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World War III : Possible Scenario

World war III : Possible Scenarios

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We are already fighting in small oil wars and the next big one is just waiting to erupt. India, China, USA, Pakistan and EU would all be dragged in.

7,8 aren't possible imo. the influences of multinationals is only huge in weak small countries. in large countries, the government dominates the corporates. or even are the corporates. Indian Railways is the 2nd largest employer in the world for example. China State Grid is one of the most profitable companies in the world. Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Sukhoi, Gazprom, Airbus... all have significant connections to their governments.

The ideological differences in today's world are not enough for people to kill each other over. the socialism of today is not the militant socialism of 1960's. the capitalism of today in large countries that have the capability to fight a world war, is not the horrendously exploitive capitalism of the 1930's and 40's. Indeed the world has moved beyond ideology because in this era of dwindling resources we are forced to fight for survival instead.
Pakistan in this scenario nukes India off the map. Indian Ocean fills what used to be called India.

Dont troll...
only logics and scenarios...
pakistan canot and will not... same applies to india....
Most probably the option 9 & 10.If you asked me this question a decade ago i would also list 1 too as a chance.But now i don't think that US will try to go on war over some small Island.
The # 10 scenario is most thinkable but China and india will not be neutral..
WW3 means all powers involved in it...
WW2 america was involved but he was miles far away from the war place..
The WW3 will be fought in Indian Ocean...

Your scenario is not likely to happen. If you notice even during the Cold war period both countries were almost on the verge but never fought ut right war. That will prevail even if Russian Federation bounces back to its old power house.

I think already we are in a WWIII situation with Russia China and India playing it neutral. May be its WWIII in the making in the Oil rich areas now.

To my opinion no country is going to get into outright war within the power weights. Its going to be petty wars and and each counter balancing each other with economic forces playing the cards.

Even in Indo Pak scenario it was the economic factor which stopped India from waging all out war. It is not the nuclear thing which stopped a war. India was indeed scared of the economic fall out after the war scenario which held it back. India does realize that only a fast and quick war only India afford which it could not during the Parliament attack and that is the reason for the new doctrine.

Even in the Korean peninsula its the same situation. Even if South wants to go for overkill the economic fall out will be huge for South over the North and SK cant hold NK even for a day.

In the current situation no country can hold a foreign territory for more than a day so its going to be messy.

Its going to be proxy cold wars between economic giants and may be the wars will be fought in the outer space in near future and will be more an economic warfare of who can afford it.
If at all a third world war is bound to happen..then i think it would involve one of these countries for sure..

NO 10 10. USA against Islamic world (China and India:neutral)- A situation where USA attack on Islamic world and China and India are neutral.

is possible most
In a world war scenario i think they next must be ideology based where the western power will try to stop any rise of muslim state becoming tilted toward islam as there ideology.
Muslims and EU against Israel and USA.
NO 10 10. USA against Islamic world (China and India:neutral)- A situation where USA attack on Islamic world and China and India are neutral.

is possible most

War against Islam World & China neutral ..

Not possible .
us was far way n did not share borders with belligerents..
besides pearl harbour was an excuse..eveyone knows US knew before attack!

yhea britain warned them earlier but at that time us did not rely on britishers and do not considered them reliable so it overlooked the warning
I don't really get what you mean by "USA Attack on Islamic World". Besides the fact that Sierra Leonne doesn't give a **** about attack on Libya and neither does Gambia give a **** about an attack on Tajikistan; Iran and Pakistan are the only main players who can possibly ever be engaged in any military conflict. The rest are dead sheep, neutral or allied. Central Asia can become a problem in a worst case scenario but it is unrealizable as of now.

I don't see a World War III happening in any scenario. Beyond a couple of small scale wars (relative to WW I and II), there aren't any big geo-political battles that can possibly be settled in the battlegrounds anymore.

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