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WikiLeaks: India, Russia and UAE supporting Baloch insurgency

It is a very OPEN TRUTH.Indian prime minister Manmohan Singh have accepted it.

Balochistan finds its way into joint statement, major concession by India

Mammohan Singh's Balochistan blunder
Bharat Bhushan | July 20, 2009

MMS’ Balochistan Blunder. Is he a legitimate ruler?
JULY 18, 2009
Indian Realist

Mentioning Balochistan in Sharm-el-Sheikh joint statement was a blunder: BJD
Mon Jul 27 2009
Thaindian news
List goes on............
Noting Propaganda in it.

Full marks on Selective reading and even more selective interpretation.:hitwall:

Did you even read those links you provided.The balouchistan issue was included by Manmohan Singh in the statement as one of the Topics on Agenda to be discussed with Pakistan.
He did this, as there was nothing to hide for us.
He was opposed by the right wing parties for including the same issue for the same reason.
Hate to admit it but the BJP as right,given your reaction to it.
India's terrorist operations both overt and covert need to counted right away. India is still the biggest threat for Pakistan. For Talibaan we can defeat them in the months and years to come.
failed propaganda..once again...if one analyze the wiki leaks material it projects a figure like America is all friends of Pakistan and everyone from Russia to UAE and KSA are involved in some negative activities against the Pakistani state. The leaks might have tried to project an influence consider the illiteracy of our current regime but i am glad they have held their horses and enthusiasm of mud slinging in the light of common sense.
somebozo, someone hacked your id and gave my post a thanks. For a while I was flabbergasted and then I came to senses.
India's terrorist operations both overt and covert need to counted right away. India is still the biggest threat for Pakistan. For Talibaan we can defeat them in the months and years to come.

You are right. You can no way defeat India. :cheers:
According to WIKI Leaks,, ISI Head Shujaa Pasha told the parliamentarians in an incamera brief that UAE, INDIA AND Russia is involved in Balochistan insurgency. India. Russia is providing training, funds and arms to them while India has established 9 camps along Afghanistan Pakistan Border and operating these cams while partially Funding them and UAE also providing funds partially to these insurgents because they are totally against the Gawadar Port which will cause harm to their interests

Daily Express News Story
According to WIKI Leaks,, ISI Head Shujaa Pasha told the parliamentarians in an incamera brief that UAE, INDIA AND Russia is involved in Balochistan insurgency. India. Russia is providing training, funds and arms to them while India has established 9 camps along Afghanistan Pakistan Border and operating these cams while partially Funding them and UAE also providing funds partially to these insurgents because they are totally against the Gawadar Port which will cause harm to their interests

Daily Express News Story

No need for anyone to support or sponsor, i think pakistan has created enough hatred itself for people to turn against it. They dont need anyone elsed to spread hatred andanger.

1) Extra judicial killings by Pak Army in Kp, most were probably innocent but Pak Army needed to show bodies to its masters to prove that they were killing the terrorist. This means dollars.

2)Opression of Baloch people, their natural resources being looted and sold off without their involvement and consent.

Wiki leaks has shown how much citizens of pakistan mean to it, it shows that their lives not worth 2 cents.

The chief of army comes alongs and play his politics by saying how they are decreasing army percentange of punjabis, yet it is still 55%. How does that work out, they being a larger population does not mean that they deserve a 55% of places in military.

As far as am concerned that there should be no more then 25% punjabis in the army, also resources should be divided on equal basis regadless of who has higher and lower population.
No need for anyone to support or sponsor, i think pakistan has created enough hatred itself for people to turn against it. They dont need anyone elsed to spread hatred andanger.

1) Extra judicial killings by Pak Army in Kp, most were probably innocent but Pak Army needed to show bodies to its masters to prove that they were killing the terrorist. This means dollars.

2)Opression of Baloch people, their natural resources being looted and sold off without their involvement and consent.

Wiki leaks has shown how much citizens of pakistan mean to it, it shows that their lives not worth 2 cents.

The chief of army comes alongs and play his politics by saying how they are decreasing army percentange of punjabis, yet it is still 55%. How does that work out, they being a larger population does not mean that they deserve a 55% of places in military.

As far as am concerned that there should be no more then 25% punjabis in the army, also resources should be divided on equal basis regadless of who has higher and lower population.

Ur post is a piece of crap........ ANP? doesnt it claim to be a secular party?

Are u indian?
No need for anyone to support or sponsor, i think pakistan has created enough hatred itself for people to turn against it. They dont need anyone elsed to spread hatred andanger.

1) Extra judicial killings by Pak Army in Kp, most were probably innocent but Pak Army needed to show bodies to its masters to prove that they were killing the terrorist. This means dollars.
More than likely they were guilty and captured while fighting the security forces or committing terrorism. That said, due process should be followed.

One must also remember that the terrorists never followed due process either, torturing, mutilating and beheading hundreds of captured security forces and making videos out of them. It is natural that when the SF's got a chance, some of them reacted against terrorists in a manner that should have been avoided. But lets not forget that the real problem here are terrorists.
2)Opression of Baloch people, their natural resources being looted and sold off without their involvement and consent.
The Baloch people have been harmed most by the same sardars who are now pretending to fight for Baluchistan rights. What was the level of development in Bugti's area of control, despite receiving billions of rupees in royalties? Thousand of residents were forced out by Bugti or put in private jails because they disagreed with him and challenged him.
The chief of army comes alongs and play his politics by saying how they are decreasing army percentange of punjabis, yet it is still 55%. How does that work out, they being a larger population does not mean that they deserve a 55% of places in military.

As far as am concerned that there should be no more then 25% punjabis in the army, also resources should be divided on equal basis regadless of who has higher and lower population.
A large population in one region means you naturally have more applications and, in general, a proportionally larger number of qualified candidates, which results in increased numbers of recruits from that region.

Distributing resources between different regions equally, without regard to population and other parameters is foolish. Baluchsitan has a population of about 7 million compared to 75 million in Punjab- how on earth canyou provide the same resources to both provinces?

Stop speaking out of hate and you might realize the stupidity of your arguments.
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He is posting from the UK so he could be Afghan or Indian ....

well a yousufzoi born and bred in the sacred land of kp, you can call me an afghan, i will accept that with pride. Indian thats not me that is usually people of sindh and punjab who carry that dirty gene, people whom we defeated and ruled for centuries.

You my fellow forum members are more indian then indian themselves, so before you call a member of superior race and indian get your facts right.

As far as uk is concerned, am here for studies so yes i post from here
It is true that the Indians are directly involved in Baluchistan many Baluchis whom I know have admitted this that India is in Baluchistan and they are getting 100% support of India and Russia directly and they reason behind this is the minerals resources and Gawadar port in Baluchistan. The reason why now in PPP rule this matter is not brought up is because this party and the Nawaz party are pro American party and all of you can see it in the Wiki Leaks. The king of KSA said it all about these 2 leaders yet they are still in power. We should be ashamed of our selves that nothing is been done to get rid of these corrupt and traitor leaders. When Musharraf was in power this was in control Indian agents were caught but nothing was done because American always stepped in this matter and it was waved off. Please don't think that i am a supporter of Musharraf I hate him for one reason because of which the whole of Pakistan is suffering and that reason is the NRO.
I will say Jago Pakistan Jago.
I am hoping that some thing good happens and we the people of Pakistan do something and protect our lovely country Pakistan.
well a yousufzoi born and bred in the sacred land of kp, you can call me an afghan, i will accept that with pride. Indian thats not me that is usually people of sindh and punjab who carry that dirty gene, people whom we defeated and ruled for centuries.

You my fellow forum members are more indian then indian themselves, so before you call a member of superior race and indian get your facts right.

As far as uk is concerned, am here for studies so yes i post from here

I had no problem with you posting a different, even controversial, view point, so long as you did it with civility.

But here you have clearly demonstrated your racist attitude, and that has no place on this forum or in any civilized society. I hope someday you can let go of this poisoned mindset and prejudice and, if you are a Muslim, learn to follow one of the most basic of Islamic injunctions of treating all people with respect and equality, regardless of race, religion or ethnicity.

You, and people like you, are an embarrassment and shame for whichever community you belong to.
well a yousufzoi born and bred in the sacred land of kp, you can call me an afghan, i will accept that with pride. Indian thats not me that is usually people of sindh and punjab who carry that dirty gene, people whom we defeated and ruled for centuries.

You my fellow forum members are more indian then indian themselves, so before you call a member of superior race and indian get your facts right.

As far as uk is concerned, am here for studies so yes i post from here

You ****** racist. Keep your poison to yourself. Vulgar bigots like you are like cancer in any society. Im sorry, i never respond to anyone like this. But bigots like him make me sick.
Thanx god, there are no Pakistanis in UK!
I didn't say he was an Afghan or Indian, just that he could be, especially given the content of his posts bashing Pakistan. But he could certainly also be Pakistani, hard to say. Nonetheless, the content of his/her posts speaks for itself.

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