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Korean navy building a $6 billion dedicated Anti-China naval fleet by 2016

Without US protection/DPRK involved(presumably, I know it is quite unrealistical), ROK can't even stand a round of SRBM attack.
That is what the AMD-CELL anti-ballistic missiles system is for.

though SM-3 and Aegis is good, thoese systems stand no chance in front of thousands of SRBMs(moreover, without US involved, where do you get data?)
The ROK is not buying the SM-3 or PAC-3. Instead, KM-SAM-ER will enter production by 2016 to fill the gap until the KL-SAM becomes ready in 2020. KM-SAM-ER is an upgraded version of KM-SAM with the flight ceiling doubled to 40 km and the speed increased to Mach 8, enough to engage Scuds.
Hello to our korean friends.
also you cannot take china on all by yourself. you will need help.
$6 billion for Anti-China naval fleet i think its 2 much ................
Hope the $6 billion lasts longer than the Cheonan.

As we all know, SK Navy is easy to sink.

donga.com[English donga]

This fleet would be the second front-line battle fleet for Korean Navy. The first one is larger but is more strategic, while this new fleet will operate only in the Yellow and East China Sea to counter PLA Navy and be based in Jeju Island facing China.


The first fleet(aka Strike Fleet). Take out the LHDs from the pics and you have this second fleet.
If we stop doing business with South Korea, they'll have millions of people out of job. So what's the navy for?
Apart from US : Australia , Japan , Norway , Spain and now South Korea having the AEGIS combat systems ... good going Korea !!
Apart from US : Australia , Japan , Norway , Spain and now South Korea having the AEGIS combat systems ... good going Korea !!

India can have some also. When is India going to allow US to station troops there. Just like South Korea?
The combined navy fleet of Japan, South Korea and India are enough to defeat China, if done simultaneously!
India can have some also. When is India going to allow US to station troops there. Just like South Korea?
India is never going to allow US troops on it's soil; It has always maintained an independent foreign policy....
Stationing american troops will defeat the purpose of having it...
Additionally India does not require any foreign military assistance presently, It is enough to defend or deter an enemy in case of a hostile situation........
however having AEGIS in Kolkata class is being considered...

$6 billion for Anti-China naval fleet i think its 2 much ................
Actually , $ 6 billion is nothing on the massive fleet China has....
They may not have big Aircraft Carriers and LHD's, but they do have small ones in huge numbers like the hundreds of missile boats, which can inflict lasting damage to any opposition effectively, and the 50 or so frigates and destroyers which are an effective defense too
China until recentley was not the hegemon of Eastern Asia thus didn't require big ships which have an offensive role...

Yeah that's going to delay the complete decimation of this vassal state by approximately 20 mins. Your purchasing and production capability is peanuts compare to PLA.

In fact, the hyper power of the galaxy can't last 5 days if China raise an economic sanction.
Dude research before you post......approximately 42% of all shipbuilding in the world occurs in South Korea
They have some of the largest shipyards in the world....
but they do have small ones in huge numbers like the hundreds of missile boats, which can inflict lasting damage to any opposition effectively, and the 50 or so frigates and destroyers which are an effective defense too
The ROK navy does not plan a fleet to fleet combat in the Yellow Sea. Any hypothetical naval war would be an anti-ship missile shoot out launched from the mainlands of both countries. The Chinese fleet must survive the rain of anti-ship missiles launched from the Korean side plus torpedos, and the Korean fleet also must survive the the rain of anti-ship missiles launched from the Chinese side plus torpedos. Basically no carrier fleet can survive in the Yellow Sea, so all battles will have to be fought at the opening of the Yellow Sea. The winning side would essentially be carrying out a naval blockade against the other.

The fleets are actually for peace time, to assert one's sovereignty over any given maritime territory.
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