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Zionist rulers of Saudi

You got banned due to your ultra trolling and insults in Chinese section you runty liar. We can ask Chinese mods. Moreover now you're banned in 3 sections.Chinese, Asian and Iranian. Get away.

Go and continue your Mongolian wars in cay bahsi.


Nope, i get banned due to posting graphic photo and here is the proof.

Keep lying, it fits you very well.

What i will do is non of your business.

It's ironic since the shia were on your side in ww1 but the Saudis were on the imperialists side now you defened them
Shia is never been on our side. :lol: Whenever we opened our hands to you in peace you spitted to our hands.

What happened to secular turkey??i think erDOGan made your country the taliban of the middle east

Turkey is secular as it has always been.
How ungrateful.Iran always sided with pakistan,their nurses treated your soldiers in 1965 war they vowed to provide every help to pak
Question is who was ruling Iran that time?? Correct me if it was not Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. Look if you think that we have an Army and Ruling Government are bunch of idiots than you are dreaming. Like I said we know who is with us and who is NOT.
I have a story about my self when I had to pass through Iran during the Gulf war but will not open new topic here.
Heavens will fall if Iranian give a good name to Saudis no matter what they do.
yeah they are good bunch of chaps.they fund isis and even helped in killing 90 k plus peopel in pakistan and carrying out a huge no of attacks on shia muslims of pakistan.saudis are alright i'd say

your should stop flashing your sectarian fire in neighboring countries, specially Pakistan! and STFU
lol man what you talking about.your elite members are deep into sectarianism.they become so vocal on sensitive issues.no one complains there

lufti shah
saudia is with us to bomb us.gcc wants to destabilize baluchistan so that that rich natural resources province.wont prosper.and they can have all the business.saudia so pro pakistan that they even denied us cheap fuel after we said no to yemen war.saudia is with us.we are their slaves

Typical Irani Shia bullshit
radical wahabi fanboys spotted.
Seven is the basic number for Jews and Masons.

Menorah has seven heads.
You said star.
You said: And if Allah is truth, He will not allow the hater of Islam to control and make seven star a.k.a Jews symbol on Makkah. and I explained devil always have the ability to sabotage unless a prophet or imam rule people.
Anyways seven is found everywhere, just like every other number. It doesn't always have a meaning behind it nor is always related to a single organization. You are behaving paranoid.
@2800 I think you know I have no respect for House of Saud. I have nothing against citizens of Saudia however I abhor the House of Saud have used their money. They could have been force for good, a force for unity, a force for Islamic Renaissence.

Instead with all that nature blessed them they used te perodollars to create dischord, spread medievalism, spread radicalism, support reactonery forces. The hypocracy is most evident in how they for exmple have large numbers of Pakistani's fooled into thinking they opose Isreal or stand for Islam. The reality is they are Isreal's benefactors. This is fine but what I resent is who they then sponsor religious nutters then on other hand book entire French Riveria for holidays.

And I saw you made a gargantuan effort here to prove this but frankly you don't need to do this. With due respect to you this thread looks like conspiracy central. You need to look at more mundane things like present political linkages by using sources like Wikileaks etc rather than alluding to Illuminati etc.

My two favourite Muslim countries are Turkey and Iran ( in no order ) so I always find it difficult to navigate a path through. All I wish is both got on better then they do. Any chance of that?
@2800 I think you know I have no respect for House of Saud. I have nothing against citizens of Saudia however I abhor the House of Saud have used their money. They could have been force for good, a force for unity, a force for Islamic Renaissence.

Instead with all that nature blessed them they used te perodollars to create dischord, spread medievalism, spread radicalism, support reactonery forces. The hypocracy is most evident in how they for exmple have large numbers of Pakistani's fooled into thinking they opose Isreal or stand for Islam. The reality is they are Isreal's benefactors. This is fine but what I resent is who they then sponsor religious nutters then on other hand book entire French Riveria for holidays.

And I saw you made a gargantuan effort here to prove this but frankly you don't need to do this. With due respect to you this thread looks like conspiracy central. You need to look at more mundane things like present political linkages by using sources like Wikileaks etc rather than alluding to Illuminati etc.

My two favourite Muslim countries are Turkey and Iran ( in no order ) so I always find it difficult to navigate a path through. All I wish is both got on better then they do. Any chance of that?
Good analysis.
I believe as long as Saudi regime is in power there is no chance for Muslims to gain their wishes, because Saudi regime is triator, created and supported by West and is enemy of Muslims. In this video it shows how brutal they treat with their own people and how wildey they kill Arab people in Arabian peninsula for their power. We can guess how they do think about rest of Muslims.

Inside Saudi Arabia: Butchery, Slavery & History Of Revolt // Empire_File005 - People & Blogs - VideosFan

About Iran and Turkey I hope we have good relationship but with current goverment of Turkey that support salafi terrorists in region it's rather hard.
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Good analysis.
I believe as long as Saudi regime is in power there is no chance for Muslims to gain their wishes, because Saudi regime is triator, created and supported by West and is enemy of Muslims.

About Iran and Turkey I hope we have good relationship but with current goverment of Turkey that support salafi terrorists in region it's rather hard.

Yes but unlike Saudia where House of Saud is forever sat there in Turkey governments change so you should try not to crucify that country because of a government as these come and go. It was not Turkey or even Erdogan who said "cut off the snakes head" to the American's.

And Turkey is a progressive example for the Muslim world and model compared to Saudia which just a shining oil well. I would quite at ease in Istanbul but would feel suffocated in Riyhad despite their oil wealth.

You are correct in your assertion that House of Saud is secured by USA. without US House of Saud would not last longer than a year although I am not too sure anything good would come out of that in particular if we ended with OBL type in charge.
And for life of me I can't figure out the Turkish/iranian hostility. I mean you don't have any territorial dispute. You have not had any war in the last 100 years that I can think of. You don't have massive armies near Mount Ararat facing each other waiting to nuke each other. You have huge trade with each other. Yes you had some hostility from the Ottoman days but hell that was long, long time ago.

I can only think of the damned Sunni/Shia schism but most Turks and Iranian's are very secular so that should not be issue anymore then Catholics of France and British Protestants have problems with each other.

I mean being secular people both Turks and Iranian's should be able to navigate a path to some considered respect. Anyway I hope the best between both Turkey and Iran. I also wish the Saudi and Iranian hostility subsides. It will be best all around for the region.

Ps. Maybe it's just the Turks I have come across. almost all are ultra secularists with Islam being just a peripheral aspect to their lives.
And for life of me I can't figure out the Turkish/iranian hostility. I mean you don't have any territorial dispute. You have not had any war in the last 100 years that I can think of. You don't have massive armies near Mount Ararat facing each other waiting to nuke each other. You have huge trade with each other. Yes you had some hostility from the Ottoman days but hell that was long, long time ago.

I can only think of the damned Sunni/Shia schism but most Turks and Iranian's are very secular so that should not be issue anymore then Catholics of France and British Protestants have problems with each other.

I mean being secular people both Turks and Iranian's should be able to navigate a path to some considered respect. Anyway I hope the best between both Turkey and Iran. I also wish the Saudi and Iranian hostility subsides. It will be best all around for the region.

Ps. Maybe it's just the Turks I have come across. almost all are ultra secularists with Islam being just a peripheral aspect to their lives.
Ottoman, republic of Turkey and Iranians haven't had war against each other for 200 years.

Ottoman–Persian Wars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Question is who was ruling Iran that time?? Correct me if it was not Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. Look if you think that we have an Army and Ruling Government are bunch of idiots than you are dreaming. Like I said we know who is with us and who is NOT.
I have a story about my self when I had to pass through Iran during the Gulf war but will not open new topic here.
The question is not about regime its about people iranians always have soft corner for pakistanis and vise versa see pew survey.
Anti Jews propoganda ?? hhaha you lived your whole life living in the worst propoganda of your mullahs !! and yeah I am hindu atheist. the thing you people have done to my people for that I will hate you more then you hate Jewish people .
What a stupid thread... Cult of Shia at it again.....
Iran is after Saudi Arabia, madly.
Not at all a fan of the Saudis, but no muslim country can claim that their rulers were free from american or zionist influence. Its a fact.

As is evident from this forum, till Persia and Arabia stop loathing each other, muslims will be facing the music.
The question is not about regime its about people iranians always have soft corner for pakistanis and vise versa see pew survey.
You want us to hate them or them to hate us?
The guy already hates them see thread history,i corrected him how iran always helped Pakistan.

You want us to hate them or them to hate us?
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