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Will Pakistan Buy Russian S-400 Air Defense System ?

In current situation, highly unlikely to purchase this costly weapon system. even India is failed to finalize 5 billion deal.
Even if Pakistan try for 3 system, it might cost around 3 billion dollars. In that amount Pakistan can have atleast two SQD of 4.5 generation Planes.
for pakistan, the better choice is HQ-9, where it can get some Tot, some local production and access to self-sufficiency for system management and optimization. HQ-9 can also integrate with Pkaistanace air defence systems. and it is considerably cost effective. if Pakistan has not gone for HQ-9 i think it will very soon. i am of the opinion that Pakistan has already joined HQ-9 team and have deployed it strategically and have replaced HQ-2B completely.
Hum ne to Nara laga diya, S-300 mile ya na mile

RUSSIA is our bhai


If CHINA - Russia Bhai bhai
Pakistan Russia Bhai bhai

If Russia Bhai gives us something for their love for Pakistan we will accept


Just like Pakistan - China Bhai bhai
First pics is syrian President ASAD meeting Putin not pakistani official meeting putin @AZADPAKISTAN2009 :p::enjoy:

BHAI BAHI main price kiya ?
Yeah they will give S-400 free to Pakistan @AZADPAKISTAN2009 :hitwall::crazy:
By the way, the same failures happened with the THAAD system; north korea shot multiple long range missiles as tests over south korea and japanese airspace, neither THAAD nor the shiny new aegis could intercept them.

so why waste $ on unreliable defensive weapons ???????????????? :)

sams would aways be in catchup phase to jets and criuse missiles
so why waste $ on unreliable defensive weapons ???????????????? :)

sams would aways be in catchup phase to jets and criuse missiles
Agreed 100%. Our approach should be that our offensive missiles should be so far reaching, overwhelming and unstoppable that no one in the world would dare even look at us. The mere mention of our missiles gives them diarrhea, like india and isreal get.
By the way, the same failures happened with the THAAD system; north korea shot multiple long range missiles as tests over south korea and japanese airspace, neither THAAD nor the shiny new aegis could intercept them.

THAAD and Aegis were never utilized to intercept them in the first place. However, it is hinted that US sabotaged some North Korean missile launches in 2016 via unknown methods.

One THAAD battery is deployed in South Korea and it is intended to defend its host from potential North Korean aggression. It might be pulled from South Korea in the coming years, depending upon the course of diplomacy of North Korea in the near future; China desires as much.
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THAAD and Aegis were never utilized to intercept them in the first place.
Aho...sounds like the same excuse the Russians made about the S400s.

However, it is hinted that US sabotaged some North Korean missile launches in 2016.
So that was an internal Intel op by the cia from what I have heard. But that could also be the americans just taking credit for north korea's technical failure on the missile they were testing that must've fixed soon afterwards because their subsequent tests were conducted successfully.


I do not recall US threatening North Korea to shoot down its missiles when they are tested. Russian officials on the other hand....

When these systems will be put to use, the entire world will know.
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I do not recall US threatening North Korea to shoot down its missiles when they are tested. Russian officials on the other hand....

When these systems will be put to use, the entire world will know.
Bro the entire purpose of giving aegis to japan and setting up THAAD in south korea was to stop the north korean missiles, does it HAVE to be spelled out that these systems are there to shoot down north korean missiles? I'm mean come on, DUH! On top of that, north korea violated japanese airspace with multiple missiles TWICE!!! Do you REALLY think the japanese and the americans were so confident that these are just dud test missiles and not real missiles meant to blow a city or two up? Did they really expect sanity out of a lunatic like kim jon un??? Come on dude...I can guarantee you that secretly, behind closed doors, both the japanese and the south korean generals must've told the american generals that "psst...uuh, y' do know that your expensive crap don't work wortha crap, right"???
now its Pakistan only chance for buying a more powerful ( +400 Km range ) ( advanced radars ) system then S-400, Russia will never sell you S-300 let alone S-400 its like US will never sell advance F35 to Saudi Arabia because it's always sells them to Israel.


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