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Zionist rulers of Saudi

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Deep pu...
another bullkak shit tirade filled with conspiracies.
heck man, get your camel head out of the desert. if you dont like your rulers then get rid of them.
dont use us as flogging basket.
distinguish please the difference between a jahood and zionist. They are not the same.
another bullkak shit tirade filled with conspiracies.
heck man, get your camel head out of the desert. if you dont like your rulers then get rid of them.
dont use us as flogging basket.
distinguish please the difference between a jahood and zionist. They are not the same.
Who told you iran is a desert?
buth Iran and Saudia should reunite

That's not going to happen, this fight is not just about Shia vs Sunni, its Arab vs Persians, it was before and it always will be until one side wins over the other. Most likely scenario is that both countries will continue their proxy war fare against each other. If at any moment one side becomes too powerful, they would go for the full attack like Saddam did but failed.
Who told you iran is a desert?
That dumb probably think I'm Saudi.
If 8 persons thank this post I will delete this thread.

freedom of internet my @ss.
Nothing wrong with this thread you are just criticizing a regime that loaded shaheed hajjis on trucks like they were animals :mad:

That dumb probably think I'm Saudi.
Or he thinks all mozlems live in desert and women cant drive or get an education these folks are super funny
I can't tolerate insult of people.
The number of the deceased is higher than they reported way higher they have blood on their hands and they had the audacity to blsme it on the hajjis who got killed
Stupid post .... another attempt to disintegrate muslims,,,

I agree that Saud's are more secular they have shaken hands with Israel against Iran but this was also done by other Muslims and instead of calling them Jews we should reunite,, buth Iran and Saudia should reunite and stop fighting against each other as this what these jews want,,,, they want us to keep fighting...

Saddam was bad and everyone was against him,,, but after killing what is happening,,, ISIS is even worst,,, same is with Al-Saud they are greedy and secular but they are muslims and instead of calling them jews and further disintegrate Ummah we should ask for unity,,, lets leave the personal deeds of man to be judged by Allah...

We should force both Saudia and Iran to stop proxy wars and stop killing Muslims...

Lets accept that if saudi's are murders of Muslim so is Iran ... Lets stop killing each other and unite to fight against anti-islam forces ...

I truly believe that SAUDIS are kafirs... Thats all..
They don't have any sentiments for muslims...
They stand by MODI.. the mass killers of muslims in India..
They never stand against film launched against Prophet Mohammad(PBUP)
We have differences with shia but that doesn't mean that we should stand by yahudi.
The number of the deceased is higher than they reported way higher they have blood on their hands and they had the audacity to blsme it on the hajjis who got killed
I know you don't know farsi however please watch this video and find similarity of "walking dead series" and Mina disaster.

The corrupt and criminal Saudi Wahabi regime currently ruling Arabia has gone beserk. They are going to make Arabia look like Syria and Iraq in the future. Pakistan must prepare then its army to protect Makkah and Madina from any future civil war in Arabia.
Allah is true.

But didn't kabil son of Adam killed his brother habil?

Didn't Jews killed 72 of their prophets in one day?

Didn't Arabs martyred beloved grandsons of holy prophet?

Didn't idol worshippers worshipped idols in house of Allah Kaaba for centuries???

Haven't Jews occupied the first Qibla of Muslims for 68 years? (Read Surah 5 ayas 1 - 7 which are about Jews and masid al haram and aghsa)


Allah is true but devil always have the ability to sabotage. First Qibla of Muslims Quds is occupied. The second Qibla [which is more important] is apparently not occupied but the ones who are ruling in Hijaz are Zionist.
Nothing is complete until a prophet or an Imam from God rule the people. Like prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and prophet Ibrahim (PBUH), or Imam Mahid (PBUH) that will arrive in future.

Anyway I don't persist anyone to believe or not. You can read the articles and believe or not. But sun will not always remain behind clouds and truths will not always be hiden.
Man it was about iran saudia fight not about devil...
Man it was about iran saudia fight not about devil...
You said: And if Allah is truth, He will not allow the hater of Islam to control and make seven star a.k.a Jews symbol on Makkah. and I explained devil always have the ability to sabotage unless a prophet or imam rule people.
Who told you iran is a desert?
of course iran is not a desert ... i made a metaphor. Travelled across that beautiful country.
it is complete shit and how many people will buy the internet 'truth'.
i take offense to this article and others either by lunatics across the middle eastern shithole as excuse to lynch us jews.
saudis and other arab states including iran are all crazies.
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