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Would you buy Pakistan?

Ay putar (mulk) hataan tay nahi bikday.

Aye putar hatan tay nahi bikday
is main mulk kahan se aa gaya Asim saab?

Putar = Beta
Hataan = Hatti = Shop

Yeh betay shops pe sale nahi hotay

Your dealing with national pride and emotion. Watch your tone with us, no need to get shirty.

Its for the same reason I made this statement....people jumped into replying the moment they looked at the title...which for your kind information is the title of the original source ....

Now is it my fault that people are getting overtly emotional here..just by looking at the flags below my name.
Damn.....no one has bothered to read the writeup.....its about projecting Pakistan in world market as a progressive country... rather than discussing of anyone will buy Pakistan or not.

Are we dealing with teenagers here.

Well honestly speaking Express Tribune is not helping in projecting positive/good side of Pakistan. The criticised International and Pakistani media for not doing so whereas ET had hired people who are most anti-Pakistan and had been making bucks by bashing Pakistan every now and then.

Express Tribune should have proven itself different than others by highlighting good and positive things going on in Pakistan which it had failed to do and i do not see any difference between ET and other media orgs.

Rather its trying to get feedback by publishing sarcastic stuff in blogs lolzz
"Pakistan for Sale", the author is peddling another brand name?

Sorry, for me and I believe most Pakistanis talking smack about Pakistan is unacceptable.

HuH?? Where does the article say Pakistan for Sale?
Yes, I would gladly purchase a stake/share in "brand Pakistan". :cheers:

I am a long-term investor, and I can see that there will be great improvement over the next several years. Solid economic growth, and a lot of untapped potential.

Is that why the Chinese exports to Pakistan increased in 2008 by almost 20% and the Pakistani exports to China decreased by about 10% over 2007?

Afterall by the end, currently US is funding the Pakistani business for China????

Quite a lot like walking the talk here.....

Aye putar hatan tay nahi bikday
is main mulk kahan se aa gaya Asim saab?

Putar = Beta
Hataan = Hatti = Shop

Yeh betay shops pe sale nahi hotay

Oh yaar, tu tubelight hi rahay ga. Brackets ka matlab, yeh nahi ke putar ki tashreeh ki hai.
If i had the money i would buy Pakistan. Pakistan is great. Case closed, lets move on!

Bro ..u dont need money to buy Pakistan. It is a gift of Allah(SBWT) for all of us. Its price is just to be sincere with Allah(SBWT) and Pak..and is urz.
Is that why the Chinese exports to Pakistan increased in 2008 by almost 20% and the Pakistani exports to China decreased by about 10% over 2007?

Afterall by the end, currently US is funding the Pakistani business for China????

Quite a lot like walking the talk here.....


Those are just trade figures, and they are positive.

Look at the "investment" figures, and the tens of billions that the Chinese government is pumping into Pakistan's energy sector, especially Hydropower.

The purpose of investment, is to gain from the success of those you have invested in. Pakistan's economy is growing, and the long-term outlook is favourable.

It's a good investment. :cheers:
Its for the same reason I made this statement....people jumped into replying the moment they looked at the title...which for your kind information is the title of the original source ....

Now is it my fault that people are getting overtly emotional here..just by looking at the flags below my name.

Nope.. you posted a sensational article because you wanted a bit of spice, now you have it. You are an excellent ambassador for your nation on PDF, keep it up.

You know what i find more pathetic, the fact that we have a thread on the 1000+ people killed and over 100,000 displaced, and only 3 Indian’s expressed genuine sorrow, here is what Banglore had to say on the matter:

Without downplaying the loss of lives due to these floods, its kind of sad that for about 3-4 months the complaint is of too much water & for the remainder of the year of there being not enough water. A country complaining of water scarcity cannot really afford to be so complacent in its water management as to allow such a lot of water to simply wash into the sea. I'm with saad445566 here in thinking that the authorities must come up with some way of managing atleast some of this water to tide over the lean months. 3 months of blaming God & 9 months of blaming India is not a substitute for a thoughtful water policy.

Her is what Raghu said on the matter “^^^Now nobody will accuse India of stealing water for at least this season”

Here is what Rupee had to say:
what's problem with u...when india block the river water than u complain and when india open the water than complain...i unable to understand what do u like....

Here is Abir on the matter:
So it's India once again eh! Well as expected, everyone needs a scapegoat to hide their own incompetence. Pakistan badly in need of a water policy, build dams to prevent this kind of disaster, also to store water for summer season.

The only sympathetic comment was from Tsioncis
“This is so sad :( why can't the south Asian countries have a disaster relief policy where they can help each other out during such calamities. Money, food, relief, medicines, equipment must be shared during such crisis.”


So my message to you is carry on regardless, you are doing an excellent job at promoting “your” true feelings about Pakistan and why and what you wish to discuss here.

If you were indeed to sympathetic and genuinely interested about Pakistani affairs a simple "my condolences” would have been sufficient, to this time you have not posted once in the “flood thread”.

I have nothing more to say to you. Good day!
what the hell? ppl work 10 years and can't make a small home in pakistan who can we buy 796096km damn i cant buy 300sq metters there.
Take help from China. Their propganda machine is very strong in marketing. The whole world flocks to China for investment when Russia next door offers better man power and vodka.

Vodka and girls would help :cheers:
Those are just trade figures and they are positive.

:woot: Positive for who???? Pakistan????

Look at the "investment" figures, and the tens of billions that the Chinese government is pumping into Pakistan's energy sector, especially Hydropower.

The purpose of investment, is to gain from the success of those you have invested in. Pakistan's economy is growing, and the long-term outlook is favourable. It's a good investment.

What is the nature of this investment that you are talking about? Are these hydropower projects turnkey projects on build operate basis? Or are these projects regular pay for building commissions that Chinese governments gets is companies in "friendly" states to ensure generation of revenue in foreign markets? Because in the latter case, there is nothing called investment happening. It is plain old business for profit. Something that you called positive above. :cheesy:

Do you have some date about this investment in Pakistan or do we have to now go with only your "feelings" on it? :coffee:

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