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Pro-US/Japan, Anti-China/NK candidate wins Korean presidential election

Genetically speaking ( i.e. at Y chromosome level), about 26% of “average” Japanese are of Han Chinese origin, 25% of Korean origin, the rest 49% is made of more than dozens of much smaller sub races/tribes (e.g. Ainu – a Mongoloid sub race instead of Caucasoid one that is commonly mistaken by many Japanese and some Europeans; South East Asian such as Filipinos; Pacific Islanders; etc.). In fact “Japanese race” is a bastard race of all these.

This research was conducted by the Genetics Dept of a Japanese university published on youtube in Japanese with English subtitles.

Hence, as I said many years ago, the closest genetic “cousin” in the world of an “average” Japanese, if there’s one, is an “average” Han Chinese, closely followed by an “average” Korean, genetically and loosely speaking, even though all 3 are still different in their own rights.

It is my understanding following the most convenient evolutionary migration logic that the core of “Japanese race” is made of large waves of historical migrations from ancient people of North China and Korea, who then had been inter-breeding with the local tribemen in the Japanese islands. This strikingly resembles the pattern at the other side of Eurasia where Germanic tribes Anglo and Saxon migrated from mainland Germany to the British Isles and interbred with local tribes such as Celts forming a new sub race called “English”.

From this angle, I also frequently argue that contrary to the conventional “wisdom” that Japanese are like Germans, a more adequate expression should be what the Japanese to the Han Chinese is like what the English to the Germans.

That being said, at gene level most Koreans do share with Japanese 1 *(at least, according to the available research) common gene that is very rare within Han Chinese. Only in this sense, we can say that an “average” Korean is closer to an “average” Japanese than a Han Chinese.

* FYI, for the sake of convenience, I call this gene "Stupidity 102". :rofl:
not true, South Indians language belongs to a totally different language family. north Indians are Indo-European. And NE Indians are also quite different.

True and that's why I used the term 'Most of Indians (about 850 million)' :)
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