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Yom Kippur War 1973: The Egyptian Revenge

They too were helping Usrael covertly. Egyptians have found out (with proofs) that Russians were giving their air force codes to the Usraelis. They have sustained many mysterious losses to that fact and decided to change the codes without soviet knowledge. And the Egyptian losses went down dramatically.

so why are these morons stil buying weopons from russian again:-)? it doesn't make no sense....
By Qadri Hafny | Al Arabiya Institute for Studies
Wednesday, 9 October 2013
The Israelis felt defeated by the Egyptian victory of Oct. 6, 1973. It wasn’t just a defeat in battle but defeat in the face of the biggest threat to its existence in its 25 years of being. During that time, Israel feared for the fate of its people and its own existence as a state.

This Israeli assessment of the repercussions of the war was published a few months after the end of the October war, but it is worth revisiting the Israeli stance after the cooling down period; things have become clearer and more realistic.

In fact the famous social psychologist Richard Lazarus addressed the international association of psychologists at its yearly convention in Tel Aviv in 1975, speaking about the psychology of stressful situations and the way to face them, with particular emphasis on the situation Israel was in.

As a middle-aged American Jew, Lazarus expressed his support of Israel but noted that the Israelis were living in a continuous state of trauma, expecting to be killed or lose their loved ones in war or terror attacks anytime and feeling lonely in a world that hated them. This dislike of Israel increased after the October war, when the western countries supported the oil producing Arabs and the Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat was well received at the U.N. while Israel was asked to leave UNESCO as a direct result of the growing role of third world countries.

He enumerated the changes that occurred to the Israeli assessments, especially since this war was against the Israeli perception of Arabs, who united and fought bravely and surprised the Israeli intelligence community.

Lazarus quoted one of the Israeli newspapers’ headlines one year after the October war as saying: “something was broken at the Yum Kippur war last year. The state was saved but our faith is lost, our confidence is broken and our hearts are torn as we almost lost a full generation.”

He said that this was the first war that didn’t strengthen Israel as it was a psychological disaster in so much that it destroyed the legend of the invincible army. The biggest danger, he said, was replacing this idea by the fear of being under threat at all times.

Lazarus concluded by advising the new generation to connect with their ancestors and benefit from the experience of the diaspora, when Jews felt neglected and unable to rely on anyone but themselves.

He called for an informed assessment of the situation and for preparing Israel for a long conflict with the Arabs. He called for Israel to deal with the fact as an ongoing threat. It seems that he succeeded in nurturing Israeli aggression and their Zionist tendancies as well.

A different view
During that same period, Victor Sanouh, an American Jewish psychologist, with clear Zionist and anti-Arabs views, published a study about “the psychological effects of Yom Kippur war” in a specialized journal.

Sanouh said that 5 to 10% of Israelis were traumatized after the October war, which is a high percentage compared to minimal numbers in previous wars. He noted that this might be the result of the surprise war launched by the Arabs during the holiest of the Jewish holidays.

Sanouh noted that after the war, Israeli society witnessed a new trend of recoursing to the services of psychic intermediates to connect with lost or killed soldiers. This trend even reached the cultivated youth, he said.

That was the overall Israeli reaction to the October war. They all agreed that it was a defeat although they disagree over the reason, the consequences and the ways of facing it.

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so why are these morons stil buying weopons from russian again:-)? it doesn't make no sense....
Because time have changed. Remember that in those days, more precisely in 1972, .Nixon visited the Soviet Union and reached a deal for "Detente", So in the 1973 they were both reluctant to face each other or scrap the deal. Also Egypt sent 20,000 Russian military advisors back home just before starting the war, to keep them unaware of the Egyptian timing of the conflict. This fact alone shows how suspicious the Egyptians grew to be of the soviets in that era. The soviets did not like it and gave the Egyptian air force communication codes to Usrael, but Egypt found out quickly and changed those codes...
Because time have changed. Remember that in those days, more precisely in 1972, .Nixon visited the Soviet Union and reached a deal for "Detente", So in the 1973 they were both reluctant to face each other or scrap the deal. Also Egypt sent 20,000 Russian military advisors back home just before starting the war, to keep them unaware of the Egyptian timing of the conflict. This fact alone shows how suspicious the Egyptians grew to be of the soviets in that era. The soviets did not like it and gave the Egyptian air force communication codes to Usrael, but Egypt found out quickly and changed those codes...

you my bro are putting conspiracy theories within conspiracy theories within conspiracy theories.

like those Russian eggs within eggs within eggs within eggs.

This is good for time pass shooting breeze.

But the same time it is terrible from military history pov.

militaries do not loose wars because somebody stole their codes.

They loose wars because they were utterly incompetent and thus $tupid to start such wars.
if the Zionists were not backed by the US Palestine would have been a part of Egypt today.

Says who?

USA only started backing Israel after the 6 Day War in 1967. Before that all Israeli Weaponry were of British and French origin.

Even in 1973, USA support to Israel didnt start until October 14. By that time, Syrian forces had been stopped in the Golan Heights and had been pushed back across the 1967 Lines and Israel had advanced into Syria proper. Against the Egyptians, Israel had defeated the Egyptian attack towards the Sinai passes and was planning to cross the canal.

In short, Operation Nickle Grass was not a game changer in the Yom Kippur War, all it did was gave the Israelis the comfort that their material losses would be replaced and thus allowed to expend what they had more fruitfully.

Egypt and Syria recived far more material from the Soviets than the Israelis from the Americans.
you my bro are putting conspiracy theories within conspiracy theories within conspiracy theories.

like those Russian eggs within eggs within eggs within eggs.

This is good for time pass shooting breeze.

But the same time it is terrible from military history pov.

militaries do not loose wars because somebody stole their codes.

They loose wars because they were utterly incompetent and thus $tupid to start such wars.
Who told you the Egyptians or the Arabs have lost the war (they have found out about russian low intensity duplicity and remedied to that ), read post # 242.
There were conspiracy theories, that is too evident from the conduct of the war after the first 8 days. Any how world wide diplomacy is full of them up till now. What we are calling conspiracy theories is just the way hostile diplomacies work , so in reality those are not theories but practices.
Google "operation Nickle Grass". The first transport landed in Israel in the evening of 14th October.

Pure comedy. Your conspiracy theories getting dumber and dumber from day to day.

Iraqi divisions arrived in Syria between 10-11 Oct. On 12th Oct 3rd Iraqi division attacked 210th Israeli division, halting its offensive.

Thats not true, Egyptians destroyed more.

Either another of ur BS stories or Assad is a Mossad agent.

How possible to capture Sinai with air attack?


Read post #242, it answers all your BS from your own kind who came back to reason.
So after u failed miserably in military matters and backing ur moronic conspiracy theories u want us to discuss psychology? Really?
I have already told you about your psychological problems long time ago!
That article in post # 242 was written for Usraelis like you from other Usraelis, about your miserable war failures and especially your lies about military matters. You can stop your BS or continue it won"t change anything in reality.
By the way your post is a testimony to your psychological disturbances, please spare us from your own shortcoming and go seek some help from a psychologist .

EI: We have known later that (former Egyptian President Anwar) Sadat refused (former Presidential Chief of Staff Saad) al-Shazly’s plan to liquidate the Israeli infiltration between the Second and Third armies. I wonder what made the Egyptian army abide by the ceasefire although the Israelis were breaching it and advancing in the Western bank of Suez Canal?

Daigle: That was what happened on 24 October exactly. On the night of 24 October after the Americans placed their forces on military alert, they recalled troops that were on leave. And they made it appear that the US was going to send forces. They started moving carriers and ships to the Mediterranean, so they’re making it appear that they were ready to intervene if needed. But they really did not want to send troops into the Middle East. You have to remember that in 1973 this was only nine months after the Paris-peace accords and this would be a sign of war, and Vietnam just ended, so the Americans didn’t want to get involved in another war in a far away land. So by pushing to the alert, Kissinger was saying to the Egyptians and to the Soviets “We are prepared to intervene if necessary.”

EI: Finally, as a historian, how do you estimate the conclusion of 18 days of fighting in both military and political terms?

Daigle: Obviously, the balance of power changed completely after Sadat advanced the attack following 14 October. Militarily, at the end of the war there was not one Egyptian soldier or one Syrian soldier on Israeli territory. The Israelis had moved beyond the Suez Canal, to the west side of the canal, they had moved further into Syria. So, it was a military victory for the Israelis. However, the war was also a political victory for Sadat, because his aims were not to defeat Israel militarily. His aims were to get the parties moved off their frozen positions, to get Kissinger actively involved. If you look at the documents leading up to 1973, what you see in early 1973 is that Kissinger doesn’t want to get involved. He’s fine with the status quo. And that’s what Sadat was trying to change. In (former US President Richard) Nixon’s first term he couldn’t do it. In 1973, Muhammad Hafiz Ismail, Sadat’s adviser for national security affairs, came to meet Kissinger in secret negotiations and he went back and said, “nothing is going to happen. Kissinger doesn’t want to get involved.” Kissinger was more interested in Europe and China; he said in a big speech that 1973 is going to be the year of Europe. The Middle East for him was a sideshow. So Sadat was trying to change that attitude. Two weeks after, Kissinger showed up in Egypt and they began the process of diplomacy and they moved the Middle East to the front of foreign policy agenda from 1974 to 1976. Sadat shook the myth of the Israelis as invincible. The Israelis believed that if there was another Middle East war, it was going to be 1967 all over again and Sadat showed them that the Egyptian defense and preparations had improved, and that the Israelis could not win another quick war. And, because they could not win a quick war against the Arabs, that made Israel weaker and it forced them to understand that they could not hold on to the territories. That was the other victory for the Arabs. They demonstrated that Israel holding on to the occupied territories doesn’t make Israel safer, because that’s the Israeli argument. But when you end up in a war and your people are dying, it doesn’t make you safer and so they realize that they had to negotiate.

Behind the Egypt-Israel October war: Q&A with Craig Daigle - Part 4 | Egypt Independent
EI: We have known later that (former Egyptian President Anwar) Sadat refused (former Presidential Chief of Staff Saad) al-Shazly’s plan to liquidate the Israeli infiltration between the Second and Third armies.
Another conspiracy retarded theory. And here the Shazly own words:

25 Oct 1100 hours: A meeting of the Armed Forces Supreme Council, the first since the outbreak of war. ...The main topic was, of course, how to open the road to Third Army. But though everyone spoke with passion, nobody could come up with a realistic plan.

"My men and I are ready to die to open the road to the Third Army," Qabiyl (Brigadier of the 4th Armored division) said. "But I have to say I do not think we will succeed. And if our division is destroyed the road to Cairo will be wide open."

I must say that I never seen someone in my life so obsessed with conspiracy. I wonder what is ur problem. Its really unhealthy what is happening to u.
Another conspiracy retarded theory. And here the Shazly own words:

25 Oct 1100 hours: A meeting of the Armed Forces Supreme Council, the first since the outbreak of war. ...The main topic was, of course, how to open the road to Third Army. But though everyone spoke with passion, nobody could come up with a realistic plan.

"My men and I are ready to die to open the road to the Third Army," Qabiyl (Brigadier of the 4th Armored division) said. "But I have to say I do not think we will succeed. And if our division is destroyed the road to Cairo will be wide open."

I must say that I never seen someone in my life so obsessed with conspiracy. I wonder what is ur problem. Its really unhealthy what is happening to u.
Are you talking to yourself?
This is what your generals said about that war. so go talk to them and ask them why they have failed .

If it came to General Shazli, your troops would have never been allowed to cross the suez canal. You are quoting him desperately, but it only makes you think about what was stated , that the war was tricked, and the real objectives of Sadat were not the total defeat of Usrael, but to move the stalled diplomacy.
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Are you talking to yourself?
This is what your generals said about that war. so go talk to them and ask them why they have failed .
These are just ramblings of some Arabic host.

If it came to General Shazli, your troops would have never been allowed to cross the suez canal. You are quoting him desperately, but it only makes you think about what was stated , that the war was tricked,
I am quoting Shazly because u are a kid in denial. Shazly, the Egyptian chief of staff in 1973 says that 3rd army was surrounded and that there was no way to rescue them.

I could give you quotes of American historians but you will reject them as Israeli agents of something.

and the real objectives of Sadat were not the total defeat of Usrael, but to move the stalled diplomacy.
There was no way to total defeat Israel in 1973. Their objective was to capture Golan and part of Sinai up to Mitla passing. Then they could dictate Israel conditions.

In first days it seemed possible. But then there was a turnover: Syrians were thrown from the Golan, offensive towards Mitla failed and the 3rd army was encircled.

Let me give u another quote of Shazly:

The rest, as they say, is history. Sadat, who had rejected the advice of the Soviet Union on October 12 to seek a ceasefire, and who continued to reject that advice until, too late, he accepted it on October 19, now found himself begging for Soviet help.

Egypt had no choice but to accept every humiliating condition. By such tactics the Israelis kept Third Army on the brink of collapse, the better to use it as a hostage against the conditions they now wanted to impose.

They had plundered everything that could be taken, destroyed everything that could not. They had dismantled the Suez oil refinery and fertilizer factory and shipped them back to Israel. They had dismantled the cranes and harbor machinery at Adabia. They had dismantled every water and petroleum pipeline.
These are just ramblings of some Arabic host.

I am quoting Shazly because u are a kid in denial. Shazly, the Egyptian chief of staff in 1973 says that 3rd army was surrounded and that there was no way to rescue them.

I could give you quotes of American historians but you will reject them as Israeli agents of something.

There was no way to total defeat Israel in 1973. Their objective was to capture Golan and part of Sinai up to Mitla passing. Then they could dictate Israel conditions.

In first days it seemed possible. But then there was a turnover: Syrians were thrown from the Golan, offensive towards Mitla failed and the 3rd army was encircled.

Let me give u another quote of Shazly:

The rest, as they say, is history. Sadat, who had rejected the advice of the Soviet Union on October 12 to seek a ceasefire, and who continued to reject that advice until, too late, he accepted it on October 19, now found himself begging for Soviet help.

Egypt had no choice but to accept every humiliating condition. By such tactics the Israelis kept Third Army on the brink of collapse, the better to use it as a hostage against the conditions they now wanted to impose.

They had plundered everything that could be taken, destroyed everything that could not. They had dismantled the Suez oil refinery and fertilizer factory and shipped them back to Israel. They had dismantled the cranes and harbor machinery at Adabia. They had dismantled every water and petroleum pipeline.

Everyone knows the bitterness of Shazli concerning Sadat. The fact is that the first cease fire was announced on the 22nd, and Usrael violated it many times to consolidate a position of power till the 26th, but failed, it tried to take Ismaelia, it failed , tried Suez city, and failed again, than turned south towards the 3rd Egyptian army and said it has surrounded it, which was a lie again . If you look at it with any logic, you'll recognize that Egypt could mobilize at least a million men, the third army was composed of some 30 to 50 000 men, spread on a wide area, even if Sharon -who has said that no one knew who was surrounding whom, (I have provided links previously)- Would have surrounded a portion of it , there were Egyptian forces behind the Sharon brigades. Remember that Sharon was on the Egyptian side of the canal, and every attempt of Usrael on that side has failed. You should thank the US for the pressure put on Egypt among other things like the Aerial photographs taken by their SR-71 who give Usrael every and each position of the Egyptian armed forces including the so called gap,on top of unlimited weapons supplies. but all that to say the least was to no much avail,Usrael suffered the most horrible event in its recent history, and had to give back the Sinai, like it was officially asked to do peacefully many times before the war.
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