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World War III : Possible Scenario

World war III : Possible Scenarios

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I don't really get what you mean by "USA Attack on Islamic World". Besides the fact that Sierra Leonne doesn't give a **** about attack on Libya and neither does Gambia give a **** about an attack on Tajikistan; Iran and Pakistan are the only main players who can possibly ever be engaged in any military conflict. The rest are dead sheep, neutral or allied. Central Asia can become a problem in a worst case scenario but it is unrealizable as of now.

I don't see a World War III happening in any scenario. Beyond a couple of small scale wars (relative to WW I and II), there aren't any big geo-political battles that can possibly be settled in the battlegrounds anymore.

There are definitely problems that can be solved by a war. however their distribution has changed. i read an article saying something about the world being divided into cores and peripheries, with zones of conflict primarily centered on africa, middle east and latin america. other than cold war territorial battles like china vs. USA over taiwan or north korea vs south korea, almost all potential conflicts should occur in the unstable parts of the world.
The only Scenario i see is that either Israel Attacks Iran and Syria also joins and israel then gets help from US.
2nd may be US direct attach on Iran with isreal and Syria also joining .
3rd one what i think has realy less chance is that Pakistan fells into taliban hands and US and India Attack to take out nukes ... but in reality this scenario is Impossible because of storng Pak Arms Forces....

Another may be that N korea nukes japan or south Korea and then US Nukes North korea so end of the game.
I think future wars will be fought over scarce natural resources like oil, water, food etc. rather than geographical expansionist ambitions.

So, War over oil seems most appropriate.

By the way America's war against Islamic World is part of the Oil War.
War for oil is already happening and one option that the thread starter missed and i believe its one of the most important one is war on water. And this conflict imo will initiate from India Pakistan theater.
Only if its for protecting human rights otherwise its a gutless affair

the award for best joke goes to you
I don't remember the book of Hadith from which the following hadith is taken but I have read it.. In this Hadith the holy Prophet (SA) said that my Ummah will see three world wars and the third world war would be with DAJJAL......

The way we are going in the current scenario I think it would be the Muslim world and few non muslim countries with Muslim World against Israel, USA,India and some of the Europe countries that may include Britans for sure....

Israel would be the center point of the war according to the Hadith stated above .

Therefore I believe that the starting point of World war 3 was 9/11 , Because after that US and Israel attacked those Muslim countries that were threat to Israel's security.... They attacked Iraq because of that and then Lebanon because it was a threat to Israel. Although Israel lost the war against Lebanon but Hezbollah became a bit weak after that....

As far as Afghanistan is concerened it was also done to protect Israel because Afghanistan is the HEART of Khorasan land , Holy Prophet said about the land of Khorasaan that :

"when you see the black flags coming form the direction of Khorasaan towards the holy land (Jerusalem), Go and Join that army even if you have to crawl over ice, because in that army would be Imam Al Mahdi and nothing will stop the at army until it reaches Jerusalem and conquers it"

(sahih tirmizi, Ahmed)

they are now trying to weaken Pakistan so that they may have a support for the claim that Pakistan is incapable of Protecting its nuclear weapons, so it needed to be dismantled... When that happens then Israel will wage that war on Muslim in Arab... Pakistan will definitely retaliate on that attack on muslims and will not sit silent at that point , because the people of Pakistan will not let that happen INSHA ALLAH ....

when Pakistan starts the war against Israel then I think India will come in between with the Support of US and this will start Ghizwah e Hind of Which prophet (SA) has promised us that it will happen... the Hadith is in Sunan Al Nisai.

therefore it will majorly be the war between Muslim world against US , India and Israel (and their allies) .. and in this war Insha Allah Dajjal will be destroyed ......
as someone said before, EU and Islamic nations VS America and Israel is possible
Be sure Muslims of India will fight for India in this Ghizwah e Hind.

So not all muslims will be fighting with you in this Ghizwah e Hind. Some muslims (Indian) will be fighting against you.

That means muslims will be fighting against muslims.

So this war Ghizwah e Hind can not be called war between Muslims and non Muslims because you will be fighting against Indian Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, Christine
Be sure Muslims of India will fight for India in this Ghizwah e Hind.

So not all muslims will be fighting with you in this Ghizwah e Hind. Some muslims (Indian) will be fighting against you.

That means muslims will be fighting against muslims.

So this war Ghizwah e Hind can not be called war between Muslims and non Muslims because you will be fighting against Indian Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, Christine

Yes you can be right and can be wrong .. Nobody knows about it .... Prophet (SA) only promised of that war .. He didn't stated what religion will be fighting at that time against muslims in Ghizwa e hind...

there are very less details about this war in the hadith book.. I can't say much about it.. I think this should be left for the time when it happens.....

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