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  1. Speeder 2

    Pro-US/Japan, Anti-China/NK candidate wins Korean presidential election

    Genetically speaking ( i.e. at Y chromosome level), about 26% of “average” Japanese are of Han Chinese origin, 25% of Korean origin, the rest 49% is made of more than dozens of much smaller sub races/tribes (e.g. Ainu – a Mongoloid sub race instead of Caucasoid one that is...
  2. Speeder 2

    China launches Turkish satellite

    Simples! It's because China's Long March series rockets have THE best launching quality(reliability) in the world, while India's has THE worst. It shows once again when comes to sth that really matters, Made-in-China high tech is world-class. :china:
  3. Speeder 2

    Manufacturing Details Stall Franco-Indian MMCRA Negotiations

    Those ToTs mean exclusively assembling non-essential parts and paint jobs, you know it. I mentioned LCA and Mig example. Acutally it's an insult to mig-21. Soviet at its hey days built mig-21, which is still a living legend, a headache even for the US at a time. Are you seriously think...
  4. Speeder 2

    Manufacturing Details Stall Franco-Indian MMCRA Negotiations

    As I expected, India has always suffered from the illusion that it can while it can not, by a long shot. Aviation industry is the crown jewel of entire modern industries, achievements of scientific research in all major areas along with massive underlying modern infras and capability of human...
  5. Speeder 2

    PLAAF - What is best fighter in service now and in future?

    That "j-10 is derived from Lavi" is one of the most absurd claims of fanboys/laymen of all time: Successful (due to successful aerodynamic design) canards in modern history: Euro canards, J-10 Failed (due to flawed aerodynamic design) canards in modern hostory: Lavi. Lavi only...
  6. Speeder 2

    India May Be First To Tell The World About ET Contact

    Rule # 1 : Space Toilet?! The smell has reached outer space it seems :hitwall:
  7. Speeder 2

    Failure Of India's Big Rocket Project Is Symbolic Of Deep Structural Proble

    That is THE premium Indian defence forum with the smartest Indian brains they produce. :lol: Of course you can't argue with them. Though it is impossible to imagine that you somehow could drop your IQ by 30+ points putting youself "in their shoes" in order to argue with them logically...
  8. Speeder 2

    Failure Of India's Big Rocket Project Is Symbolic Of Deep Structural Proble

    NO no no! I have Worlds third largest Solid Rocket Booster, not India. I got it in my computer harddrive CG folder, just like India does, but far more powerful! :rofl: Talking is cheap, ANY decent African rocket student in a university can CG some fancy "ideas" and "blueprints" just like...
  9. Speeder 2

    India’s showpiece Aakash tablet Chinese made?

    Excuse me, but it's fascinating for me to imagine what democracy means to the world capital of open defecation, in preatical sense... surely you lot have to resort to voting whenever dealing with having #1 and #2 calls? if so, then what you gonna do if the voting result is in stalemate...
  10. Speeder 2

    New Chinese stealth fighter heightens dilemma for Indian Navy

    lie, lie ans more lies... what's wrong with you Indians? telecom patents are notoriously rigurous, dno't think with your third class retarded algorithm and protocol that every jack would probably know about you can be granted a patent. You are dreaming! it is very time consuming...how...
  11. Speeder 2

    New Chinese stealth fighter heightens dilemma for Indian Navy

    Though it's true that not every single patent of a company is by default developed by its own, your fairytale above on Huawei is supported by several obvious lies followed by making a false accusation….sigh, typical Indian! Tell ya what, I happened to be on the verge of registering...
  12. Speeder 2

    Insight: Unable to copy it, China tries building own jet engine

    I believe China has been producing T-800 already since early this year. India, however, purchased the most basic T-100 tech from Russia several years ago and is currently at leverl 1. India's domestic market is using high quality fibre imported from both Russia and Japan: Plastics Today
  13. Speeder 2

    Insight: Unable to copy it, China tries building own jet engine

    wings and much of the body of modern aircrafts are made of composite materials, true, but that composite materials mainly refer to carbon fibre, understood? So stop confusing yourself and some readers, Frankenstein, and show me first an Indian-made low-grade carbon fibre fishing rod or...
  14. Speeder 2

    Insight: Unable to copy it, China tries building own jet engine

    yeah right. do you believe that all of the fibre are the same if they both are called carbon fibre? in your indian mind thus, since we all have IQ then it must be that we all have the same IQ? :rofl:
  15. Speeder 2

    Insight: Unable to copy it, China tries building own jet engine

    my, who told you that? Different materials are one of the key elements in the process. India made some carbon composite wings? :rofl: FYI India just learned (purchased tech from Russia) how to make the most basic Carbon Fibers a year or 2 ago which China has mastered for ages. The...
  16. Speeder 2

    Insight: Unable to copy it, China tries building own jet engine

    Proof? sorry, but isn't it an accepted knowledge that Indians have been working on those big engines with presumablely 32 natural ceramic blades for ages (oke, the upper middle 2 blades are frequently missing after mature)? :blink:
  17. Speeder 2

    Insight: Unable to copy it, China tries building own jet engine

    errr... the natural engine of Indians of course: once it starts working it activates at least 80 facial muscles. :agree:
  18. Speeder 2

    Nobody believed we had killed so many Chinese at Rezang La !!

    西班牙? :lol: tranquilo hombre, pero que es "neuropathy"?
  19. Speeder 2

    India should not copy China's model

    :rofl: why put this piece here instead of the thread under The Stupid and the Funny allover the world? Literally I rofl for about 5 mins after reading it! HA HA HA… just take a few examples here: No no, it’s unlike China. Indian nominal GDP is even less than Spain with a...
  20. Speeder 2

    IAF had Superior airpower compared to china in 1962

    This is just stupid all the way thru. it's even more sad when the dude is vice air marshal, a supposely edcucaded position. He has no clue on: what is the difference between air equipments and airpower. The two are not the same. It depends on who uses what, when and how. The...
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