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Why Pakistanis Hate British

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nope only those who are uneducated but the educated one from overseas want to come to pak but who will employ them.

Dude you're sitting in UK, talk about hypocrisy.

I have two degrees and in both universities, different batch of students, about half of my classmates ended up flying to Dubai or Saudia or Cyprus or if rich and connections, to UK.

The self-denial is stupid especially coming from a person who himself is a cliche lmao
try badmouthing the emir of UAE and see where you land

try moving to Moldavia, Slovenia, Greece or Barbados
Or back to Pakistan.
The op is representative of the lazy dole scrounging layabouts that have acquired a ghetto mentality through their criminal activities and listening to Islamic extremist nutters that periodically embarrass the hard working and law abiding British Pakistanis by trying to kill and maim their innocent fellow citizens in the name of jihad. They constantly refuse to take responsibility for their lives and actions and blame others for their own shortcomings and failures.
They don't speak for me, or people like me, that are grateful for the opportunities this country has given us to educate ourselves and immeasurably improve our lives and ourselves from the life of abject poverty that would have been the lot of most Pakistani immigrants had not our fathers had the courage and opportunity to emigrate to this country.
They are an embarrassment to Pakistan and Islam.
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Dear posters if we have threads such as this then I'm sure we will have 'why blacks hate whites', 'why Greeks hate Turks', 'why Iranians hate Arabs', 'why Indians hate Pakistanis', 'why light skinned people hate dark people', 'why star Trek fans hate Star Wars fans' etc. You get the picture.
Now, these are the views of the OP, which he is entitled to. But it does not represent the views of 220 million Pakistanis in Pakistan or the expats around the world, unless you ask the majority of them.
Next, British Pakistanis (most would be against this thread) like myself love our country and are thankful that it treats us with respect and we are a very much a part of society here. Had we not been, you most certainly would never have seen a chancellor (second most powerful position in government) of Pakistani origin or the mayor of London being of Pakistani origin. Ironically you have people on here living in other countries, who have never had any minority at the helms of power, let alone Pakistani origin folk, and have also benefited generously from colonising countries in their past. But yet they hurl abuse at the UK....
You make life what it is, you take opportunity if it generously comes, or you create it yourselves.
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