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Why safe and all time/weather working Karachi is a must

Large citoes need to be made autonomous and lead by a powerful mayor. We cant make provinces out of cities.
In the end all issues are due to a satanic establishment that we have, had they not supported and inducted a scum like altaf hussain, karachi would have been at par with world top cities. We need to open our eyes and realize who the real traitor within is and who been destroying our society, politics and everything.
1. About Pranab Mukherjee, he was sympathetic to BJP's actions for which his own daughter once publicly criticized him. Even I once heard him say "My government" for something about the BJP government's budget presentation.
This isn't about Pranab Mukherjee's sympathies but the role of a President and that he needn't belong to the ruling party in the Lok Sabha.
2. ATM there is effectively no checks and balances at the highest levels of governance. Just yesterday the Vice President, who is from the BJP, said that that TMC MP tearing up the papers of a central minister in the parliament is "lowering of the country's democracy". Come on, we all know who has been lowering the country's democracy, yes ? This situation should not have come to pass.
I don't know what you're going towards but you need to understand the Constitution. How is a VP voicing concerns over the tearing of papers by a minister from TMC even related to your point about checks and balances?
No, he gave over daily executive power to the people sometime in the 1970s.
That sounds like a dictator.
But you can read in the quoted section in Taishang's post how some of Gaddafi's ideas were over-ruled by the people and how this over-ruling was acknowledged even by the previously hostile New York Times.
Dictators need to make certain compromises here and there. Not everything will go according to their will.

And in the end, if I'm not wrong he was killed by his own people.

However, I won't deny that Libya might have made more progress under him and that NATO intervention in Libya was wrong. Now that he's gone, Libya is a mess and it would've been better for them as an African country if he was around. Libya certainly made good progress under him.

He could've avoided all those things by not violently suppressing dissent.

An interesting article that I went through.
And in the end, if I'm not wrong he was killed by his own people.

Some of them were Libyans yes but they were Al Qaeda. Like Abdulhakim Belhadj, formerly of the LIFG group and then of Al Qaeda, who fought for some time in Libya in 2011 and went to Turkey to direct the war from there. He even lent his Libyan expertise in the Syrian war.

However, I won't deny that Libya might have made more progress under him and that NATO intervention in Libya was wrong. Now that he's gone, Libya is a mess and it would've been better for them as an African country if he was around. Libya certainly made good progress under him.


He could've avoided all those things by not violently suppressing dissent.

AFAIK the "dissent" in early 2011 was a combination of "peaceful protesters" who were really misguided people and then there were some armed saboteurs. But, as confirmed by Russian satellite images and presented to UNSC in 2011 there was no mass killing of those "protesters" done by the Libyan military.

An interesting article that I went through.
Though it meant the Libyan people - and other victims around the world - were robbed of proper justice, the news sparked wild celebrations across his former domain that nearly 42 years of rule and misrule had truly come to a close.

As against that statement by BBC there is this public exhortation in mid-2011 by a young Libyan woman in support of Gaddafi.

And watch these ( part 1 and part 2 ) BBC Hardtalk interview in 2011 of the Libyan spokesperson Moussa Ibrahim who is actually threatened with death by the interview Stephen Sackur.

From your article :
This new system is presented diagrammatically in the Green Book as an elegant wagon wheel, with basic popular congresses around the rim electing people's committees that send influence along the spokes to a responsive and truly democratic people's general secretariat at the centre.
That's how it was. We have spoken of it before, except that the "Basic Popular Congresses" is what I called as "Basic People's Congresses". And do look at that "wagon wheel".
So we know how CPEC is progressing. I argued before, that as Karachi is the industrial hub of Pakistan so we need it to be prosperous. Not just in terms of money but wealth (ow Indians wd be a happier nation with stronger economy).

Make it a separate province or provinces (2-4). Provide it continuous power supply. Induct 1000s of policemen on 5 or 10 years contract to increase safety. Improve infrastructure especially, transport and drainage. So that we cna have a SAFE city for foreigners to invest in Pakistan.

1990s was the time when MQM was 'launched' due to our general's short slightness, and thought that they can control it. Same mistake was made for NS.

Remember, injustice begets injustice and incompetent favours incompetents. No good can come out of injustice, even when it seems productive. Like honestly (w/o corruption) spending entire provincial budget in once city. Even this 'good' will bring its blow back in terms of illiteracy, health care, lawlessness and the least will be resentment, from the rest. So snatching legitimate right like, Mujeeb's to be PM gave us 71, 'challenging' JI rights gave us a war torn like Karachi. It is stupid to think you can control a lust ridden man/party. He will always do crime, whenever he is given a 'chance'.

While in 1980 Deng Xiaoping let Shenzen open for FDI, and in 90s Banglore development. Banglore generates 136 billion $ worth of imports. What Karachi could have done, if it was not 'managed'? Same !! I guess.

@Bilal Khan (Quwa) @peagle @HRK @NOWorNEVER @PaklovesTurkiye @Areesh @The Maverick
Edit: it is old 1980 video. 4 year in of Deng reign.

China is wealthy because of productive coastal regions, Pakistan's only choice for wealthy coastal area is Karachi. It beats me why Karachi is being neglected by folks who claim to be operating in Pakistan's best interests.
Large citoes need to be made autonomous and lead by a powerful mayor. We cant make provinces out of cities.
In the end all issues are due to a satanic establishment that we have, had they not supported and inducted a scum like altaf hussain, karachi would have been at par with world top cities. We need to open our eyes and realize who the real traitor within is and who been destroying our society, politics and everything.

Agree a governor kinda steup could be put in place for a division but electing only one mayor for a division could lead to stunted growth in under developed areas. Imo every district under a division must have its own mayor and funds allocated from the governor/federal govt accordingly
It beats me why Karachi is being neglected by folks who claim to be operating in Pakistan's best interests.

Why does it bother you sharma?
Agree a governor kinda steup could be put in place for a division but electing only one mayor for a division could lead to stunted growth in under developed areas. Imo every district under a division must have its own mayor and funds allocated from the governor/federal govt accordingly

Why does it bother you sharma?

China is wealthy because of productive coastal regions, Pakistan's only choice for wealthy coastal area is Karachi. It beats me why Karachi is being neglected by folks who claim to be operating in Pakistan's best interests.
China is wealthy because of productive coastal regions, Pakistan's only choice for wealthy coastal area is Karachi. It beats me why Karachi is being neglected by folks who claim to be operating in Pakistan's best interests.

Why does it bother you sharma?
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