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Wikileaks Expose: What India said about Sri Lanka

In this entire thread nobody except the Indians are talking about the plight of the Sri Lankan Tamils.

Just shows that even the Sri Lankans don't care about their own countrymen but are simply interested in blaming India for everything.

The demise of LTTE was due to the cooperation of all stakeholders, now it is best to look ahead and treat Tamils with dignity and respect so that the future remains peaceful ;)
LTTE is finished militarily, but it is Sir Lankan Govt's responsibility to take care of the Tamils of Sri Lanka. If not, it will again seed the terror.

I hope, Sri Lanka knows it better and moving on right direction...

One should do mistake only once and should learn from it, not to commit again
I's Hilarious that someone claims India backstabbed Lanka

Lets look at what the current president of Lanka, Rajapakse said about India (on International TV no less!) when he was interviewed in the 80s...and he supported the JVP an virulently anti India force.

YouTube - War Criminal Mahinda Rajapakse as Terrorist in 1988

His words(just check the video to see him say it on camera) were

"The indians are going to occupy this land. They are going to take over this land.Already they have hundred thousand soldiers in this country. And our fear is that they will come to down-south and will occupy this area, what will happen to us?"

And also keep in mind that it was Srilanka that not only gave over-flight rights to Pakiatan airforce during the 1971 war, but also allowed Pakistani military aircraft to refuel in Lanka. This is tantamount to an act of war. Furthermore; without the refueling stop in lanka, none of the Pakistani aircraft would have been able to fly to and fro between the former east Pakistan and west Pakistan.
If this is not a backstab..i fear some people don't know the definition of what a backstab is.

Srilankan war criminals and human rights abusers should and will be brought before the courts of law one day.
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LTTE can be destroyed within few days if has balls to do that.
The embassy official says: "Kumar confirmed reports that the Indian Navy has stepped up patrols in the Palk Strait, and said that India and Sri Lanka are doing coordinated patrolling to prevent the smuggling of weapons from the Tamil Nadu coast.

what ? read above

That is the route where Indian Navy had been guarding LTTE weapon shipments earlier and it has also refused SL to reach LTTE cadres.

India had tried its level best to keep its funded LTTE terrorism in Sri Lanka.

Thanks to China and Pakistan that your plans dash to grounds
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