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it is time for india to come forward and be our friend as being our neighbor , but unfortunately india is thinking in other way ...
why don't leadership of both countries realize that both countries can serve each others interests better than any other country .
all we need is to shun ego and old hatreds ,and resolve Kashmir and other issues in prudent manner ...
we can usher an era of peace , prosperity and technology in this region ......... even Afghanistan will get alot of benefit out of it
well it is typical indian attitude , happy in making trolls ..
Yes it is , Painting realistic picture might be "troll" for you but the fact is different .

Well u r saying as russia is dependent only on India ,

No , where did i say that . Please quote that post of mine . Thanks in advance .

dude u are living in 21 century , every country looks for her interests , u didn't buy russsian jets in MRCA deal , rather u secured your interests ..........


why can't russia ........

It already is doing it , offering it's most high tech state of the art fighter development with India .

and well PAKISTAN has great potential to do so and we have done in past too ....... situation is not worse than it was in 1971 but we should resilience ....... this time hopefully very soon we will achieve peace .... we are shedding our blood to Make PAKISTAN peaceful and we will achieve it very soon ............ have u listened to interview of MALA ? that's the passion of my nation and soon we will rise , INSHA ALLAH

Best of luck , i hope that happens too , INSHA ALLAH

it is time for india to come forward and be our friend as being our neighbor , but unfortunately india is thinking in other way ...

Putting all the blame on India . Not Fair Falcon sahib .

why don't leadership of both countries realize that both countries can serve each others interests better than any other country .
all we need is to shun ego and old hatreds ,and resolve Kashmir and other issues in prudent manner ...
we can usher an era of peace , prosperity and technology in this region ......... even Afghanistan will get alot of benefit out of it

I am sure it is not gonna happen for a few more decades . Not sure after that . You can see it for yourself how "Aman Ki Asha" campaign has been demonized and vilified .
You are missing VERY serious strategic issues my friend. One, Pakistan has a population of about 200 million people (majority of them are very sharp). If the security situation gets better....it is a HUGE market. Remember, the US's population is 330 million. So Pakistan has 200 million. So theoretically, if Pakistan can increase its economic activity and size just a QUARTER of what the US's population of 330 million people.....imagine the amount of services and infrastructure money that would be poured into the country. It is slated to be one of the top 18 economies by 2025. Again, depending upon the security situation inside the country.
Second: It is RIGHT on the edge of number of countries (Iran, Saudi, etc) in warm water and could provide an alternate trade zone and defense zone in certain areas. You think Russians trust the Indians or the Chinese?
When you start to produce 5th gen fighters and other assets.....what would Russia get out of it? Nothing as far as $$ is concerned and potentially another competitor in the market and potentially a sizable force it may have to one day deal with in some situation if the US and India keep getting closer. So.....it needs to then find a reliable customer who can also play an asset too. The strategic tri-state is China, Russia and Pakistan. And they come with about 2.5 billion people, world's probably second largest arms dealers and then comes the customers and alliances through Pakistan in the shape of the ME countries. PLUS, it is now a check on India. Whether you like it or not. The 'deep pockets' that India has....got nothing to do with it though.Oh and you are welcome. We did make your pockets deep by donating our American jobs. So no worries there. We wanted you to irk the Chinese. Thanks for playing the assigned role!


You are missing VERY serious strategic issues my friend. One, Pakistan has a population of about 200 million people (majority of them are very sharp) :P. If the security situation gets better....it is a HUGE market. Remember, the US's population is 330 million. So Pakistan has 200 million. So theoretically, if Pakistan can increase its economic activity and size just a QUARTER of what the US's population of 330 million people.....imagine the amount of services and infrastructure money that would be poured into the country. It is slated to be one of the top 18 economies by 2025. Again, depending upon the security situation inside the country.

Either u Don't Understand USA or U don't Understand World Economics...
US 330 million which are Educated ..leads a materialistic lifestyle VS 200 million Religious Nutjobs who are Paranoid to there Skull bones that Only job World does is to Conspire against them .
Yup they are Equals:cheesy:

could provide an alternate trade zone and defense zone in certain areas
they have milked this cow more then a decade....Alternate Route is being developed..and u will see it in Coming yrs;)

The strategic tri-state is China, Russia and Pakistan
I m pretty sure ur a pakistani now..Only they have the Imagination power to dream of this Alliance:rofl:

Oh and you are welcome. We did make your pockets deep by donating our American jobs. So no worries there. We wanted you to irk the Chinese. Thanks for playing the assigned role!

Caught Pants down.....Pakistani Flase flagger:lol:

Indians Din't go Begging for job..they came to us....American din't donate us there job,,Noone is that generous in today's world...Job goes to one who is willing to do it for a less pay and willing to Slug it out to make its way to top...Whereas American And British believe they have Right to Live a Easy life(No extra hr work..no pay cuts)....Even if it means Company Suffers .


‘In my experience, no one is prepared to go the extra mile, nobody,’

Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Latin American business mogul Ricardo Salinas agree: immigrants work harder than native-born Americans.

“I don’t think there’s any question, it’s the immigrants who are willing to work harder, on average,” said the mayor of New York City, whose population is more than a third foreign-born.
Huge Market but just a small , tiny fraction of Market in India . And Security situation is good and India is leaving pakistan in the dust economically . This gap will only grow in coming couple of decades after which gap will close down a bit .
Iran is already a Russian ally and quit your fascination with Warm waters . Tired of this harp playing the same tune from early seventies .
LOL , So russia is getting nothing out of Joint development product . Oh ye , great analysis mate . I bet russians and everyone missed this pearl of gem , shining in your mind .
Yeah i agree on this one . Pakistan has a reliable work experience when it comes to playing assets and foot soldiers to other countries .
The strategic tri-state is China, Russia and Pakistan.
hahaha , so the imagination starts again :rofl:. Even after russian ministers explicitly saying the great "spit" comment . Some people never get tired of running imaginary alliances , for first first few decades with america , now from last decade with chinese and this decade with China and russia . Hold your horses and think
LOL , again imagination and fascination know no bounds .
Says a Pakistani . :rofl: . Even online you cant act american enough , no matter how many american flags you paste in your profile . Everyone can see through your facade .
And the Pakistani , who wants everyone to believe he is American ( though he is nothing more than a economic immigrant) has spoken again . We heard ya .

Your immature response tells me that you like your other Indian countrymen can NEVER take anything positive about Pakistan. But still....they have a foot with a leg up your as* for over 6 or 7 decades. And you guys are brave enough to do.....NOTHING about it. So...it'll be the same case even if you hire supermen in your military. So I get it, the boot shoved up there hurts and your post reflects that pain very well.
I'll ignore all other emotional crap you are saying. I'll try to respond to a couple of things that I think are 'worthy' of a response.
1) Make no mistake, when Lehman Brothers, Morgan Stanley and others put countries on a list.....there is a REASON for it. And there is US Investment WAITING to happen. So, since Pakistan has been placed back on the list, if your RAW doesn't do too much destruction in Pakistan......it is bound to be a bigger economy granted the security situation. If Pakistan had a billion people, they would be picked over India by the US as they already had a 7-8 decade long relationship with them. But the US businesses would make more money from India than they would from Pakistan. But that was 2000. Now, even in the US, the executives openly say to go elsewhere but India. You guys play same nasty tricks everywhere you go. So it's becoming very clear. Example, you guys were given the privilege to work in the US in good faith. You guys abused that privilege and ran an illegal immigration network. Where people in India would PAY the employer to come to US even WITHOUT meeting the criteria. So that's that. But the size plays the role. Now companies that have been in India, are wanting to further diversify. Pakistan comes in at that point.
Russia on the other hand, wants a solid grip on the region. But alone, it's impossible. It needs Iran on one end, and friendly ties with Pakistan on the other end to use their ports and access to water from central regions. China would love anyone who's trying to stand up to NATO. India won't do it as they are being paid money for it. So if you have 10% of the brain that you guys portray you have...... your post wouldn't have ignited your as* on fire. Next time, try to read through what someone is saying and keep your internal Pakistan hatred and emotionality to your self. We all know how much that boot hurts so no need to waste our time in keep putting it in the posts. Respond with objectivity and I'll answer. If you want to cry me an emotional river, call your mom and do that. She'll support it and I'll call you out!
Your immature response tells me that you like your other Indian countrymen can NEVER take anything positive about Pakistan. But still....they have a foot with a leg up your as* for over 6 or 7 decades. And you guys are brave enough to do.....NOTHING about it. So...it'll be the same case even if you hire supermen in your military. So I get it, the boot shoved up there hurts and your post reflects that pain very well.
I'll ignore all other emotional crap you are saying. I'll try to respond to a couple of things that I think are 'worthy' of a response.
1) Make no mistake, when Lehman Brothers, Morgan Stanley and others put countries on a list.....there is a REASON for it. And there is US Investment WAITING to happen. So, since Pakistan has been placed back on the list, if your RAW doesn't do too much destruction in Pakistan......it is bound to be a bigger economy granted the security situation. If Pakistan had a billion people, they would be picked over India by the US as they already had a 7-8 decade long relationship with them. But the US businesses would make more money from India than they would from Pakistan. But that was 2000. Now, even in the US, the executives openly say to go elsewhere but India. You guys play same nasty tricks everywhere you go. So it's becoming very clear. Example, you guys were given the privilege to work in the US in good faith. You guys abused that privilege and ran an illegal immigration network. Where people in India would PAY the employer to come to US even WITHOUT meeting the criteria. So that's that. But the size plays the role. Now companies that have been in India, are wanting to further diversify. Pakistan comes in at that point.
Russia on the other hand, wants a solid grip on the region. But alone, it's impossible. It needs Iran on one end, and friendly ties with Pakistan on the other end to use their ports and access to water from central regions. China would love anyone who's trying to stand up to NATO. India won't do it as they are being paid money for it. So if you have 10% of the brain that you guys portray you have...... your post wouldn't have ignited your as* on fire. Next time, try to read through what someone is saying and keep your internal Pakistan hatred and emotionality to your self. We all know how much that boot hurts so no need to waste our time in keep putting it in the posts. Respond with objectivity and I'll answer. If you want to cry me an emotional river, call your mom and do that. She'll support it and I'll call you out!
your post is hyperbola bs.

there is nothing in your post other then your american ego.

only positive thing about pakistan i see is some genuine pdf guys and that political party PTI.

their economy in ruins and illiteracy rate is high.

i know india is not doing good either but because of our v big population our middle class is more than america's population and we have more purchasing power than pakistanis.

one thing more india does not need allies to counter china or pakistan.
our diplomacy,foreign policies and military is enough to counter any country.
Pakistan has miserably failed in its Russian diplomacy the right time to exploit the Russian was right at the end of cold war when they were desperate for cash and were willing to sell anything. Pakistan could have employed hoards of Russian and ex-soviet scientists from Ukraine and Poland to advance its aerospace and rocket programs!
Pakistan has miserably failed in its Russian diplomacy the right time to exploit the Russian was right at the end of cold war when they were desperate for cash and were willing to sell anything. Pakistan could have employed hoards of Russian and ex-soviet scientists from Ukraine and Poland to advance its aerospace and rocket programs!

Doutbtful that Russian govt would have allowed that considering that even then India was one of the biggest arms markets. And India did enjoy pull in Russian political class.

And yet had Pakistan persisted to bring them, GoI would have pulled out all stops to ensure that they land in India instead of Pakistan. Afterall Russians dont have any love for Pakistan, and India has more money.
You are missing VERY serious strategic issues my friend. One, Pakistan has a population of about 200 million people (majority of them are very sharp). If the security situation gets better....it is a HUGE market.
And India with a pop of 1 bil+ is not- Fail!

Remember, the US's population is 330 million. So Pakistan has 200 million. So theoretically, if Pakistan can increase its economic activity and size just a QUARTER of what the US's population of 330 million people.....imagine the amount of services and infrastructure money that would be poured into the country. It is slated to be one of the top 18 economies by 2025. Again, depending upon the security situation inside the country.
So with the same theory what if countries like India and china can raise their economies, what happens then?? what number would these countries stand on??

Second: It is RIGHT on the edge of number of countries (Iran, Saudi, etc) in warm water and could provide an alternate trade zone and defense zone in certain areas. You think Russians trust the Indians or the Chinese?
This warm water bs is traditional delusional pakistani rant, wake up, it's not the cold war...

When you start to produce 5th gen fighters and other assets.....what would Russia get out of it? Nothing as far as $$ is concerned and potentially another competitor in the market and potentially a sizable force it may have to one day deal with in some situation if the US and India keep getting closer.
When we start producing 5th gen fighter russian would be working on 6th, when we work on 6th gen ... simple. Self reliance would be achieved but russian co-operation in other fields will continue to grow.

So.....it needs to then find a reliable customer who can also play an asset too.
Let me see, against it's largest and most reliable customer, with the most independent foriegn policy, a country that snubs US and nato over and over again at international summits, which is also the second largest standing army, 4th largest airforce, and 5 largest navy, which employs mostly russian hardware, Russia should trade it's relations with India in favor of warm waters of pakistan.... Please do yourself a favor and never work for US gov.[/QUOTE]
Yes. Russia needs pakistan to supply arms to Syria, Iran, Iraq, SA, Jordan, Lebanon, UAE... Wait they already do...oops

The strategic tri-state is China, Russia and Pakistan. And they come with about 2.5 billion people, world's probably second largest arms dealers and then comes the customers and alliances through Pakistan in the shape of the ME countries. PLUS, it is now a check on India.

Yes and it would be In russia's favor to abandon it's age old ally and friend, and push it into the US camp. how dumb is that?? Instead what if russia could maintain it's current state of relations with china and India where both of them support russia leads to counter US and NATO at every UN meet. Wont that be more assertive. What if Russia could ensure the PlAAN and IN would serve as a counter in it's own sphere of interest to western forces without costing a single ruble to mother russia. But no Russia should and would instead side with pakistan and china, against India, wtf

Whether you like it or not. The 'deep pockets' that India has....got nothing to do with it though.Oh and you are welcome. We did make your pockets deep by donating our American jobs. So no worries there. We wanted you to irk the Chinese. Thanks for playing the assigned role!

You made our pockets deep, by what, providing 10 billion dollars of military aid to us?? Take your sanctimonious BS elsewhere, you conduct business with us, we provided the world with low cost solutions in service sectors, US is not doing any favor on us by buying our services, it's serving it's own interests. As far as roles are concerned, we have our own national policy which is not for sale unlike other countries. Last time I heard your president was in our country to get jobs for americans, hows that!
Your immature response tells me that you like your other Indian countrymen can NEVER take anything positive about Pakistan. But still....they have a foot with a leg up your as* for over 6 or 7 decades. And you guys are brave enough to do.....NOTHING about it. So...it'll be the same case even if you hire supermen in your military. So I get it, the boot shoved up there hurts and your post reflects that pain very well.
I'll ignore all other emotional crap you are saying. I'll try to respond to a couple of things that I think are 'worthy' of a response.
1) Make no mistake, when Lehman Brothers, Morgan Stanley and others put countries on a list.....there is a REASON for it. And there is US Investment WAITING to happen. So, since Pakistan has been placed back on the list, if your RAW doesn't do too much destruction in Pakistan......it is bound to be a bigger economy granted the security situation. If Pakistan had a billion people, they would be picked over India by the US as they already had a 7-8 decade long relationship with them. But the US businesses would make more money from India than they would from Pakistan. But that was 2000. Now, even in the US, the executives openly say to go elsewhere but India. You guys play same nasty tricks everywhere you go. So it's becoming very clear. Example, you guys were given the privilege to work in the US in good faith. You guys abused that privilege and ran an illegal immigration network. Where people in India would PAY the employer to come to US even WITHOUT meeting the criteria. So that's that. But the size plays the role. Now companies that have been in India, are wanting to further diversify. Pakistan comes in at that point.
your post is a hyperbola of BS
if your RAW doesn't do too much destruction in Pakistan......
arent u a learned man.. who is destroying your country...RAW or TTP??? (now say that RAW funds TTP :rofl: )
Now, even in the US, the executives openly say to go elsewhere but India.
give any link about anyone saying so..i will be highly obliged...else stop being a blind fanboy for you "original nation"
Example, you guys were given the privilege to work in the US in good faith. You guys abused that privilege and ran an illegal immigration network. Where people in India would PAY the employer to come to US even WITHOUT meeting the criteria. So that's that. But the size plays the role.
not every indian does it..some fraud people are always there... but your accusation is very rough."You guys play same nasty tricks everywhere you go"..we can say a pakistan american citizen was capured trying to bomb new york 2-3 yrs ago.So that means.... your above mentioned lines where you r generalising stray incedents????
Now companies that have been in India, are wanting to further diversify. Pakistan comes in at that point.
give me one link that a huge US firm is keen in investing in pakistan than india??? pakistan doesn't hane the knowledge base, research facilities,education qualities,reseach facilities like india.So, a US firm diversifying business may set up base in any nation...it can be singaporeor malaysia over india but never in pakistan at the cost of india
simple-because russia is world's second largest arms supplier.
simple-because russia is world's second largest arms supplier.

That to in less price compare to west and more advance thing compare to chiness... Even china buy but mostly buy to copy russian tech... Russia dont back stab like west. Hardware dose not come with string attached...
your post is hyperbola bs.

there is nothing in your post other then your american ego.

only positive thing about pakistan i see is some genuine pdf guys and that political party PTI.

their economy in ruins and illiteracy rate is high.

i know india is not doing good either but because of our v big population our middle class is more than america's population and we have more purchasing power than pakistanis.

one thing more india does not need allies to counter china or pakistan.
our diplomacy,foreign policies and military is enough to counter any country.

I really doubt your last point......:coffee:
history says something else...
and if ignoring history we consider your point true then why India is always against and tries to stop any possible deal of future of Pakistan??i.e RD-93,Rafael,Maraiges-2000 etc.....
now don't say these jets fit into your doctrine...
there are many others and betters available than this....
I dont know why ,yes why you guys want yourselves to go close to Russia ???

I have some Questions ,if anyone can please answer it.....

1)During Cold War season you went towards West(US) leaving Russia,but India choses to be Non-allinged ,though we got each and every help we got from Russians. Time came when you guys realised that you might have chosen a wrong partner, like in 1965 War when US didn't provide you niether India (but we didnt suffered that much) the spares of millitary hardware which it has given to you. And from that time there are hundreds of examples.....


2)Pakistan now wants deeper defence ties with Russians. Your COAS are meeting ,different levels of talks are now going to happen ???

question- WHY YOU GUYS ARE WAITING TILL 2012 ,YOU COULD HAVE STARTED ALL THIS MUCH EARLIER ???(may be leaders had watched the movie 2012 ,that world is going to end so they thought to make their relations good with them)?????

3) If PAKISTAN knows the meaning of relations with Russos ,than they might have known what INDIA had earned till now...

question- Why you have always underestimated India every time (in past, in Kargil also ,and Now also ), If know what we have got with russians help or what we can do....

now some questions .......
1)Pakistan wants cheap Russian milltary hardware like MIG 35 ,HELOS,AMMOS etc etc what India had already in its inventry???
2) you guys know the firepower of Russian weapons but never ever appriciated sukhois ,migs,T-90,ETC ETC. rather you guys always maked highways of your OLD hardwares .

last one
3) what do PAKISTAN wants,what it want to do ...........no one knows ?????? (except ALLAH )

(sorry for gramatical and spelling mistakes)


practically an immature base of debate.....
and wt do u mean by you people??
well had we ever asked why are Indians getting closer to US?
If they can do soo then surely Pakistanis also can do soo....
The russians are also intrested in making ties with pakistan..
as when COAS pakistan visited russia he was invited to many defence factories of MiGs and others.....
there is an American loby in foreign office of pakistan who don't want soo in previous decades those people were reason of that hostility..
bt now things are improving.....
Pakistan want diplomatic friendly relations with russia and a little ammo and investers and tech in space program in which russia can help.....
That's allz..
Pakistan is not tying up with the Russians. We are only exploring new areas of cooperation and coming out of that US-centered wonderland theory from the Cold War.

No significant military deals are expected like fighter aircraft or anything. At most, we're looking at helicopters and defensive missile systems.
I really doubt your last point......:coffee:
history says something else...
and if ignoring history we consider your point true then why India is always against and tries to stop any possible deal of future of Pakistan??i.e RD-93,Rafael,Maraiges-2000 etc.....
now don't say these jets fit into your doctrine...
there are many others and betters available than this....
are you talking about the wars we have fought???
seriously i am not interested in discussing that.
but if you are talking about why india try to stop weapons deals of pakistan then why not stop it.
you are our enemy and everything is fair.
don't you think it would be good if you have an assault rifle and your enemy is holding a revolver.
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