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Would you buy Pakistan?



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May 7, 2010
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Marketing cannot be limited to individuals or enterprises. Pakistan is in dire need of a new image and nation branding can help build it.
When Pakistan was conveniently paired with Afghanistan to form the so-called ‘Af-Pak’ region, world over people were made to think that both countries stand in the same line when it comes to infrastructure and economy. Richard Holbrooke was named as a common ambassador for the two countries by the United States and common policies began to take shape.

Afghanistan is a drug-based economy that has no transport, communications or government structure. It has no signs of technology and has been torn-apart by the constant war situation. Yet, when such a country was branded with Pakistan, nobody seemed to have a problem with it. There was no lawyers’ movement or judiciary movement or youth movement or political movement. Did anybody notice how India categorically refused to accept Holbrooke as a common special representative to South Asia? By refusing to accept Holbrooke, India clearly branded itself as the bigger power in the region. A clear message was given to the US that India will not be treated like Pakistan. This is the power nation branding holds.
If we look back, there was a time when there was an Indo-Pak region. Both countries were treated alike, given both were progressive economies. India successfully branded itself as an emerging world power. It is no longer seen as a competitor for Pakistan, rather India aims at China. Some things went wrong in Pakistan, the continuous political structure breakdowns due to military interventions are hackneyed issues and I will not discuss them. Still, a better global image can be painted for Pakistan.

The core issue is, can a country be branded? Sure, why not.
However, the technique used to brand a country is obviously slightly different from branding a corporation. Countries like Turkey and Bahrain advertise their abundance of skilled labor and ask others to invest in them. Their advertisements are aired on television and published in magazines.

Goldman Sachs argued that, since Brazil, Russia, India and China are developing rapidly, by 2050 their combined economies could eclipse the combined economies of the current richest countries of the world. The name ‘BRIC’ was given to this group of countries and it began splashing on every piece of publication ensuring the presence and emerging strengths of the respective countries. It helped build investor confidence in these economies.

In fact ******, Islamic bomb and failed state are all marketing buzz words used to brand Pakistan. The people are made to feel weak and exposed by constantly feeding them with such rubbish, sadly by our own media as well.

How is it that Pakistan was unable to cash on the N-11? The Next Eleven is yet another list of countries published by Goldman Sachs in late 2005, which includes Pakistan. With time, it was clarified that the N-11 may never be as big as BRIC, but they will emerge nonetheless. Maybe this is not as exciting, but there is a need to pursue the thought in any case.

Pakistan is one of the biggest users of the Internet and mobile phones in the world. Access from China to warm waters; from Central Asian countries to the most densely populated democracy in the world, we have it all. Moreover, an overflowing supply of young population. These are signs investors over the world look for. Do they know about Pakistan?

I have to touch upon the Pakistani media to establish the branding case. The hopelessly pathetic level of journalism in Pakistan has brought shame and disgrace, watch the news every day for ten minutes and you will turn into a heart patient. The news channels, to catch the audience’s attention, would say anything and everything disgusting about Pakistan. Whether the talk show anchors have hidden agendas or not, that’s a separate debate, but they sure have no sympathies with this country. From constantly abusing the politicians to continuous harping about how the country is about to fall apart, they have it all. Kill hope in people, you’ll kill the nation. That’s precisely what they are doing. International media only shows the handful of “news worthy” terrorists from Pakistan. So who will tell the world about the rest of the hard working population?

Over the internet, there is little positive you can find about Pakistan. Since the international media doesn’t show any of of good things that happen in Pakistan, this job has to be done by Pakistanis themselves. Search for ‘invest’, ‘trade’ or ‘tourism’ in Pakistan over the Internet and you will find nothing but dead links. Pakistan needs to go online. The Internet is a medium waiting to be used, not to be blocked. Nation branding was never easier.

Simon Anholt, an expert in nation branding said that ‘Places can only change their images by changing the way they behave.’

This can’t possibly be challenged by any sane person.

To brand Pakistan, the first step is cooperation between the public and private sector. The branding agenda should be clear and concrete, and the masses have to be educated accordingly. Some cultural and regional strong points must be identified and promoted in an attractive way. Effective advertisements can be used to influence public behavior. For a country like Pakistan, there is so much that can be highlighted to represent a true national identity. The challenge of having four culturally distinct provinces is actually a strong point that has never been placed on the table. Instead, we use them to create borders.

Malaysia Truly Asia, Incredible India, Invest in Turkey, Invest in Macedonia and Discover Indonesia are just a few campaigns. I am not suggesting an exactly similar campaign, given the present scenario and dynamics of the region. For the time being, nation branding can help Pakistan regain its progressive image.

Would you buy Pakistan? – The Express Tribune Blog
cyber war is going against pakistan.conditions has changed frm last 2-3 yrs.i personally dont want destablization of pak coz it will create huge migration problem to india which is already suffering.

although this thread will go in direction of bash.pak members will say india is behind this and whole discussion will come on kashmir issue.some members will be banned then,and in this way this thread will go
It is accumulative affect of neglect, poor planning and bad execution of years that we have become bad guys.

Our Indian neighbor add fuel to this fire to the best of their ability. I do not blame India for that as they do that in their national interest.

Time has come to wake up.
If i had the money i would buy Pakistan. Pakistan is great. Case closed, lets move on!
yes please! if i had a money i would buy Pakistan and donate to its peoples with condition of no discrimination of anybody whatsoever :P

By the way, how much is it for? Pakistan has a lot of debts so who knows if i can afford it :rofl:
cyber war is going against pakistan.conditions has changed frm last 2-3 yrs.i personally dont want destablization of pak coz it will create huge migration problem to india which is already suffering.

Even if the world get destroyed and the last ark is in india still i'll prefer to stay at my destroyed country rather than 'Migrating' to India......
Guys, you need to understand that buy word here does not mean an actual purchase.. Its about buying into the brand Pakistan..
Damn.....no one has bothered to read the writeup.....its about projecting Pakistan in world market as a progressive country... rather than discussing of anyone will buy Pakistan or not.

Are we dealing with teenagers here.
Even if the world get destroyed and the last ark is in india still i'll prefer to stay at my destroyed country rather than 'Migrating' to India......

time tells a lot,when ppl come in millions.example is bangladesh.btw wat abt hindu and sikhs in pak.
Guys, you need to understand that buy word here does not mean an actual purchase.. Its about buying into the brand Pakistan..
"Pakistan for Sale", the author is peddling another brand name?

Sorry, for me and I believe most Pakistanis talking smack about Pakistan is unacceptable.
Yes, I would gladly purchase a stake/shares in "brand Pakistan". :cheers:

I am a long-term investor, and I can see that there will be great improvement over the next several years. Solid economic growth, and a lot of untapped potential.

The Chinese government is investing in "brand Pakistan"... because they know Pakistan has a bright future, and our investments will pay off.
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Damn.....no one has bothered to read the writeup.....its about projecting Pakistan in world market as a progressive country... rather than discussing of anyone will buy Pakistan or not.

Are we dealing with teenagers here.

Your dealing with national pride and emotion. Watch your tone with us, no need to get shirty.
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