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World's larges Hindu temple coming in Bihar

apart from that they have many Hospitals , Schools , Orphanage & Hundreds of Small Clinics running in the Most impoverished region of India i.e Bihar, Jharkhand & UP...

If that is true I appreciate them -- because that is what we, Hindus, must be doing as a part of showcasing our faith, by helping our brethern across the country.

Along with the small clinics, also build small schools that impart value education to the locals and temples that serve as the spiritual center for them. Value Education, quality healthcare and spiritual guidance -- free of cost -- are the most important things people need today. The only way to stop the menace of unchecked evangelism across the vast swathes of the tribal belt is to play the game of the evangelists and beat them at it, not literally beating them up which will serve no purpose.
Excuses and apology. That's what we specialize in.

When we dont know how to spend our money usefully, why blame the missionaries who actively spend money among the tribals and in turn convert them ?

What stops us from utilizing this money to help uplift the tribals who would then have no incentive to fall into the trap set by the missionaries ?

We Hindus showcase our faith by splurging on filling the Hundis which goes to subsidizing the state...but we dont help our fellow Hindus who are struggling for meeting their daily needs, a help that would be more beneficial in the long run and which would pro-actively end the menace of market evangelism pervading the tribal parts in our country.

Instead of building such a huge temple , build thousand small temples in the tribal hamlets and build a school or a PHC along with it. See how these people would kick out any approaching evangelist of their own. It would be scoring two, actually three, mangoes with one stone.

Then how we are supposed to run the temples. While on the one hand there are temples who rake in crores of ruppes as donations, there are also temples who are on the verge of collapse bcs there is no money to go around. Love it or hate it, but the Devasom Board in Kerala have somehow managed to keep temples of archaeological value intact in Kerala by diverting funds from rich temples to those who cannot earn enough to sustain themselves.

As far as Tribals are concerned I refuse to believe that there no temples in Tribal Lands, the problem it seems is there is no funds to run it.
Then how we are supposed to run the temples. While on the one hand there are temples who rake in crores of ruppes as donations, there are also temples who are on the verge of collapse bcs there is no money to go around. Love it or hate it, but the Devasom Board in Kerala have somehow managed to keep temples of archaeological value intact in Kerala by diverting funds from rich temples to those who cannot earn enough to sustain themselves.

Dewaswom board or Ministry of Hindu Endowments and Charities in case of TN..its all the same story. Wasnt it Sabarimala dewaswom board that gave 3 crore or something for Haj subsidy when infrastructure for devotee help in Sabarimala is pathetic ?

A fraction is used to upkeep of the temples while most of them goes to various other things that should have been ideally funded by state money.

I'm not saying dont put money in Hundis..notice my wording..I just asked not to splurge on them..like Lakhs and crores...Such temples have more than enough resources to take care of themselves...Instead we also contribute a definite amount to the numerous Hindu organizations that work in remote areas in fulfilling the basic needs of the tribals/downtrodden/poor.

As far as Tribals are concerned I refuse to believe that there no temples in Tribal Lands, the problem it seems is there is no funds to run it.

yes there are no funds -- that is what I am saying that such devotee money can be better spent on funding them.The missionaries have an unlimited amount of money from the West for their activites in India..But for the Hindu organizations to match them..? They dont have any foreign donors..It is only us in India... Think about that.
better save the money to feed the hungry dying of hunger..building temples is not going to help. temples do not generate employment.
better save the money to feed the hungry dying of hunger..building temples is not going to help. temples do not generate employment.

Nor does stadiums, zoos, museums or public places..but we build them that too with public money and here we are speaking about a private trust.
Dewaswom board or Ministry of Hindu Endowments and Charities in case of TN..its all the same story. Wasnt it Sabarimala dewaswom board that gave 3 crore or something for Haj subsidy when infrastructure for devotee help in Sabarimala is pathetic ?

Any source..preferably from a neutral ones.

A fraction is used to upkeep of the temples while most of them goes to various other things that should have been ideally funded by state money.

I'm not saying dont put money in Hundis..notice my wording..I just asked not to splurge on them..like Lakhs and crores...Such temples have more than enough resources to take care of themselves...

I am for making Devasom Board separate from the Govt and is ready to support any movement for it if it seems genuine.

Instead we also contribute a definite amount to the numerous Hindu organizations that work in remote areas in fulfilling the basic needs of the tribals/downtrodden/poor.

Pls share with us the details of such organizations. I am more than willing to help them in whatever way I can.

yes there are no funds -- that is what I am saying that such devotee money can be better spent on funding them.The missionaries have an unlimited amount of money from the West for their activites in India..But for the Hindu organizations to match them..? They dont have any foreign donors..It is only us in India... Think about that.

If any organization like RSS come forward with the aim to collect money and offset missionaries in Tribal areas, there are enough Hindus out there to support them in cash and kind..but there doesn't seem any. Money is not an issue. If 600+ crores can be raised by this trust for the temple equally if not more can be raised for the above said purpose.
Any source..preferably from a neutral ones.

It was mentioned by Rahul Eashwar, of Sabarimala dewaswom board, in an interview to Times Now on some issue. I dont recall exactly which..

Pls share with us the details of such organizations. I am more than willing to help them in whatever way I can.

If any organization like RSS come forward with the aim to collect money and offset missionaries in Tribal areas, there are enough Hindus out there to support them in cash and kind..but there doesn't seem any. Money is not an issue. If 600+ crores can be raised by this trust for the temple equally if not more can be raised for the above said purpose.

RSS and its sister organizations do have an extensive network of volunteers who work in the tribal areas and if you wish to contribute you can either contact the nearest branch of RSS regarding that. You can be sure that unlike other 'trusts'. money is actually well spent in this case.
better save the money to feed the hungry dying of hunger..building temples is not going to help. temples do not generate employment.

Quit trolling dude.

We are not a communist state that will confiscate money from trusts. It is their money and they can do whatever they want with it.

As for feeding the poor, it is the concern of the government, not a trust.

They are doing their job aptly by building hospitals, temples, etc.

I salute Mahavir Trust.

To those who feel that this money should have been spent on university, schools, etc... please start a trust, get donations and use them as you wish to. Seriously. My uncle has a trust in my Grandfather's name and he has already opened 4 schools and 2 colleges.
You can do the same.
If it gives you any consolation , the largest mosque in Asia is alos coming up in India in Kerala. Yes, I agree that we need more public facilities like Hospitals but this temple is built by a private trust , not by Govt..so frankly its their choice how to spend their money.

ignorance makes you blind and bs.. Only if you have read my comment ... read again
It was mentioned by Rahul Eashwar, of Sabarimala dewaswom board, in an interview to Times Now on some issue. I dont recall exactly which..

RSS and its sister organizations do have an extensive network of volunteers who work in the tribal areas and if you wish to contribute you can either contact the nearest branch of RSS regarding that. You can be sure that unlike other 'trusts'. money is actually well spent in this case.

Heard ISKON also supporting large amount of people in india and other nations!! They have a world wide network.,, Once i read in a paper, that ISKON is supporting a muslim school, by providing free lunch to them.....
The topic is about Hindustan temple. I say something correct and immidiatly the hindu warriors starting to call me a troll and starting to compare things between countries.. Dudes, take it easy we all know that is a money wasting while many people need food or work. Instead of talking about this, you guys starting to compare things come on man act a bit like a man. Who says that i agree with building big mosqeus while its not needed?

You dont even know my opinion about that but starting to judge me and my country damn..

Grow up hindustanians.
ignorance makes you blind and bs.. Only if you have read my comment ... read again

Yes I have read..this is a charitable trust building this temple. Ordinary don't have any say in this.

The topic is about Hindustan temple. I say something correct and immidiatly the hindu warriors starting to call me a troll and starting to compare things between countries.. Dudes, take it easy we all know that is a money wasting while many people need food or work. Instead of talking about this, you guys starting to compare things come on man act a bit like a man. Who says that i agree with building big mosqeus while its not needed?

You dont even know my opinion about that but starting to judge me and my country damn..

Grow up hindustanians.

This means that the mosque being built in Diyarbakir is also a waste of money.

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