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Zia's death anniversary today

My Grand Father who had almost no interest in politics went to his Janaza. He took me ( I was a little boy back then) with him. There were millions of people in Manik Mia Avenue. I have never seen so many grown man crying like I saw on that day.
I am now sure that you are really a Burmese because you do not really know who was who in Pakistan. Fatima Jinnah was the younger sister of Quaid-E-Azam Md. Ali Jinnah. But, you have said she was the wife of Jinnah. Only a Burmese will say against the creation of a Muslim majority Pakistan. Stop trolling and stick to the topic.

I am now sure that you are really a Burmese because you do not really know who was who in Pakistan..
Being not a historian and getting caught by age/medication/environment, a little bit of complacency earns me the name of Burmese from you? Your lies and deception were being caught by IDUNE for many times but did we call you a shameless liar over and over? If I make any inadvertent mistakes then I'm man enough to correct it unlike your track record on hammering to forcefully shove it.

Now coming to the core issue, Fatima Jinnah's whom about wasn't the factor but Pakistani inhabitants misfortune for being guinea pig of imperialists was. So, whoever needed to get the message, he already did it.
So far, Ziaur Rahman remains the most popular leader in Bangladesh. His wife and two sons use his name to enhance their power, money and popularity. He was a visionery leader who made patches with Pakistan, China and other Muslim countries. From his time the people of Bd started to think themelves as a truly independent nation. He faced Indian bully with courage.

BD did not have a strong military at that time. It was less than 1/4th of what BD military is now. But, his strong leadership was enough to motivate the civilians to fight and die for the country if India dared to make an attack. However, the cunning India preferred a conspiracy to kill him, rather than waging a war.

BNP lost its support in the 2009 election due to misrule or no rule at all. The leaders were competing against each other to steal money from the country. Tareque Zia is mostly responsible for that unpopularity. He is more his mother's son rather than his father's son. He singlehandedly destroyed himself, her mother, his father's BNP and the country's economy. He was Mr. 10%.
In a new election BNP is almost certain to win because AL is doing more than BNP mistakes.

BNP lost its support in the 2009 election due to misrule or no rule at all. The leaders were competing against each other to steal money from the country. Tareque Zia is mostly responsible for that unpopularity. He is more his mother's son rather than his father's son. He singlehandedly destroyed himself, her mother, his father's BNP and the country's economy. He was Mr. 10%. In a new election BNP is almost certain to win because AL is doing more than BNP mistakes.
Stop the dissemination of disinformation as you have been trying since RAWamy's bogus election victory. BNP didn't lose the election because of its misrule, rather it was forcefully/deceptively made loser by MUA/FUA and their Bharati/imperial masters. And up until today, none of dalal MUA's type could prove any allegation of money laundering, siphoning against Tariq.

You, son of MUA are a shameless liar/deceiver, who is trying to play Goeblian tactic for long but failed. Now you know that MUA's Mir Jafari is exposed, so you try to hide his guilt by shifting more blame on RAWamys and wish BNP's victory to rectify sin. I know very well that you are a sleazy, cunning liar and only commie's character resembles with yours. Putting all credits on dead Zia (Because a dead man has no significance) later to defame his family members is also commie's new game plan and you do that very often too. Ironically though, your hybridity are old symptoms and people are recognizing what MUA, FUA, IUA, SAK, INU and your types are made off. So, hope for not to have Nazibullah's fate.
And Alas! Those, who segregated/Boxed up Muslims of SA by using her brother, didn't let his prodigy/disciple (Liakot Ali Khan) to make it happen that ultimately cost the breakup of united PAK.

Pakistani Saga is the most tested/experimented guinea pigy's one, nothing seconds on it. Civil>Army then Civil>Army; so no root can see depth and stays at 'Playing Doll' for imperialists, thanks.

Interesting ! Can you explain that a bit more ?
I could not help but notice how harmlessly post No 1 says the following

"Ziaur Rahman, commissioned military officer by career, attained the rank of Lieutenant General before retiring and then assuming the office of the presidency of Bangladesh"

No mention of the fact that the 'manner' in which he' assumed ' the office involved overthrow of a Govt established by constitution . He joined the list of dictators this sub continent has spawned.

Instead of starting afresh the BD army carried on the legacy of PA when he imposed Martial Law in Jan 1975.

He may have done well for the nation as some suggest but the permanent & long term damage to the Military and the young nation.

Extract from wiki (Grammar not mine) ..

"Ziaur Rahman survived as many as 21 coups during his five years until succumbing to the 22nd one.

Most of those coups were led by the 1971 freedom-fighter officers who were irked by Ziaur's liaison with anti liberation pro Islamic quarters. 30 September 1977 a coup was held in Bogura Cantonment. 22 East Bengal Regiment occurred this coup. But It was failed. 2 October 1977 there was another coup held. It was led by the airmen of Bangladesh Air Force. 6 Air Force officers died in this coup. No one knows why this coup was begun. Witness says that in 2 October 5 member of "Red Army" of Japani soldier was trying to hijack an Aero-Plane of Japan Airline DC-8 including 156 passengers. But they failed to hijack. Then the coup was begun. For this reason 2500 soldiers killed in court martial. Officially 1183 Soldiers. 561 of them were Bangladesh Air Force airmen and rest of them were army soldiers. Army soldiers were killed for 30 September coup. "
this indians have a tendency to talk without knowing anything.

this is the official story

1975 coups 15 August Main article: Assassination of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman The coup of 15 August 1975 was organized by officers of Bangladesh Army. They were led by Major Syed Faruqe Rahman and Major Rashid. The coup resulted in the assassination of the country's president Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, his entire family (daughters Sheikh Hasina and Sheikh Rehana escaped as they were in Germany) and several ministers and leaders of the Awami League. 3 November The government set up by Major Faruque, Major Rashid and Khondaker Mostaq Ahmad was overthrown in another coup on 3 November 1975. This was organized by Brigadier Khaled Mosharraf, Bir Uttom, a decorated freedom fighter. Mosharraf was seen by many as a supporter of the pre-August government. He put the army chief and fellow freedom fighter Major General Ziaur Rahman under house arrest but did not execute him. Some also claim that the personal friendship between the two officers prevented Brigadier Musharraf from carrying out Rahman's execution. 7 November Brigadier Mosharraf's 3 day coup ended due to revolt by soldiers of Bangladesh Army. They freed Major General Ziaur Rahman from house arrest and killed the coup leader Brig. Khaled Mosharraf and his associates. Rumors about Musharraf's affiliation with India (a FEER cover at the time carried the headline "The Indian Coup?") aggravated army suspicion of this coup.
I could not help but notice how harmlessly post No 1 says the following

"Ziaur Rahman, commissioned military officer by career, attained the rank of Lieutenant General before retiring and then assuming the office of the presidency of Bangladesh"

No mention of the fact that the 'manner' in which he' assumed ' the office involved overthrow of a Govt established by constitution . He joined the list of dictators this sub continent has spawned.

Instead of starting afresh the BD army carried on the legacy of PA when he imposed Martial Law in Jan 1975.

He may have done well for the nation as some suggest but the permanent & long term damage to the Military and the young nation.

Extract from wiki (Grammar not mine) ..

"Ziaur Rahman survived as many as 21 coups during his five years until succumbing to the 22nd one.

Most of those coups were led by the 1971 freedom-fighter officers who were irked by Ziaur's liaison with anti liberation pro Islamic quarters. 30 September 1977 a coup was held in Bogura Cantonment. 22 East Bengal Regiment occurred this coup. But It was failed. 2 October 1977 there was another coup held. It was led by the airmen of Bangladesh Air Force. 6 Air Force officers died in this coup. No one knows why this coup was begun. Witness says that in 2 October 5 member of "Red Army" of Japani soldier was trying to hijack an Aero-Plane of Japan Airline DC-8 including 156 passengers. But they failed to hijack. Then the coup was begun. For this reason 2500 soldiers killed in court martial. Officially 1183 Soldiers. 561 of them were Bangladesh Air Force airmen and rest of them were army soldiers. Army soldiers were killed for 30 September coup. "

Piece of advise, don't believe everything that is said on the Internet. Especially on Wikipedia :lol:
Peace of advise, don't believe everything that is said on the Internet. Especially on Wikipedia :lol:

The core issue is use of Military force to establish a Govt not permitted in the constitution of the nation. Thereby setting a precedent for other to follow.

Glorifying a wrong does not make it right
The core issue is use of Military force to establish a Govt not permitted in the constitution of the nation. Thereby setting a precedent for other to follow.

Glorifying a wrong does not make it right

Well, I don't think he ever wanted the way things ended for Mujib.
Well, I don't think he ever wanted the way things ended for Mujib.

lol, you really believe that?

Atleast he should have spared the little kids.

Anyway you live by the gun, you die by the gun. No condolence.
I could not help but notice how harmlessly post No 1 says the following

"Ziaur Rahman, commissioned military officer by career, attained the rank of Lieutenant General before retiring and then assuming the office of the presidency of Bangladesh"

No mention of the fact that the 'manner' in which he' assumed ' the office involved overthrow of a Govt established by constitution . He joined the list of dictators this sub continent has spawned.

Instead of starting afresh the BD army carried on the legacy of PA when he imposed Martial Law in Jan 1975.

He may have done well for the nation as some suggest but the permanent & long term damage to the Military and the young nation.

I find your comments also miss the point. I cite the events in the chronological order for your easy understanding of the events that led to the rise of Zia.

1) Sk. Mujib was killed on 15 August, 1975 by the mid-level officers of BA. Khandokar Mushtaque Ahmed of Awami League took over the reign of govt.

2) General Shafiullah resigned from the post of army chief of staff and General Zia and Brigadier Khaled Musharref were posted as Chief of Staff and Deputy Chief of Staff respectively.

3) However, the new President remained surrounded by the mid-level army officers who had killed Sk. Mujib. They were sending ordersto the army in the name of new President

4) It was intolerable for the army because it was a breakdown of chain of command.

5) Khaled Musharraf wanted a quick solution, but Zia wanted a slow movement.

6) Khaled staged a coup on Nov. 4, 1975, arrested Zia and declared himself Chief of staff.

7) There was another uprising in the army that killed Khaled Musharraf and released Zia from house arrest.

8) Kh. Mushtaque resigned on nov. 7, 1975, Zia proclaimed Martial Law and installed Justice Sayem as the President of Bangladesh.

Now, where do you see Zia deposed an elected govt and ushered himself as the President of Bangladesh? It is a total distortion of facts. Rather, it was his fate that the events on those days forced him to take over the reign of govt.
I find your comments also miss the point. I cite the events in the chronological order for your easy understanding of the events that led to the rise of Zia.

1) Sk. Mujib was killed on 15 August, 1975 by the mid-level officers of BA. Khandokar Mushtaque Ahmed of Awami League took over the reign of govt.

2) General Shafiullah resigned from the post of army chief of staff and General Zia and Brigadier Khaled Musharref were posted as Chief of Staff and Deputy Chief of Staff respectively.

3) However, the new President remained surrounded by the mid-level army officers who had killed Sk. Mujib. They were sending ordersto the army in the name of new President

4) It was intolerable for the army because it was a breakdown of chain of command.

5) Khaled Musharraf wanted a quick solution, but Zia wanted a slow movement.

6) Khaled staged a coup on Nov. 4, 1975, arrested Zia and declared himself Chief of staff.

7) There was another uprising in the army that killed Khaled Musharraf and released Zia from house arrest.

8) Kh. Mushtaque resigned on nov. 7, 1975, Zia proclaimed Martial Law and installed Justice Sayem as the President of Bangladesh.

Now, where do you see Zia deposed an elected govt and ushered himself as the President of Bangladesh? It is a total distortion of facts. Rather, it was his fate that the events on those days forced him to take over the reign of govt.

You forgot to mention Khondaker Mostaq Ahmad was the leading conspirator and he made Zia, a major General at that time, army chief even when there were many senior officers than Zia in BD army. 4 days later a counter coup by pro-Awami army officers killed Mostaq and Zia was arrested.
Zia and Khaled both knew about the coup. But never informed the then government neither made any corrective measures. Or they did not have enough capacity to do so as the army was consisting of war returned freedom fighter. There were not enough chain of command in place at that time. Nobody used to give a hoot about general Shafiullah the army chief of that time. Saying so, if they informed then the coup could had been averted. They all were involved in the coup that I can say.

Making angel out of Zia is just plain stupid. BNP tried to portray Zia as the eventuality of the 1975 events. But raising a party with govt money and manpower is totally under Zia's control. Even taking over the power ousting Sayem was totally done by Zia not aybody else. If he were that honest he should had facilitate Sayem to hold an election and let the parliament to function instead of declaring himself a president.

You forgot to mention Khondaker Mostaq Ahmad was the leading conspirator and he made Zia, a major General at that time, army chief even when there were many senior officers than Zia in BD army. 4 days later a counter coup by pro-Awami army officers killed Mostaq and Zia was arrested.

Mostaq was never killed, he died naturally.
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