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Zaid Hamid versus Marvi Sirmed on Najam Sethi's show

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""It is extremely difficult to appreciate why our Hindu friends fail
to understand .... Their aspects on life and of life are different. It is
quite clear that Hindus and Musalmans derive their inspiration from
different sources of history. They have different epics, their heroes
are different, and they have different episodes. Very often the hero of
one is a foe of the other, and likewise, their victories and defeats
overlap.[/U] To yoke together two such nations under a single State, one
as a numerical minority and the other as a majority, must lead to
growing discontent and the final destruction of any fabric that may be
so built up for the government of such a State."
(pp. 56) -Presidential address to Muslim League by Quid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah (1940)

What does the above statement prove...that Jhinnah opposed multiculturalism as well ?
Zaid Hamid versus Marvi Sirmed on Najam Sethi's show :what:
who changed d title
We, the Delusional Liberals | BAAGHI

but we in Pakistan keep raising uncomfortable issues with the state, and that too quite frequently. Sometimes by even putting our lives in danger.

Tharoor sahib may also like to know more about the diversity of Pakistani ‘liberals’ before passing judgements, just as we would like to know more about how Mr Tharoor defines ‘liberalism’ and if our liberalism determines the degree to which we should hate our country, it is essentially one certificate that I would not like to get from him. Similarly, for making my voice heard by the masses, I do not need to get a certificate of patriotism from the state of Pakistan.

The difference between him and I may be (in addition to his intellectual superiority) that in order to love my country, I do not feel the need to hate India, which still carries the roots of so many Pakistanis. Just like an Indian liberal is an Indian first, a Pakistani liberal is a Pakistani first. Whenever the conscience has demanded to choose, Pakistani liberals have made the right choice — truth vis-à-vis blind complacency. The reason why we are so critical about our own state is precisely this: we love Pakistan. Please take it as it is.

I think she has done a good job here actually better than PA stooge Ejaz Haider who wasn't able to defend Pakistan and Pakistan media fraternity on Slamaan Taseer issue. As i said before she seems pretty intelligent and above of her writing has proved it so. ZH and likewise for sure can not stand to her intellectual standards.
Just got more info about her.


People who were saying her chutiyaa etc. and trying to hurl derogatory comments should she her CV first and then pass their judgement. She has mentioned all about her and her Ideology.

I wonder how a women from Hindu back ground can have such opportunity in Pakistan to quench a carrier, a chosen way of life and chance to commence with her own Ideology. If i can recall from available history pieces about pre 60-70 liberal Pakistan and comments made by many Pakistanis including Gen. Musharraf; Pakistan has been a modern liberal state by its core. But interacting here with most of the Pakistanis is contrary to that notion.
Maybe we watched different videos , but i totally think ZH got owned in this video really bad...the man was fumbling with words in the end and resorted to reciting verses and bravado dialogues when he had no counter points....I thought she was pretty good in the debate and ZH came out extremely weak...why do you think she was totally lost.....

Exactly where did he get owned? Lol this pathetic lady doesn't have any manners, she kept interrupting Zaid Hamid whenever it was his turn to refute her BS claims while on the other hand he kept silent whenever it was her turn to speak, is that what you call getting owned? Speaking over someone when its their turn to speak? wow. She can't debate for sh!t, and she has the audacity to speak against the foundation of Pakistan and its existence as a whole, traitors like her need to be sent to india for good.
What does the above statement prove...that Jhinnah opposed multiculturalism as well ?

I mistakenly thanked your post, Jinnah believed in two nation theory, a separate country for Muslims. I don't know what your implying but how is two nation theory against multiculturalism when Pakistan is diverse and made up of different ethnic groups each with its own culture.
Good one by that lady.
She showed that red topi monkey the real face of him.

It seems all you can do is take cheap shots at others when you can't debate constructively, keep exposing your true nature, 'when you can't refute them, then abuse them'.

The lal topi was so pathetic that he was enchanting Koranic verses against her so that some mullah can bully her for Blashphemy. If you can not defend yourself, start enchanting Koranic slogans; What a coward.

What a immature comment, you must be really ignorant to comment on something that you don't even know about.

The Arabic words that Hamid uttered during the debate had nothing to do with what you said.

Astaghfirullah Al Azeem- "I ask forgiveness from Allah the all-mighty"
Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un- 'Surely we belong to Allah and to Him shall we return' Quran 2:156

At least learn the meaning before talking utter nonsense.
He admitted defeat when he labelled the Bengal rapes as 'propaganda.'

Lost all credibility at that point, good job.
He admitted defeat when he labelled the Bengal rapes as 'propaganda.'

How exactly did he "admitted defeat"? The throughout the whole video the jungly lady kept cutting in by interrupting him whenever he was speaking and he never got a chance to speak properly.
I don't always support him as some of his views are just silly and childish, and he can't back them up with credible sources, but 1971 was a a civil war, Pakistan used propaganda and so did the Rebel Bangalis and their indian backers, and he did mention a indian Bangali professor by the name of Sarmila Bose who debunked many indian and bangali propaganda meant to defame Pakistani Armed forces, but too bad you didn't notice that part in the video.

Lost all credibility at that point, good job.

The lady also lost all credibility when she mentioned that the "two nation theory is completely irrelevant" but at the same time she said she loves Pakistan? :what::undecided::lol: confused lady contradicted herself.
bus ker do itni publicity mil gai hai marvi ko ke 10 saal rozi roti chalay gee ab
I am really missing two great intellectuals here...whom I had sought way too much guidance in unbiased historical events: Names are T-Faz & Joe Shearer...& the latter isn't active for a month or so, I request Indians to somehow contact sir Joe Shearer
I am really missing two great intellectuals here...whom I had sought way too much guidance in unbiased historical events: Names are T-Faz & Joe Shearer...& the latter isn't active for a month or so, I request Indians to somehow contact sir Joe Shearer

As you prefer the indian point of view, false flagger.
I mistakenly thanked your post, Jinnah believed in two nation theory, a separate country for Muslims. I don't know what your implying but how is two nation theory against multiculturalism when Pakistan is diverse and made up of different ethnic groups each with its own culture.

Go through your own post..

It is a dream that the Hindus and Muslims can ever evolve a common nationality, and this misconception of one Indian nation has gone far beyond the limits, and is the cause of most of our troubles, and will lead India to destruction, if we fail to revise our notions in time.

Jinnah said Hindus and Muslims cant forge a common national identity, he must be rolling in his grave looking at India today. India is nowhere close to destruction because hindus and muslims cant unite.

What must be more disturbing him would be that his dream of Pakistan has already been destroyed, physically and ideologically.

The Hindus and the Muslims belong to two different religious philosophies, social customs, and literature. They neither intermarry, nor interdine together, and indeed they belong to two different civilizations which are based mainly on conflicting ideas
and conceptions. Their aspects on life and of life are different. It is quite clear that Hindus and Musalmans derive their inspiration from different sources of history. They have different epics, their heroes are different, and they have different episodes. Very often the hero of one is a foe of the other, and likewise, their victories and defeats overlap

Jinnah clearly said that Hindus and Muslims had cultural differences that were irreconcilable. Therefore each culture had to be separated and should have its own country. That is what you posted.

Obviously Jinnah wasn't a proponent of multiple cultures thriving together.

Later he is believed to have said that all castes and religions are welcome in Pakistan, but under a Muslim majority. Hypocrisy!!!

A massacre of thousands of minorities every couple of decades in india, is a sign of "thriving" communities.
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