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India May Be First To Tell The World About ET Contact

@Obambam this was the reason annunakis took away most of earth's Gold.... Its a life. They have technology to use Gold for increasing life.... They dont even eat Gold. They made there ozone layer of Gold particles.... They breath Gold micro dust. Their planet known as Heaven. America hates Annunakis. Even Ashtar hates annunakis because according to them they not Gods. But to me they are Gods as they helped humans or majority humans still might have stayed apes. Enki broke the Law by helping humans just too much. Annunaki got angry on that as they knows humans are aggresive and technology will make humans deadly.... The great flood was brought by Enlil annunaki who ruled india. Enki saved humans from great flood.... i like enlil even when they brought flood.... Enlil are pure who wants everything to be pure. While Enki is opposite of it. Enlil brought flood to clean up humans who are bad karmic. However Enki saved few of them.... Gold is life.... Earth still have Gold.... World stocking up Gold because they knows one day they will able to use Gold to expand life expectancy.... What we said now scientists are saying. Yet there are people who refuse to open eyes.... Previous humans were far smarter than todays humans.... Its been proven.... Guess who proved? Scientists themself proved it....
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India May Be First To Tell The World About ET Contact

New Delhi is in the middle of a big secret internal debate....


Military officials and politicians have confessed the fact that India has been contacted. India has been told the rules of the Universe.



Rule # 1 : Space Toilet?!

The smell has reached outer space it seems :hitwall:
Rule # 1 : Space Toilet?!

The smell has reached outer space it seems :hitwall:

i want to ask you sincere question how long modern toilet have been invented or it was invented in your land before time immemorial.
Buddy im sorry to say this,you have some serious problem better consult an doctor but don't confuse him too.

you r right pal , i am a doc and now i am confused too !!! :)

anyway just for the topic ! there is something isro2222 believes in . we may not accept it based on our current factual understanding , but someday in past someone said earth was flat too . so keeping our mind open is not a bad thing though imagining something of this magnitude is definitely beyond my reasoning at least ! so i wish our isro2222 best of luck that he finds the truth in his lifetime and is recognized thereof !

yes bro i agree with you when they don't have any argument they go on cheap hunting ground of toilet.

maybe we should gift them one ( with flush ) so they stop squirming holding their legs together everytime ! :rofl:
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