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World Bank ICP 2011: Pakistan's GDP $788 Billion, Per Capita $4,450


Oct 31, 2009
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Haq's Musings: World Bank ICP 2011 Calculates Pakistan PPP GDP at $788 Billion

Pakistan is the second least expensive country in the world. Pakistan's GDP is $788 billion as of 2011 based on purchasing power parity (PPP), according to International Comparisons Program (ICP) findings 2011 released yesterday by the World Bank.

World Bank's International Comparison Program (ICP) does a detailed study of a list of around 800 household and nonhousehold products to compare real purchasing power for trans-national income comparison program (ICP). The latest ICP findings conclude thatPakistan's per capita income is US$4,450.00, just slightly below India's US$4,735.00

ICP Based GDP Per Capita. Source: World Bank

At US$4,450 per capita, Pakistan's PPP GDP works out to US$788 billion for 2011, and more than a trillion US dollars now.

The results of an earlier ICP program for 2005 and 2006 released by Asian Development Bank in 2009 concluded that Pakistan's capita income at HK$ 13,528. It reported India’s per capita as HK $12,090.

Price Level Index Rankings. Source: World Bank

The ICP program uses Price Level Index (PLI) as an indicator of cost of living in a country. It defines PLI as the ratio of a PPP (purchasing power parity) to a corresponding exchange rate. An index over 100 means prices are higher on average than in the world, and one less than 100 means prices are relatively lower. Pakistan's PLI of 28.2 ranks it at 176, just above the last-ranked Egypt at 177. India's PLI of 32.4 ranks it at 127.

23 economies are showing a PLI of 50 or below. The cheapest economies are Egypt, Pakistan, Myanmar, Ethiopia and Lao People's Democratic Republic, with indices ranging from 35 to 40.

The most expensive economies in GDP terms are Switzerland, Norway, Bermuda, Australia and Denmark, with indices ranging from 210 to 185. The United States ranked 25th in the world, lower than most other high-income economies, including France, Germany, Japan, and the United Kingdom.

Here are some of the other major findings of World Bank ICP 2011:

1. The six largest middle income economies – China, India, Russia, Brazil, Indonesia and Mexico – account for 32.3 percent of world GDP, whereas the 6 largest high income economies – United States, Japan, Germany, France, United Kingdom, and Italy – account for 32.9 percent.

2. Asia and the Pacific, including China and India, accounts for 30 percent of world GDP, Eurostat-OECD 54 percent, Latin America 5.5 percent (excluding Mexico, which participates in the OECD and Argentina, which did not participate in the ICP 2011), Africa and Western Asia about 4.5 percent each.

3. China and India make up two-thirds of the Asia and the Pacific economy, excluding Japan and South Korea, which are part of the OECD comparison.

4. Russia accounts for more than 70 percent of the CIS, and Brazil for 56 percent of Latin America.

5. South Africa, Egypt, and Nigeria account for about half of the African economy.

Last week, another survey done by Cato Institute found that Pakistan fares better than its neighbors on world misery index. Back in 1960s, distinguished American economist Arthur Okun defined misery index as sum of inflation and unemployment rates. America's high misery index was cited by candidate Jimmy Carter as a reason to elect him president in his 1976 presidential race against President Gerald R. Ford. The Cato Institute has now revived it by adding interest rates to the sum of inflation and unemployment rates and subtracting per capita GDP growth rate from it.

Pakistan (score 21.9) at 28 ranks below Iran (score 61.6) at 2 and India (score 25.6) at 19 on world misery index rankings for 2013 compiled by Washington's Cato Institute. Other nations worse off than Pakistan on the list include Serbia, Argentina, Jamaica, Egypt, Spain, South Africa, Brazil, Greece, Macedonia, Palestine, Turkey, Cyprus, Croatia, Dominican Republic, Georgia, Nicaragua, Honduras, Costa Rica, Jordan, Ukraine, Peru, Uruguay, Portugal and Barbados. Indonesia (score 21.6) at 29 is only slightly better off than Pakistan.

Earlier this year, Economist Intelligence Unit's latest Worldwide Cost of Living survey revealed that Pakistan’s Karachi is the second cheapest city of the world in 2014 while India’s Mumbai is the cheapest. The top 10 cheapest cities include Mumbai, Karachi, New Delhi, Kathmandu, Damascus, Algiers, Bucharest, Panama City, Jeddah and Riyadh in that order, according to EIU.

Haq's Musings: World Bank ICP 2011 Calculates Pakistan PPP GDP at $788 Billion
In India each year they Update the GDP and most important the Per capita figures.In Pakistan they only update it after 3-4 years and when with the update a sudden increase is done,People doubt the increase.

If 788Billion dollars is for 2011.Than we must be close to or over 1trillion dollars by now


Date 29-April 2014
Pakistan and India now are Upper Middle income states

How we Classify Countries | Data

Income group: Economies are divided according to 2012 GNI per capita, calculated using theWorld Bank Atlas method. The groups are: low income, $1,035 or less; lower middle income, $1,036 - $4,085; upper middle income, $4,086 - $12,615; and high income,$12,616 or more.
Interesting. I realize that we were 550 billion in PPP a few years back but this does still come off as a surprise. Given that the source is reliable, however, I am pleasantly happy. At that rate, we should hit 1 trillion within next 5 years.
Interesting. I realize that we were 550 billion in PPP a few years back but this does still come off as a surprise. Given that the source is reliable, however, I am pleasantly happy. At that rate, we should hit 1 trillion within next 5 years.

This DATA is based off upto 2011,It would be safe to assume that today in 2014 we might already be at 900Billion dollars or even more.I believe by next year,We will hit the 1trillion mark
Interesting. I realize that we were 550 billion in PPP a few years back but this does still come off as a surprise. Given that the source is reliable, however, I am pleasantly happy. At that rate, we should hit 1 trillion within next 5 years.

World Bank data is for 2011. Using the same PPP factor as 2011, Pakistani is already over a trillion dollar economy.
Pakistan's gigantic black economy needs to be factored in as well.
great news....and when ever i see the money and spending of Pakistani peoples i always felt tht Pak per capita is not wht we see it should be above 6000$...................but why still pakistan govt dont cnfrm anything?

P.S: Pakistan's Nominal GDP have already crossed 300 billion $ which also i think is not correct it should be above 400 Billion $
I find it very interesting. Because the current IMF/World Bank estimates Pakistan's GDP slightly above 600 billion usd PPP. Cannot be trillion. No way.

And nominal around 300usd billion
I think one article is insufficient when the original ranking of the same source speaks otherwise

GDP, PPP (current international $) | Data | Table

It is the most recent ranking Published 2 days earlier.

Everything will get updated later.Even the Indian claim of being 3rd largest by PPP is based off this 29th April World bank Report.

Since this is based of 2011.It would be safe to assume that the latest GDP would either be in excess or close to 1trillion dollars.

I have sent Msg on Facebook to World Bank Pakistan and they have forwarde my mst to Jose calix.even gave me his Facebook account.Now i am waiting for his reply on either 2013 or 2014 GDP PPP estimate of Pakistan.


Same can be said for India .

Not really,Indian GDP from the beginning is very well documented and had already added alot of informal GDP between 2002 to 2007-08 and even upto 2011-12 despite of 7-8% Growth rate the indian GDP has expanded by more than 15% for more than 7-8 years in a single sequence

This is what Pakistan is witnessing since 2012,Real GDP growth rate is less than 4% But the actual increase in GDP in PPP terms is more than 15% and 7-8% in Nominal.We may see even a increase of more than 10% like india in nominal But in future and when our Currency either stabilizes or appreciate further.
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