharing agreement next mont

    well, they can say with their ROK army forces this time they con humiliate the whole Chinese population around the World and push those people to non-existed anymore. I have heard this kind of threaten so many times from the yuon-viets since I know to too little about their language...
  11. Determined Tiger

    Vietnam provocation and what should China reaction?

    Frustrated crying boy!!! Did I hit your nerve so roughly???
  12. Determined Tiger

    Vietnam provocation and what should China reaction?

    Those viets and indian and korean and russian trolls here laughing on Chinese???? Have you ever look back at yourself thru mirror to see how better you are??? Commie viets are now stuck up with those korean and idian criticizing China about "human rights" and "democracy"??? russian...
  13. Determined Tiger

    Bo Xilai had 100 mistresses, accumulated $160 million using his power

    You've forgotten to check back at yourself!!!
  14. Determined Tiger

    Gazprom-Vietnam: All Hands on Deck in South China Sea

    So what is the problem here??? vietnam government lets foreigners sucking vietnam's own national resources right in vietnamese sovereignty, what you guys expect China to say??? Even Russian oil companies are doing the same in the China territories under the Chinese permission!!!??? if the viets...
  15. Determined Tiger

    An Insecure America Scapegoats China

    A new year brings new opportunities for harsh rhetoric toward China. On issues ranging from Beijing’s valuation of its currency to China’s military modernization program, to the PRC’s expansive territorial claims in the South China Sea, critics in the United States are voicing shrill complaints...
  16. Determined Tiger

    Korean shipyard to repair US warships at one of its sites in Philippines

    When YOURS greater south korea coastguards take patrolling in China sea territories!? As I know you already put their citizen in jail without any damn care, what you gonna do next....sinking Chinese civilian ships and militarily fleets??? humiliate 1.3 billion Chinese and make China your...
  17. Determined Tiger

    Memorial for Vietnamese martyrs held on Truong Sa islands

    Where is the memories for the Chinese soldiers who sacrifice their life to protect their country sovereignty in SCS??? Where is the memories for Khmer soldiers and Cambodian got killed by vietnamese during the vietnamese invasion of Cambodia??? Where is the memories for Orange Agents victims...
  18. Determined Tiger

    SKorea Says New Cruise Missiles A Warning To North

    Just like how they cut your viet cong heads during vietnam war and your viets were jumping up and down angrily but couldn't do jack about south korean anti-communist "heroes".... or even right today many viet low skills workers and viet women brides in south korean got beaten or...
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