Hi Sir, Its also true that "Ironically" India too is least concerned towards Pakistan the way Pakistan is concerned about us.
Definitely NO. The Growth & Development of any one's country has to be the first Priority for any Country. In ADDITION to that, if you have surplus resources which you can add should be welcome. By this way, US,UK & all other Nuclear Powers have to be on the verge of their Eco-nominal Crash if they would have made this as "Super-Critical". The reality was all of them including us have developed & materialized their plans not on the cost of their Civil growth but in addition to that.
Feel bad why People are in a hurry to get self -destruct. Especially, the people from this Century.
Nuclear war will definitely not be healthy , neither for India nor for Pakistan. Surely, there will be a Nuclear retaliation & ultimately, it would be a Nuclear Holocust. Even India will still survive but would be in a state of 50 years degraded down the line. But Pakistan? i am sorry to mentioned but whole Pakistan will be inside Arabian Sea.
Result: No benefit what so ever to all of us. Can't we get along just like Western Powers did?
And the definition of Crisis has not been set. it can be as simple if India captures a Post of Pakistan's...