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Why Pakistanis Hate British

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Yeah there is racism in India so?

Well tbh, after the British took over India, many muslim ruling families got their treasury and properties naked. Even many muslim ruling families ended up living in jhopadpattis.

The British gave facilities to Hindus I don't know why. Maybe it's because hindus were more pro British in the early stages.
Yeah there is racism in India so?

Well tbh, after the British took over India, many muslim ruling families got their treasury and properties naked. Even many muslim ruling families ended up living in jhopadpattis.

The British gave facilities to Hindus I don't know why. Maybe it's because hindus were more pro British in the early stages.

Dude Muslim can be a nomad in Nepal too as well as one of the Masai warriors.

You can say British employed divide and rule among the masses.

You are a religious fanatic aren't you?
Not just Pakistani, but Muslims of Indian subcontinent hate British.

This is because after the British came to the subcontinent, Muslims became Jhopadpatti residents while Hindus and British became the elite class.

What do you mean by Muslims in India became Jhopadpatti? Meaning Poor.

Brave independent Hindus sufferred alot when thier Temples of Gold were looted, properties and assets gone.

Then huge Hindu communties used to call British Saab ji. Those Hindus stabbed Muslims at the back. They still are slaves and you can easily spot them everywhere and here too now. A slave is a slave afterall.
True. I don’t even like British pakistanis, so I’m not very fond of brits in general. I hate most of my family that lives on the British isle. Mostly cheap and stingy people that only create illusions of being charitable to enhance their status.

Honestly the most bhookay pakistani diaspora I’ve ever met.
What do you mean by Muslims in India became Jhopadpatti? Meaning Poor.

Brave independent Hindus sufferred alot when thier Temples of Gold were looted, properties and assets gone.

Then huge Hindu communties used to call British Saab ji. Those Hindus stabbed Muslims at the back. They still are slaves and you can easily spot them everywhere and here too now. A slave is a slave afterall.
Yes Muslims became poorer and Hindus became richer during the British rule.

After the British took over the control of India, many muslims got their properties snatched away. Many elite muslim families started living in slums.

Hindus became richer because they were pro British initially, adopted British education system and thus became more employed in the government sectors.
  • "I have noticed British and English are extremely jealous for the fact, that Pakistanis are brave, bold and highly resilient people on the planet earth. This fact alone since British capture of India in 1857 for British Raj and finally ruling to few cities of current Pakistan, Muslims of Pakistan resisted the most, they killed the British Army most, made them run away the most.
  • British also know for a fact that they can control and rule over India and Indians more easily than Pakistani ego and hence the attitude of threat and media analysis against Pakistan and Pakistanis you often see the media since ages."
You can't even complain without blaming India in same way.

And we fought the British. Our leaders spent time in British jail. None of your leaders fought the Brits.
Dude Muslim can be a nomad in Nepal too as well as one of the Masai warriors.

You can say British employed divide and rule among the masses.

You are a religious fanatic aren't you?
You did not get my point. Subcontinent Muslims were at one point rulers of India. When the British came they were made subjects, some of their properties were snatched and many muslims were made poor.

This is also one reason why Pakistanis hate British. Got it?
Why Pakistanis hate British so much now?

A growing trend in younger generation has made it realized the fact that British are the worst humans to live on planet earth, even more than Indians at some instances. Lets destroy and expose them once and for all.
  • It could be first due to the fact of treatment of British towards Pakistanis over years, as if Pakistanis had done something really wrong against British in British India, this resentment has now turned to revenge.
  • Pakistanis consider red-necks British by true nature of being the most self-fish people on earth and greedy exploitative in nature.
  • Pakistanis consider British has the most least charitable people on earth and generally small minded.
  • Main reason why most Pakistanis real disgust British and UK white people as the UK government, politicians hatred towards the Islamic Religion. Pakistanis have huge tendency to hit out and talk out loud at any person speaking against Allah (swt)'s religion of Islam.
  • 99% Pakistanis consider the British and English cleverly tried to destroy Islam and were hand in hand to label Pakistanis terrorists. The War on Terror was also a tool used to destroy and weaken Pakistan over years, which they failed.
  • I have noticed British and English are extremely jealous for the fact, that Pakistanis are brave, bold and highly resilient people on the planet earth. This fact alone since British capture of India in 1857 for British Raj and finally ruling to few cities of current Pakistan, Muslims of Pakistan resisted the most, they killed the British Army most, made them run away the most.
  • British also know for a fact that they can control and rule over India and Indians more easily than Pakistani ego and hence the attitude of threat and media analysis against Pakistan and Pakistanis you often see the media since ages.
  • British are for a FACT more afraid and chicken-heart than the Pakistanis.
  • British are extremely jealous and hate the fact that Pakistan is Nuclear Power. Pakistan is now a huge Missile Power.
  • For this reason alone, despite British criminals buy Pakistanis politicians, like Altaf Hussein, Sharifs and Zardari and give them protection in UK basis to the fact that British consider Pakistani Muslims and the Army as the enemy.
  • Just see that the nation of shop-keepers that only once couple of PAF JF-17s Attack Fighters flew to Farnborough show and there was huge cry in media, and since then no JF-17s Fighter as gone to an airshow.
  • A detailed survey of British media, British mindset and British government is deep shows 90% of news, media updates are against Pakistan and Pakistanis for past 70 years. So it clearly means, British has a high sense of insecurity and threat from the resilient Pakistanis. A nation only becomes against you, when you know you are doing something right. As compared to India, Bengalis, British still have that imperialist mindset that they can control and be the superiors ones and then have this positive mindset, but in case of Pakistan or Iranians this insecurity is clear to understand.
  • Pakistani beat British on their own game of Cricket, Pakistan won the Worldcup when England never won, Pakistan won the T20 worldcup when Briton never won, even look at all the scandals, News of Media UK constant sting operations against Pakistani cricketers. What this attitude of British shows?
  • Even as you know most British Pakistanis, my life in UK, was when we Pakistanis are together we used to use abuses and bad-words in Urdu, like when playing cricket, we would call British players kuttay, harami chittay to change fields positions etc.
  • Why Corrupts of Pakistan are supported in UK, living in exile in UK, London?
  • If you see closely almost 80% of current Pakistan was independent Princely states, with not much British control and since documents of British try to portray as complete authority, in factual the British were only in a few cities of Pakistan, and railways lines. British could not loot anything much from current Pakistan as it had nothing much to be honest, where as current India major territory was looted alot again and again.
  • What my conclusion is Pakistanis like Iranian, Afghans Muslims, are still the breed who ruled India Subcontinent for centuries and centuries, and this admission in UK is still there that Briton had to leave out after max 100 years to 140 years of rule in the Subcontinent, where as Muslims ruled for much longer times 8 to 9 times British stay.
Is this a personal view or is there empirical data to back it up?
You did not get my point. Subcontinent Muslims were at one point rulers of India. When the British came they were made subjects, some of their properties were snatched and many muslims were made poor.

This is also one reason why Pakistanis hate British. Got it?

I don't think all Muslims before the British were rich any means. Maybe just the local administration due to corruption.

They were just more free.

Same goes for Hindus and Bhuddists and others.
You did not get my point. Subcontinent Muslims were at one point rulers of India. When the British came they were made subjects, some of their properties were snatched and many muslims were made poor.

This is also one reason why Pakistanis hate British. Got it?

Please dust your history books.

The British landed in a Hindu held subcontinent.

The Muslims were relegated to Delhi and the western outreaches of what's Pakistan.

I don't think all Muslims before the British were rich any means. Maybe just the local administration due to corruption.

They were just more free.

Same goes for Hindus and Bhuddists and others.

What is "free"?

The lower classes of the subcontinent have consistently struggled and toiled and been yoked, regardless of race, ethnicity or faith if the ruler.

Military and clergy rule of Pakistan is actually the normal and ancestral form of society the masses are used to fir thousands of years.

The system in India with power in the hands of the people is alien to our race.
What is "free"?

Freedom as culturally understood.

The lower classes of the subcontinent have consistently struggled and toiled and been yoked, regardless of race, ethnicity or faith if the ruler.
that is true
Military and clergy rule of Pakistan is actually the normal and ancestral form of society the masses are used to fir thousands of years.
but that is still local

The system in India with power in the hands of the people is alien to our race.

not true
Freedom as culturally understood.

that is true

but that is still local

not true

Im Im saying our people have always been ruled by warring rajas, with armies conscripted from the villages, and a de facto pact between the warrior kings and the priests to stay hands off each other, one controls the realm, the other the society.

Everything below that, it made little difference whether it was the Hindu raja, the Muslim Padshah, or the British Queen and sahib.

Nothing really changed.
I have only one issue with UK, Why its harboring Anti Pakistan terrorist like Altaf involved in killings of thousands of Pakistanis.

I don't care about their colonial era, they come and gone like others. We can argue who was more brutal.
Why Pakistanis hate British so much now?

A growing trend in younger generation has made it realized the fact that British are the worst humans to live on planet earth, even more than Indians at some instances. Lets destroy and expose them once and for all.
  • It could be first due to the fact of treatment of British towards Pakistanis over years, as if Pakistanis had done something really wrong against British in British India, this resentment has now turned to revenge.
  • Pakistanis consider red-necks British by true nature of being the most self-fish people on earth and greedy exploitative in nature.
  • Pakistanis consider British has the most least charitable people on earth and generally small minded.
  • Main reason why most Pakistanis real disgust British and UK white people as the UK government, politicians hatred towards the Islamic Religion. Pakistanis have huge tendency to hit out and talk out loud at any person speaking against Allah (swt)'s religion of Islam.
  • 99% Pakistanis consider the British and English cleverly tried to destroy Islam and were hand in hand to label Pakistanis terrorists. The War on Terror was also a tool used to destroy and weaken Pakistan over years, which they failed.
  • I have noticed British and English are extremely jealous for the fact, that Pakistanis are brave, bold and highly resilient people on the planet earth. This fact alone since British capture of India in 1857 for British Raj and finally ruling to few cities of current Pakistan, Muslims of Pakistan resisted the most, they killed the British Army most, made them run away the most.
  • British also know for a fact that they can control and rule over India and Indians more easily than Pakistani ego and hence the attitude of threat and media analysis against Pakistan and Pakistanis you often see the media since ages.
  • British are for a FACT more afraid and chicken-heart than the Pakistanis.
  • British are extremely jealous and hate the fact that Pakistan is Nuclear Power. Pakistan is now a huge Missile Power.
  • For this reason alone, despite British criminals buy Pakistanis politicians, like Altaf Hussein, Sharifs and Zardari and give them protection in UK basis to the fact that British consider Pakistani Muslims and the Army as the enemy.
  • Just see that the nation of shop-keepers that only once couple of PAF JF-17s Attack Fighters flew to Farnborough show and there was huge cry in media, and since then no JF-17s Fighter as gone to an airshow.
  • A detailed survey of British media, British mindset and British government is deep shows 90% of news, media updates are against Pakistan and Pakistanis for past 70 years. So it clearly means, British has a high sense of insecurity and threat from the resilient Pakistanis. A nation only becomes against you, when you know you are doing something right. As compared to India, Bengalis, British still have that imperialist mindset that they can control and be the superiors ones and then have this positive mindset, but in case of Pakistan or Iranians this insecurity is clear to understand.
  • Pakistani beat British on their own game of Cricket, Pakistan won the Worldcup when England never won, Pakistan won the T20 worldcup when Briton never won, even look at all the scandals, News of Media UK constant sting operations against Pakistani cricketers. What this attitude of British shows?
  • Even as you know most British Pakistanis, my life in UK, was when we Pakistanis are together we used to use abuses and bad-words in Urdu, like when playing cricket, we would call British players kuttay, harami chittay to change fields positions etc.
  • Why Corrupts of Pakistan are supported in UK, living in exile in UK, London?
  • If you see closely almost 80% of current Pakistan was independent Princely states, with not much British control and since documents of British try to portray as complete authority, in factual the British were only in a few cities of Pakistan, and railways lines. British could not loot anything much from current Pakistan as it had nothing much to be honest, where as current India major territory was looted alot again and again.
  • What my conclusion is Pakistanis like Iranian, Afghans Muslims, are still the breed who ruled India Subcontinent for centuries and centuries, and this admission in UK is still there that Briton had to leave out after max 100 years to 140 years of rule in the Subcontinent, where as Muslims ruled for much longer times 8 to 9 times British stay.

Wow. Your generalisation is clear for all to see. Goes without saying I think your views are wrong.

There are SOME vile British people - no doubt but to make sweeping statements like you - shows us everything that’s wrong in Pakistan.
I am blessed by having a fantastic education lifestyle. I am blessed that a close friend of mine is the Lord Mayor of London - whose family roots are Pakistani. Just sit back and have a think. This country has elected Sadiq Khan and many others to prominent figures - now cut out sweeping statements.
no one is calling all Pakistanis a cat, just the one (or 2) who -like the dhobis's pet pooch- does not seem to know where it belongs

Plenty of tough Pakistanis out there everywhere for sure!...they take things in stride and dont have these wailing outbursts of woe is me and woe is us.

Have the honour of knowing a few myself.
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