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Insight: Unable to copy it, China tries building own jet engine

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Thats what i called the stupid thing, Chinese don't know the difference between carbon finer vs carbon based composite materials, thats why they don't know anything about carbon composite materials

Carbon based led pencilled were based on ages , oh man ....poor Chinese don't know anything in engg/ sic & technology.
Go and Study . know what is composite material and what is canon fibre.


wings and much of the body of modern aircrafts are made of composite materials, true, but that composite materials mainly refer to carbon fibre, understood?

So stop confusing yourself and some readers, Frankenstein, and show me first an Indian-made low-grade carbon fibre fishing rod or toothbrush to prove that your HAL can make it on its own instead of assembling imported Ruskie or Frenchie carbon fibre materials, oke?
As far as I know, Chinese guys are not as advanced as some countries in carbon fiber manufacturing. If I'm not wrong, they can industrialize T700 class, but T800 and T900 classes are still in laboratory. But this new is from 2009, things might have changed since then?

Otherwise, in other composite area, this picture might explain something in some areas... I think it is a kind of ceramic matrix composite C/SiC used for their TAV, successfully flied in September 2011 (or 2010, I don't remember...). I captured this in a local television channel.



I believe China has been producing T-800 already since early this year.

India, however, purchased the most basic T-100 tech from Russia several years ago and is currently at leverl 1.

India's domestic market is using high quality fibre imported from both Russia and Japan: Plastics Today
yeah right. do you believe that all of the fibre are the same if they both are called carbon fibre?

in your indian mind thus, since we all have IQ then it must be that we all have the same IQ? :rofl:

When you talk about planes, carbon fiber means aerospace grade material, not the carbon fibre for sports cars, this simple fact should be clear to you. And if you had read the article, it should have been clear to you what kind of carbon fibre it talks about. But you are in the habit of talking garbage, so it must be hard for you digest it.
I believe China has been producing T-800 already since early this year.

India, however, purchased the most basic T-100 tech from Russia several years ago and is currently at leverl 1.

India's domestic market is using high quality fibre imported from both Russia and Japan: Plastics Today

Yeah that is why your agents are running around in USA to steal carbon fibres for your so called stealth airplane. Indian domestic msrket makes its own carbon fibres based on theh technology developed by NAL.
Yeah that is why your agents are running around in USA to steal carbon fibres for your so called stealth airplane. Indian domestic msrket makes its own carbon fibres based on theh technology developed by NAL.
So, that's so easy for china spy to steal the technology from USA, good!
Good, whatever, I know that chinese engineer and scientist's more than 50 years hard working can't be match for your big mouth, I know that!
You are invinsible, you are better than china, you don't steal technology, you are more creative than china, please finish it, and tell us, after steal all the technology of USA, other western countries, Russia, Japan, hope one day, we can get something from india, we will appreciate you!!!
But the WS-10 is already operational on the J10 and J11 , what is the author trying to say ? :what:
china will surely come out with something reliable pretty soon !!! As of now J-XX have to fly with russian engines in their a$$es :P
But the WS-10 is already operational on the J10 and J11 , what is the author trying to say ? :what:

Nothing is operational with any of WS123..10,13,15. At max few prototypes testing the engine. If they had a reliable, durable and mass produced engine which is kicking inside J11, J10, J15, J16 etc, they would have used it on the new J31 prototypes without any doubt, why use AL31? cant they afford two engines form the lot to put on J31, very strange. China is learning the steep curve and will take time and it should not be hard to accept this fact, not many countries are trying and have engine prototypes. No one said they cant achieve that with enough money and resolve, but as of today, they have not mastered it.
But the WS-10 is already operational on the J10 and J11 , what is the author trying to say ? :what:

the author is saying that the first part of your ^assertion is a boat load of bull!!
Nothing is operational with any of WS123..10,13,15. At max few prototypes testing the engine. If they had a reliable, durable and mass produced engine which is kicking inside J11, J10, J15, J16 etc, they would have used it on the new J31 prototypes without any doubt, why use AL31? cant they afford two engines form the lot to put on J31, very strange. China is learning the steep curve and will take time and it should not be hard to accept this fact, not many countries are trying and have engine prototypes. No one said they cant achieve that with enough money and resolve, but as of today, they have not mastered it.

One of the J-20 prototypes uses WS-1X engines - see the nozzle as that cannot be an AL-31F. Most likely it is a special engine that produces more thrust than a normal WS-10A but sacrifices engine life. You can afford to have this trade off with a few prototype aircraft but not when an aircraft is in mass production.

The Al-31F cannot fit inside the J-31 and so they may have used the RD-33. The Chinese WS-13 has been only tested on the JF-17 for the last 2 years and it is not as developed as WS-10A.
One of the J-20 prototypes uses WS-1X engines - see the nozzle as that cannot be an AL-31F. Most likely it is a special engine that produces more thrust than a normal WS-10A but sacrifices engine life. You can afford to have this trade off with a few prototype aircraft but not when an aircraft is in mass production.

The Al-31F cannot fit inside the J-31 and so they may have used the RD-33. The Chinese WS-13 has been only tested on the JF-17 for the last 2 years and it is not as developed as WS-10A.

LOL nozzles?? seriously. As I said it is good for china to master the engine technology, as of today that is not the case.
the author is saying that the first part of your ^assertion is a boat load of bull!!

The author of this article should and must review his arguments, which are no longer valid, at least for WS-10.

Edit : Might I strongly suggest to close this thread, not because of the quality of the original article (Which is already quit bad, I think that I will send a message to Reuters to point out all unvalid arguments), but because of all trolling replies from the both side, which made further discussion in this same thread very difficult.

All those of you who criticize China and its' efforts are just hypocrites . We as developing nation should cheer each other's success. Though we share a fair share of differences we must keep this mind that Jet engines are not cake walk or today you would have seen sudan making it . Come on guys we all know it's challenge and we both India and China are trying hard enough to get a convulsive results.

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