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Yom Kippur War 1973: The Egyptian Revenge

This is pathetic just how people delude themselves... How can there ever be peace between Israelis and Arabs when they so vehemently believe their own lies that are being spread throughout the generations.
This cold peace will eventually shatter when a majority voted for the Muslim brotherhood showed the mentality of the Arabs.

Arabs taking pride on attacking the Israelis on their holiest day of fastening and were crushed yet again.
Naturally the suicidical attack of one Israeli division against strengthened 5 Egyptian was doomed to fail. This battle was biggest Arab victory in that war. Later Israelis became smarter and attacked breech between 2 Egyptian armies and succeeded.

You know I'm not strategist or something like that but my reading to war history telling me that all the Arabs war not more than plays been directed very well, how come a nation goes to war and let the enemy make a gab in the army defenses without putting all over it's strategic reserve and how someone explain to me the orders to send that reserved units to the west bank and leave east bank with no armors and why the Shathly blamed Sadat and called him traitor and why he escaped to Damascus my little dull brain has all these questions???? now no doubt about the courageous the Israelis showed in the battlefield but even that raise some more questions? one more thing we have as Arab no doubt of the Arabs leaders traitors just like you have no doubt that you fought bigger armies and nations and ended victorious.
I told you the truth it was the little spark.
Those are the whole Egyptian and Syrian armed forces figures in 1973 you found in wikipedia.
Have you ever heard of Israeli mobilisation! the whole population, millions of soldiers.
Have you read my other posts and Egyptian guys posts.
have you heard about general Chazli.

Your opinion is obviously biased and your anti islamic rhetoric will backfire on you, and the day(if India is jewish like you) will face Muslim armies again it will regret its bad thoughts and will be remaindered of it cowardeness once and for all.
Hopefully you'll face some Arabs one day in a combat situation and we would like you to show us your courage which is what you desperately want to have but obviously lack.

But I know This is what and how you are,
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LOL , are you serious? Arabs can fight? Just shut up and go back to riding your camels . You people are the most uselss race on Earth. 0 aptitude for science and technology. Just stop all this war rhetoric and go back to making your falafels and shawarmas because that's all you are good for. The only reason arabs actually have somewhat civilised societies is because of all your oil money. The day that ends , you people would go back to the medieval ages and massacre each other like savages.
You know I'm not strategist or something like that but my reading to war history telling me that all the Arabs war not more than plays been directed very well, how come a nation goes to war and let the enemy make a gab in the army defenses without putting all over it's strategic reserve
The gap was not empty. Battle for the gap was the bloodiest battle of the war. Sharon's division suffered super heavy loses.

and how someone explain to me the orders to send that reserved units to the west bank and leave east bank with no armors and why the Shathly blamed Sadat and called him traitor and why he escaped to Damascus my little dull brain has all these questions???? now no doubt about the courageous the Israelis showed in the battlefield but even that raise some more questions? one more thing we have as Arab no doubt of the Arabs leaders traitors just like you have no doubt that you fought bigger armies and nations and ended victorious.
Egyptians had there some armor and other forces. They also had to retreat some forces from the east bank back to west, but Saddat for political reasons and pride refused to any retreat. Also Egyptians became victims of own propaganda, claiming that Israeli force that crossed canal is very small and unimportant (when actually 3 armor divisions crossed). Many Egyptians still claim that :D

LOL , are you serious? Arabs can fight?
If Arabs were not able to fight they would not create one of the largest empires in human history.
This is pathetic just how people delude themselves... How can there ever be peace between Israelis and Arabs when they so vehemently believe their own lies that are being spread throughout the generations.
This cold peace will eventually shatter when a majority voted for the Muslim brotherhood showed the mentality of the Arabs.

Arabs taking pride on attacking the Israelis on their holiest day of fastening and were crushed yet again.
you blame us for something you have done can you tell me how many times extremest have won elections in isreal ?
and it was a surprise attack in 67 by you in the firest place

LOL , are you serious? Arabs can fight? Just shut up and go back to riding your camels . You people are the most uselss race on Earth. 0 aptitude for science and technology. Just stop all this war rhetoric and go back to making your falafels and shawarmas because that's all you are good for. The only reason arabs actually have somewhat civilised societies is because of all your oil money. The day that ends , you people would go back to the medieval ages and massacre each other like savages.
you are a joke nothing more do you think becouse you said this someone will notice you or do you think you are big egypt was the first civlization on the earth just go back to worship cows or elephants or what ever you are doing
LOL , are you serious? Arabs can fight? Just shut up and go back to riding your camels . You people are the most uselss race on Earth. 0 aptitude for science and technology. Just stop all this war rhetoric and go back to making your falafels and shawarmas because that's all you are good for. The only reason arabs actually have somewhat civilised societies is because of all your oil money. The day that ends , you people would go back to the medieval ages and massacre each other like savages.

arabs had the best armies in the world for centuries. modern warfare however, does not suit them.

surprisingly, this same trait can be found in pakistanis. maybe its the relegion
arabs had the best armies in the world for centuries. modern warfare however, does not suit them.

surprisingly, this same trait can be found in pakistanis. maybe its the relegion

It is wrong to say "modern warfare does not suit them". It is just that in the past they have been lagging in training and coordination capabilities. However at present they are trying to improve that. Hopefully they will again rise to be one of the best.:tup:

About pakistan, what more could you hope? It successfully defended itself from a neighbour 5+ times stronger in the past. :tdown:
arabs had the best armies in the world for centuries. modern warfare however, does not suit them.

surprisingly, this same trait can be found in pakistanis. maybe its the relegion

wake up its already morning......:rofl:
arabs had the best armies in the world for centuries. modern warfare however, does not suit them.

surprisingly, this same trait can be found in pakistanis. maybe its the relegion

You can have the best technologies of the world, if your soldiers lack courage, the fighting spirit and faith in what they are fighting for, than you loose; USA is the best example in Iraq and Afghanistan (USSR too), let alone a poverty stricken -economically, mentally and spiritually- wannabe power like India or an arrogant corrupt and corrupting entity as zionism.

The Arabs and Muslims in general have proven once again that they have the courage and faith to back it up, even in the heart of Europe and the USSR.
Long live The Arabs and The Muslim Ummah, Long live our faith Islam.
Allahu Akbar
you blame us for something you have done can you tell me how many times extremest have won elections in isreal ?
and it was a surprise attack in 67 by you in the firest place

you are a joke nothing more do you think becouse you said this someone will notice you or do you think you are big egypt was the first civlization on the earth just go back to worship cows or elephants or what ever you are doing

Skim through this Mahmoud:

In May 1967, Nasser received false reports from the Soviet Union that Israel was massing on the Syrian border.[23] Nasser began massing his troops in the Sinai Peninsula on Israel's border (May 16), expelled the UNEF force from Gaza and Sinai (May 19), and took up UNEF positions at Sharm el-Sheikh, overlooking the Straits of Tiran.[24][25] UN Secretary-General U Thant proposed that the UNEF force be redeployed on the Israeli side of the border, but this was rejected by Israel despite U.S. pressure.[26] Israel reiterated declarations made in 1957 that any closure of the Straits would be considered an act of war, or a justification for war.[27][28] Nasser declared the Straits closed to Israeli shipping on May. 22–23. On 27 May he stated "Our basic objective will be the destruction of Israel. The Arab people want to fight." [29] On May 30, Jordan and Egypt signed a defense pact. The following day, at Jordan's invitation, the Iraqi army began deploying troops and armored units in Jordan.[30] They were later reinforced by an Egyptian contingent. On June 1, Israel formed a National Unity Government by widening its cabinet, and on June 4 the decision was made to go to war. The next morning, Israel launched Operation Focus, a large-scale surprise air strike that was the opening of the Six-Day War.
In 1956, France, England and Israel, attacked the Egyptians for the control of the Suez canal than stoped by the egyptian army and the intervention of the US(before converting it to zionism to contain it) hence the vengeance on the US electronic warfare ships in 1967 by Israel.
Between 1956 and 1967 the israelis were aware of the Egyptian's intentions to close the canal to Israel (as an economics response to Jewish occupation of Palestine, an economics occupation to start with , backed by fire power from England and France to some extent) through western spy agencies that controlled Mossad (their front till today) and implanted spies throughout the Egyptian army and mostly the air force which Israel was no match to.
You can read the story of "Al mar'a al lati hakamat Misr", in eng. "the woman who governed Egypt", if you seek the truth.

Its funny how many words this frustrated guy has to write in order to prove that enciricled Egyptian army is great victory for Egypt :lol: You won, your army is encircled! :victory:

You could not DARE to face 3rd army or 2nd army face to face. Is that called victory? Is trying to score a propaganda UNDER CEASEFIRES called victory?

Who was CUT OFF? Ariel "Arik" Sharon ADMITS IT CLEARLY that Zionists were CUT OFF:
Ariel Sharon - Biography: 1973 October War (Yom Kippur War)

The swift success of moving an entire brigade plus tanks and APC's to the other side of the canal, turns out to be a dangerous move, because Sharon's forces which are also in charge of broadening and securing the corridor through which the Israeli divisions should cross, fail to accomplish this part of the task. Now there is no safe way for the Israeli divisions to cross the canal and join the forces that have already crossed, and so there is a fear that the forces on the western side would remain cut off.

Bren's division also fails to create a safe corridor for crossing between the two Egyptian Armies.

Following the interviews to the American press and the things Sharon writes in the order of the day, Chief of Staff removes Sharon from his position as division commander

arabs had the best armies in the world for centuries. modern warfare however, does not suit them.

surprisingly, this same trait can be found in pakistanis. maybe its the relegion

India has been ruled by foreigners directly for many millennia, because modern warfare does not suit Indians. The Arab Armies that fought in "modern times" were all secular, from Nasser and Sadat's Egypt to Assad's Syria, or Gaddafi's Libya, or Saddam Hussein's Iraq, and so on. Maybe it is secularism that is at fault. It is true.

LOL , are you serious? Arabs can fight? Just shut up and go back to riding your camels . You people are the most uselss race on Earth. 0 aptitude for science and technology. Just stop all this war rhetoric and go back to making your falafels and shawarmas because that's all you are good for. The only reason arabs actually have somewhat civilised societies is because of all your oil money. The day that ends , you people would go back to the medieval ages and massacre each other like savages.

Listen you illiterate, out of the 22 or so Arab countries, including war torn Iraq and occupied Palestine, every one of them excluding some sub-Saharan African ones is wealthier/richer, more educated, more prosperous and more advanced than the illiterate cow worshippers from your most illiterate country in the world (which contains 1/3 of the entire world's illiterate population).

There is not a single Indian city on earth that can be called developed, forget the third world dump that is India. The moment India actually starts contributing to the world in a positive way you can start to talk. As of now, India is just a big consumer of Western and Soviet military technologies but produces nothing of its own. Its economy is so dirt poor that millions of Indians go to Arab countries as beggars for their living and not the other way around.

If Arabs from Saudi Arabia, UAE and others, even after seeing the opinion of Indians on this forum, do not expel Indians and take strong diplomatic measures, then it's only the Arabs themselves, the Arab public themselves (not the leaders) that should be blamed. It's time for the Arab public to take matters into their own hands, and teach the Indians on their turf many a lessons. Let's see how long illiterate starved backward rotten India can stand without infusion of money from Arab countries in the form of remittances and without trading with the wider Arab and Muslim world.

When India builds a working sniper rifle, then you should begin to compare your backward nitwit society to the Arab world.
Skim through this Mahmoud:

In May 1967, Nasser received false reports from the Soviet Union that Israel was massing on the Syrian border.[23] Nasser began massing his troops in the Sinai Peninsula on Israel's border (May 16), expelled the UNEF force from Gaza and Sinai (May 19), and took up UNEF positions at Sharm el-Sheikh, overlooking the Straits of Tiran.[24][25] UN Secretary-General U Thant proposed that the UNEF force be redeployed on the Israeli side of the border, but this was rejected by Israel despite U.S. pressure.[26] Israel reiterated declarations made in 1957 that any closure of the Straits would be considered an act of war, or a justification for war.[27][28] Nasser declared the Straits closed to Israeli shipping on May. 22–23. On 27 May he stated "Our basic objective will be the destruction of Israel. The Arab people want to fight." [29] On May 30, Jordan and Egypt signed a defense pact. The following day, at Jordan's invitation, the Iraqi army began deploying troops and armored units in Jordan.[30] They were later reinforced by an Egyptian contingent. On June 1, Israel formed a National Unity Government by widening its cabinet, and on June 4 the decision was made to go to war. The next morning, Israel launched Operation Focus, a large-scale surprise air strike that was the opening of the Six-Day War.
alot of what you said is true but what caused all this is you isreals threatning syria so our troops in sainai were there like general shazly said as militry protest some came without uniform and some came without guns it was a trap we walk right in to blocking the straits and expeeling the un is a result to this

gyptians had there some armor and other forces. They also had to retreat some forces from the east bank back to west, but Saddat for political reasons and pride refused to any retreat. Also Egyptians became victims of own propaganda, claiming that Israeli force that crossed canal is very small and unimportant (when actually 3 armor divisions crossed). Many Egyptians still claim that
like i said before the isreal forces who crossed the canal didnt have any big victorys they knocked out some air defence yes they ambushed some bases but i would have agreed with you if the attack on ismailia or suez worked but like i said many times in the attack on ismalia your forces were stoped by sa3ka commandos and in suez the people and a few infantry men has defended the city you know very well that i am right but you are just arguing and that is ok we can spend our life in this fourm saying the same things again and again

It is wrong to say "modern warfare does not suit them". It is just that in the past they have been lagging in training and coordination capabilities. However at present they are trying to improve that. Hopefully they will again rise to be one of the best.:tup:

About pakistan, what more could you hope? It successfully defended itself from a neighbour 5+ times stronger in the past. :tdown:
i invite you all to the thread about egyptian armed forces to see the egyptian army now a real professional well trained and equiped army
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