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Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

That i wanna say, if they support uyghurs the China also will support kurds and any Kurdish guerrilla. Through Iran, Russia, Libya or Greece(maybe) many free weapons to arm PKK, and let them kill each other.

Just some internet warriors,I am glad the Turkish goverment is not stupid
Do you know the country named "East Turkistan"?
This area is usually called "Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region", the People's Republic of China.
This country has been invaded and is facing various suppressions by Chinese Communist Party.

Specifically :
1) Millions of people are forced to get abortion under the name of "Family Planning".
2) More than 45 nuclear tests and radioactivities had killed a large amount of people.
3) Several tens thousands of people were slaughtered for being claimed as "political criminals".

The East Turkistan people are still under the oppression of China.
The unique culture, language, and customs are beginning to fade by emigration of huge amount of Han people and ethnic cleansing policies.

Unfortunately this fact is not well known worldwide. However, even now the East Turkistan people are suffering.

I think you did not study your books. The so call East Turkestan could have got their independence, but it was the Turks' brothers the Hui Muslim that that brought Xinjiang back to China. Hui Muslim in the west are Sinized Turks and Tajik.

They hate Uyghur independence movement and are willing to support Han Chinese in taking down separatist. See Battle of Kashgar (1933).

The communist did not invade Xinjiang or what so called East Turkistan. No one invade Xinjiang. The Hui Muslim quell the rebellion.
That i wanna say, if they support uyghurs the China also will support kurds and any Kurdish guerrilla. Through Iran, Russia, Syria or Greece(maybe) many free weapons to arm PKK, and let them kill each other.

china and pkk are communist terrorist bros good luck:wave:

Kaldır sunları bu şekilde zarar veriorsun bu haklı davaya kardeşim
niya kaldırıyım lan kardeşlerimizi öldürüyorlar onları asimile tecavüz ediyorlar tırsma bu kadar kendine gel
china and pkk are communist terrorist bros good luck:wave:

The Turks who preach Pan Turkism are the worst abuser of human rights and oppressor of minorities in the whole Islamic civilization. They are a shame to Islam. The greatest genocide occur under Islamic civilization the Armenian/Christian genocide allegedly result to death of 2 millions are under the banner of pan Turkism.

If Pan Turkic has their way, all minorities in Xinjiang include Tajik will get shitt.

How about Uighur compared to Armenians?
We have to find hard evidences if these evil act is belong to Indian terrorists or some associated from India who had 170 million Muslim under poverty levels.

In fact, India intelligences export terrorisms to Pakistan and Afghanistan for routine blasts you see, why now China?
. .
The Turks who preach Pan Turkism are the worst abuser of human rights and oppressor of minorities in the whole Islamic civilization. They are a shame to Islam. The greatest genocide occur under Islamic civilization the Armenian/Christian genocide allegedly result to death of 2 millions are under the banner of pan Turkism.

If Pan Turkic has their way, all minorities in Xinjiang include Tajik will get shitt.

How about Uighur compared to Armenians?

wtf there is no panturkism in history soviet leader stalin created firstly this word
could be US who stayed in Afghanistan to create trouble on China (west) and Russia (North) and Iran (South), Middle Easterns.
The Turks who preach Pan Turkism are the worst abuser of human rights and oppressor of minorities in the whole Islamic civilization. They are a shame to Islam. The greatest genocide occur under Islamic civilization the Armenian/Christian genocide allegedly result to death of 2 millions are under the banner of pan Turkism.

If Pan Turkic has their way, all minorities in Xinjiang include Tajik will get shitt.

How about Uighur compared to Armenians?

Even kazakhs in china don't buy this shitt,he will be surprised if he know how chinese kazakhs view Pan Turkic
Do you know the country named "East Turkistan"?
This area is usually called "Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region", the People's Republic of China.
This country has been invaded and is facing various suppressions by Chinese Communist Party.

Specifically :
1) Millions of people are forced to get abortion under the name of "Family Planning".
2) More than 45 nuclear tests and radioactivities had killed a large amount of people.
3) Several tens thousands of people were slaughtered for being claimed as "political criminals".

The East Turkistan people are still under the oppression of China.
The unique culture, language, and customs are beginning to fade by emigration of huge amount of Han people and ethnic cleansing policies.

Unfortunately this fact is not well known worldwide. However, even now the East Turkistan people are suffering.

I am telling you what the fact is:
1. Uyghur people as a minority have extra point in exam, especially when they write the exam in their own language.
2. Uyghur people are not included in the 1 Child Policy, yet many other ethnics have to follow this policy.
3. They are allowed to bring knifes with them in the public due to cultural protection.
4. The highest leaders of XUAR are Uyghurs. There are even many Uyghur people in the high position in the CCP.
5. When there is a crime related to Uyghur, the local government usually releases them in few days because they don't want people like you yelling "Chinese are evil they arrest our people!!!!" around. Such action always make other ethnics upset.
6. Your data about "had killed a large amount of people" and "tens thousands of people were slaughtered" have no proof and are illogical nonsense.

'Unfortunately' you said, well it is indeed "unfortunate". The CCP is treating the Uyghur people even better than the "main ethnic" Han, but unfortunately people know not much about it and some of them even playing the "brother and sister" game. They should really save their imagination, back to dream about their former Ottoman instead of annoying other countries' business.
Turks---focus on your own struggles and Secular/Islamist freedom fighters, Syria war, Kurds, and much more.

Don't nose internal matter of China.
. .
Even kazakhs in china don't buy this shitt,he will be surprised if he know how chinese kazakhs view Pan Turkic

pan turkism is a lie every time china and iran is using this methods and they are pressuring and using ideologic teror on turks via this game this is old soviet game
wtf there is no panturkism in history soviet leader stalin created firstly this word

Turks are the worst oppressor among all Muslim and they are a shame of Muslim. The Armenian genocide is the biggest disgrace to Islam. One of the most significant early exponents of pan-Turkism was Enver Pasha, the Ottoman Minister of War and acting Commander-in-Chief during World War I.

The Pan Turk gangster kill every single minorities on their way, not just armenian but also Greece, Assyrian, Kurd, Alevi.

Uighur's East Turkestan is a very dangerous idea. They are far more atrocious than Dalai Lama. I support welcoming Dalai back China and give him a share of power in Tibet. But we need to take down Pan Turkism.

The Hui Muslim in China knows the Uighur way as Hui was originally Turks. They support Han Chinese all the way, and are willing to bleed themselves in order to support China. Their Iman even call for Jihad against Japan during WW2.

Thanks to the Hui Muslim and the blood the spill in Kashgar 1933, Xinjiang is back to the big China family.
Even kazakhs in china don't buy this shitt,he will be surprised if he know how chinese kazakhs view Pan Turkic

Right. There are only a few of Uighur who like to cause problem (The most funniest thing is, these people usually kill their own Uighur brothers, Han people are not even the first Victim). I have never heard about other ethnics in 新疆 ever behavior like that.
Also Kazakhs are great people. They always loyal to the whole family, just like Inner Mongolian.

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