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Gazprom-Vietnam: All Hands on Deck in South China Sea

You people are making China's already over-working 'Warning Ministrie's' work miserable... poor ministry people... how many warning a day one ministry can produce... :cry: :blah:
You people are making China's already over-working 'Warning Ministrie's' work miserable... poor ministry people... how many warning a day one ministry can produce... :cry: :blah:

That's just their work, not ours.
As long as we don't violate their territory.
If we accept their claims of whole the East Sea (south china sea), one day they will claim northern Vietnam. The chinese are so.
China cant dare touch Gazprom , that too in Vietnam's EEZ , nice move on part of Vietnam to associate with Russians !
You people are making China's already over-working 'Warning Ministrie's' work miserable... poor ministry people... how many warning a day one ministry can produce... :cry: :blah:

Warning is cheap..cost us nothing :D but other will have heart beating hard...and search for protector...for India case..we have sacred them to hell then they just boost them to become #1 arm importer to overcome the trauma...LMAO

That's just their work, not ours.
As long as we don't violate their territory.
If we accept their claims of whole the East Sea (south china sea), one day they will claim northern Vietnam. The chinese are so.

Dont worry...it's soon or later...just matter of time...you Vietname never escape China's gravity :lol:

China cant dare touch Gazprom , that too in Vietnam's EEZ , nice move on part of Vietnam to associate with Russians !

Trying to stir up China-Russia :fie:...you Indian just too weak to play this game...China and Russia are playing Sea war game now in yellow sea...you think you can't change anything on Sino-Russia relation???

Russia got what they want from China...we got what we want from Russia...it's call win-win...as I said India is just a piece of Chess ...never be a gamer.
Dont worry...it's soon or later...just matter of time...you Vietname never escape China's gravity :lol:
Well we don't oppose "china's attraction" (not china's gravity) if it brings development benefits to us, but we will kick your as$ as usual if you dare to invade our sovereignty.

Trying to stir up China-Russia :fie:...you Indian just too weak to play this game...China and Russia are playing Sea war game now in yellow sea...you think you can't change anything on Sino-Russia relation???

Russia got what they want from China...we got what we want from Russia...it's call win-win...as I said India is just a piece of Chess ...never be a gamer.

Is not It one of the return signals of the Asia-Pacific region of Russia?

Before Gazprom, some Russian companies operating in Vietnam since long, such as Zarubezhneft with joint ventures VietSovPetro (from 1981), TNK-BP... Vietnam has learnt plenty of experience from the Russian companies.
So what is the problem here??? vietnam government lets foreigners sucking vietnam's own national resources right in vietnamese sovereignty, what you guys expect China to say??? Even Russian oil companies are doing the same in the China territories under the Chinese permission!!!???

if the viets and those stuck-up blatant indian boys dare to push their nose in the China's claims territories....THEN that would be the BIG problem!!! I dare your viets and indian sail your shining boats to go deep into to the Chinese sovereignty such as Hainan or something...and you will see the CONSEQUENCES!!!

p.s: those ignorant locals viets with giant-ego are always seeking for dirty tricks to provoke China and trouble up the region peaceful environment!!!

Suck, we look down on your guys, vietnam!!! :tdown::frown::confused:
So what is the problem here??? vietnam government lets foreigners sucking vietnam's own national resources right in vietnamese sovereignty, what you guys expect China to say??? Even Russian oil companies are doing the same in the China territories under the Chinese permission!!!???

if the viets and those stuck-up blatant indian boys dare to push their nose in the China's claims territories....THEN that would be the BIG problem!!! I dare your viets and indian sail your shining boats to go deep into to the Chinese sovereignty such as Hainan or something...and you will see the CONSEQUENCES!!!

p.s: those ignorant locals viets with giant-ego are always seeking for dirty tricks to provoke China and trouble up the region peaceful environment!!!

Suck, we look down on your guys, vietnam!!! :tdown::frown::confused:

one more cheerleader in the making.. :woot:
if the viets and those stuck-up blatant indian boys dare to push their nose in the China's claims territories....THEN that would be the BIG problem!!! I dare your viets and indian sail your shining boats to go deep into to the Chinese sovereignty such as Hainan or something...and you will see the CONSEQUENCES!!!

Is there any rich oilfield near Hainan isl ?? and we'd better sink China's ship in Mallacca than roamming around this ugly area:coffee:
So what is the problem here??? vietnam government lets foreigners sucking vietnam's own national resources right in vietnamese sovereignty, what you guys expect China to say??? Even Russian oil companies are doing the same in the China territories under the Chinese permission!!!???

if the viets and those stuck-up blatant indian boys dare to push their nose in the China's claims territories....THEN that would be the BIG problem!!! I dare your viets and indian sail your shining boats to go deep into to the Chinese sovereignty such as Hainan or something...and you will see the CONSEQUENCES!!!

p.s: those ignorant locals viets with giant-ego are always seeking for dirty tricks to provoke China and trouble up the region peaceful environment!!!

Suck, we look down on your guys, vietnam!!! :tdown::frown::confused:

Who are you, your flag doesnt says you are chinese, nor viet nor indian, why are you poking your nose, are you paid for this. Looks like Chinese Warning department has outsourced the job.
Who are you, your flag doesnt says you are chinese, nor viet nor indian, why are you poking your nose, are you paid for this. Looks like Chinese Warning department has outsourced the job.


This guy is a remnant of the khmer rouge, who are close allies of china. He still regrets the heyday of the Khmer Rouge regime, with the auspices of the chinese boss of them...
Just like how China been arming Pakistan.

India should do the same and give VN plenty of BhaMos supersonic missiles and later on give them Agni 5 missiles to deter China threat.
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