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I think you misuderstood the Russians for your domestic service or something. We already know what we can and can not get from Russia so there's no need for you to go jumping up and down.
As for your statement: "and you guys think you have won the world"... think about what we got despite India's reservations.

Ever considered that every ambassador and diplomat in the guest country says similar things.

If we go by what the American ambassador to Pakistan says, then the US is still our best friend. But we know better. These sugar-coated statements by experience diplomats are only licked up by the gullible segment of society.
but at the same time you ought to be realistic... you are talking about getting "missile systems" from russia which you will never get in the comming decade or so.Russia gave you certain equipments where india didn't object.You will not get anything from russia which india will object like the missile systems
Apparently Russian engines didn't need an Indian NOC so I don't know where you get the logic of Russians not daring to sell a single bullet to Pakistan :P


India has been the number one customer for Soviet/Russia hardware and that is the only consideration where advanced military equipment like fighter aircraft and other sensitive tech is concerned. Items like jet engines, helicopters and missile systems will be sold despite Indian reservations.
Russia has categorically assured India that it will not sell ANY offensive military equipment to Pakistan- end of story. Even the PA's MIL-17s come without rocket/gun pods.

Right now India holds the purse strings to pretty much the entire Russian military industrial complex- there is a reason why they are getting more vocal with their disappointment of losing deal after deal to the West wrt India. Russia will stay loyal to India as long as India keeps pumping BILLIONs into their economy. Pakistan, naturally, cannot compete with India on this front.It is a utter waste of everyone's time to debate the subject further.
Russia has categorically assured India that it will not sell ANY offensive military equipment to Pakistan- end of story. Even the PA's MIL-17s come without rocket/gun pods.

... there is a reason why they are getting more vocal with their disappointment of losing deal after deal to the West wrt India. ...

This is exactly what I mentioned earlier; there are no big items involved for Pakistan. Indo-Russian cooperation is very strategic and the 5th gen fighter program is proof of that. However, defensive hardware may go up for sale to pressurize India into coming back to the Russian fold.

Plus the Russians have other intererts that are greater than India. Mining rights in Pakistan and gas supply to an energy starved country.
Pakistan has miserably failed in its Russian diplomacy the right time to exploit the Russian was right at the end of cold war when they were desperate for cash and were willing to sell anything. Pakistan could have employed hoards of Russian and ex-soviet scientists from Ukraine and Poland to advance its aerospace and rocket programs!

Its not only because of our diplomacy that we have access to Russias best technology, the main reason is CASH!
Apparently Russian engines didn't need an Indian NOC so I don't know where you get the logic of Russians not daring to sell a single bullet to Pakistan :P


India has been the number one customer for Soviet/Russia hardware and that is the only consideration where advanced military equipment like fighter aircraft and other sensitive tech is concerned. Items like jet engines, helicopters and missile systems will be sold despite Indian reservations.

Already Russia is crying that India is buying weapons from others....India is the biggest buyer of Russian weapons.....do you think they will annoy India .......for few million $ from Pakistan will they risk billions $.....logic is clear
Already Russia is crying that India is buying weapons from others....India is the biggest buyer of Russian weapons.....do you think they will annoy India .......for few million $ from Pakistan will they risk billions $.....logic is clear

Even though India buys weapons from others, Other countries were not ready to provide TOT to the extend which Russia has offered us. I think India will continue to buy 50 % Of its arms from Russia. I think India has just diversified its military procurements from Russia.

When it comes to Pakistan Russia Relations, When India can move close to US, Pakistan can also move towards Russia, Recently US has offered India a variety of sophisticated equipments, Pakistan can also expect the same from Russia.

But I don't expect much from Pakistan Russia Relations, Russians always care about money when compared to the Americans.
Yes Russian care about money....that is why Pakistan has no chance with Russia
The problem is that Russia do not provide aid and soft loan to buy its weapons or reactors. If Pakistan wants to buy any thing from Russia then first they have to go to US for more aid and then pay to Russians. Also, if by chance the agreement between Russia and Pakistan is closed to be signed, billions of $$s for Russia might be vanished from Indian side. I don't see it happening for quite a some time.
Pakistan may hardly be eager to tie up with Russians, other that the compulsion to fill in vital gaps in the short term. This is just a global game of posturing and counter posturing. Pakistani military is trained by the Allied and US forces, follow the western standards of covert posture and precision strike. They do not follow the Russian overt and saturation doctrine as favored by their allied Indian counter parts. The desire to look towards Russia is stop gap measures for particular capabilities denied to Pakistan in the interim while indigenous systems or Chinese options are under consideration. Russia to Pakistan is like another weapons supplier.

And to people who claim that Russians don't give loans or aid, please brush up on your military history of the Cold War and Iron Curtain. Russia used to give away military equipment for free as part of their military policy, and to form direct or indirect defence pacts/dependencies with their countries in the Soviet block. They don't give any loans to India, that would be a better statement.
Doutbtful that Russian govt would have allowed that considering that even then India was one of the biggest arms markets. And India did enjoy pull in Russian political class.

And yet had Pakistan persisted to bring them, GoI would have pulled out all stops to ensure that they land in India instead of Pakistan. Afterall Russians dont have any love for Pakistan, and India has more money.

I don't know about that...Personally speaking, and I'm not going to say that this is what a majority of Russians think, I know of many Russians that consider Russia's support of India over Pakistan a major mistake, because they see India simply abandoning them for the US and EU. Many of them see it as a betrayal and see Pakistan as being more friendly and open to them than India who seems to be very pushy when it comes to defense deals with nations that India may not like.

I don't know if even half of this is true or if more than a few Russians feel that way, what do you think? I'd like to get an Indian's perspective on this, perhaps if a Russian is reading this, maybe he could respond with his own feelings.
I don't know about that...Personally speaking, and I'm not going to say that this is what a majority of Russians think, I know of many Russians that consider Russia's support of India over Pakistan a major mistake, because they see India simply abandoning them for the US and EU. Many of them see it as a betrayal and see Pakistan as being more friendly and open to them than India who seems to be very pushy when it comes to defense deals with nations that India may not like.

I don't know if even half of this is true or if more than a few Russians feel that way, what do you think? I'd like to get an Indian's perspective on this, perhaps if a Russian is reading this, maybe he could respond with his own feelings.

Majority of Russians were at the time absolutely in love with India. The era was different. Indian movies were one of the few movies screened in USSR. It was not just military relations at that point, it was also cultural. Even today if you go to Russia and say you are from India, they would treat you with more warmth than otherwise.

Though in the end its about money, India offered far greater opportunity to sell and buy as well as being a powerhouse in its own right in South Asia. Doubtful USSR would let that go to ally with Pakistan - a nation which has Islamic extremist tendencies.
Pakistan is simply exercising it's foreign interest. Pakistan is already an Observer state in SCO with membership pending so it makes sense to improve relations with Russia. One can never have enough partners or allies.
your post is hyperbola bs.

there is nothing in your post other then your american ego.

only positive thing about pakistan i see is some genuine pdf guys and that political party PTI.

their economy in ruins and illiteracy rate is high.

i know india is not doing good either but because of our v big population our middle class is more than america's population and we have more purchasing power than pakistanis.

one thing more india does not need allies to counter china or pakistan.
our diplomacy,foreign policies and military is enough to counter any country.

his post actually makes sense.
your saying nothing abunch bs.
if you actually get your head out of your as s then you'd know what is actually going on.

i hope indians start realising this soon that this war is bout to end and pakistan is going to come out more stronger then india.
Majority of Russians were at the time absolutely in love with India. The era was different. Indian movies were one of the few movies screened in USSR. It was not just military relations at that point, it was also cultural. Even today if you go to Russia and say you are from India, they would treat you with more warmth than otherwise.

Though in the end its about money, India offered far greater opportunity to sell and buy as well as being a powerhouse in its own right in South Asia. Doubtful USSR would let that go to ally with Pakistan - a nation which has Islamic extremist tendencies.

While I highly skeptisize on the very last sentence of your entire comment, I can see your point.

its simple why wont be pak eager to normalize their ties with russkies, they both need eachother as for pak they would have accesss to some russian weaponry could get help for its current power crises, help for infastructure etc. and for russia they would want a route from gawadar as it is the shortest route for russia to ship their merchandise to the whole world and its open all year long as compared to russian ports, which are functional only during short span of summer. which can benefit them money for a life time.. and as US has abandoned pak this is the best time for both to mend ties..and by mending ties an emerging political and economical power can be formed as china and pak are already allies... and gawadar route to russia can save them much money much more than india has invested in russia till now.. and wether india or pak has more importance for russia its for russia to decide. but currently as india is turning to US,russia is thinking of a back plan by making ties with pak as it holds more value from india.. i have seen most of the posts saying india has more money, they can buy jets from russia while pak cant thats why russia and them are allies, yes about the jets part i agree we might not be able to buy that much jets from them but we can save them the cost of two jets just by giving them route for one ship of containers.... what russia needs is money not anyones willings for buying jets....
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