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Would you buy Pakistan?

Guys, you might hit a raw nerve accidentally, there are a lot of them looking for attention in the cyber world, be aware.:azn:

India’s Online Gays
Revolution or Hi-Tech Closet?

Gay Life in Bombay - Gay Bombay

Do you seriously think so Comrade? The above link is a mere social circle these guys created on the net. Here check something out in your communist China that might test the "raw" nerve??

Gay China official site for gay Chinese, Asian ?????

You could just not stop from joining in the India bashing fun, isn't it?
Did you or any of your family study in a Mad-rassa? I mean the boys? I say because you seem quite deft at having a solution to this situation.... I mean complete with the enjoyment rider :rofl:
First of all don't bring family in it......

2ndly you denying to tell so i take it as you enjoyed it.....
Sir I understand the pain about it..but you should know the same feeling is going through us when people make fun of our dead..When one of our soldier is died here it is welcomed with Thanks and cheers..when news about one citizen is posted here it will be welcomed with India is reaping what they saw kind of theary ...we also feel humiliated and raged by the responses like this..I used to give respect to the deads in Pakistan in this forum..but i stopped it now..i dont usually post anything there..because I cant give respect to some countrymen who cant give respect to my countrymen..But i dont agree with insulting the dead..better keep away from that thread..

And also sir please read the comments made by your countrymen in that thread also,..they are accusing India for the floods in Pakistan with out any evidence..and some even trying to flame..usually tempers will be high..so dont blame Indians for each and every thing ..

I agree with most of your post seiko, you are one of the more sensible posters here and i enjoy our discussions.

I cant give respect to some countrymen who cant give respect to my countrymen

Very clear and candid, i like this approach.

Lets hope you stay as a member in PDF Sekio, im sure we will have plenty of meaningful discussions in the time to come.
Migration to hindia?? lolzzz

Get a life. \

BTW Express tribune publishing things that too in the blog without the author's name ehhhhh

dont get jumpy. pakistanis migrating to india for better jobs is not a recent thing. there is nothing wrong with that.

read this

"This is a happening place," said Ader Gandi, 49, a Pakistani-American mortgage broker from San Francisco who decided to become an art photography dealer in Mumbai, India's chaotic commercial capital, after arriving as a tourist two years ago. "Everywhere you look there are things coming up and happening that just weren't there two years ago -- there's just so much growth."

Indian immigrants enticed to go home - The Boston Globe
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Also Just want to add, can we please stop the GAY bashing, please! Just because someone is a homosexual, does not give us the right to be obnoxious towards their personal choice.

Now let sanity reign in this thread.
why we peoples are so much obsessed with Sex? any topic we drag sex into it :angry:

By the way, i just realized there are so many gays in the forum probably that is why they like to talk about gay life more often than others :rofl:

I better stay away from this forum or such topics at least
Hey Guys ,

What is the effect of WoT on Brand Pakistan? ... Not the official loss as stated by GoP.... but FII or Commerce Ministry numbers.

I agree with one members contention that the author simply lays blame on Media ... Nothing new. Just doing a "Incredible XYZ" kind of campaign wont help here.

I do agree with one thing, considering the population size and growth, Pakistan should be looked upon as a attractive investment option, once the internal security stabilizes.

yes please! if i had a money i would buy Pakistan and donate to its peoples with condition of no discrimination of anybody whatsoever :P

By the way, how much is it for? Pakistan has a lot of debts so who knows if i can afford it :rofl:

I know you would buy it for humanitarian reasons, but would you buy from economic reasons as well?

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