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Why Pakistan hasn't tested missile for months now ?

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Because Pakistan's missile program has reached the heights of maturity and sophistication.

Satellite Launch Vehicle? Why would Pakistan built it when China can launch Pakistani satellites for much cheaper? You do realize that satellite launch vehicles has a 'commercial' aspect to it, while ballistic missiles don't?

They are getting boring. I hope Pakistan test something like Babur again so Bharotis can shit in their paints. I remember when Pakistan tested cruise missile and these bharotis couldnt believe it. They themselves imported cruise missile from Russia.

Yes we couldn't believe it because we were watching testing of Pakistan's 'Indigenous cruise missile' when Pakistan doesnt have any expertise in gas turbines.Even today many Pakistani's cant believe Babur is fully indigenous and opens threads like Why not an indigenous Pakistani jet engine?

Meanwhile India borrowed yakhont's ramjet technology and built Brahmos. . And meanwhile it developed Indigenous liquid fuel ramjet technology for upcoming LRCM.
Meanwhile India borrowed yakhont's ramjet technology and built Brahmos. . And meanwhile it developed Indigenous liquid fuel ramjet technology for upcoming LRCM.
We have used RAMJET engines even in Akash. I don't think we had to borrow that technology.
And you think the rest of the world is not aware of your nefarious thinking (ala sampson's option)? How wrong you are sir! There is a reason that our government has created a cell specific to Pakistan (the world having been divided into Pak and rest of the world Snowden Leaks United States and Pakistan | New Republic

> In a blockbuster story in The Washington Post, Greg Miller, Craig Whitlock and Barton Gellman detail more aspects of the United States's so called "black budget," which was revealed by Edward Snowden in leaks to the newspaper. Today's long piece is about the United States's strained relationship with Pakistan, and offers some fresh detail about the country's secretive nuclear program. As the story notes, "Pakistan appears at the top of charts listing critical U.S. intelligence gaps. It is named as a target of newly formed analytic cells. And fears about the security of its nuclear program are so pervasive that a budget section on containing the spread of illicit weapons divides the world into two categories: Pakistan and everybody else." The real importance of the piece, however, is what it indirectly explains: namely, that even if the Pakistanis follow our wish and wholeheartedly pursue terrorist groups and Taliban elements, there is bound to be serious collateral damage, and a host of fresh problems.

We will take care of you WELL before you get to that point. Mark my words.

And while we are at it let me also educate you a bit about your "friends" (China., NK, SA ...). When push comes to shove you (Pak) will be ALL alone looking at the abyss. Not sure if Balochis/KPK/Sindhis are too keen on the sampson's choice. It is only the PUNJABIS.

If you DARE hold a plebiscite in your country in all 4 provinces, other than Punjab all will be in favor of separating from Punjab. And deep in your hearts you guys know it and so do we!


How are you doing? As angry as you might become----just remember one thing---you are DOWN WIND from us----we will be toasted and incinerated instantly----how you goin to go----you need to read this book by Nevil Shute " On the Beach ".

The whole nation dying of diarhea due to radiation poisioning--.

How about your nation holding a plebiscite and seeing who wants to stay----won't be any different from pakistan.


What really?

Pakistan launching its satellite from China is commercially more sound than Pakistan building its own SLVs to launch its satellites. At least "as of now", the commercial side of Pakistan launching its satellites through China is more rational...

As I have explained previously, unlike ballistic missile program, Space program has a 'commercial' side to it. Indian Space program makes alot of sense commercially keeping in mind India's geography, location, and population...Read up on it.
wasnt nasr tested a short while back?

Nobody said anything about Nasr being tested soon.

That being said, Nasr is a relatively small and less complex system, and its experimental units can be prepared and flight tested more quickly than other systems in Pakistan's arsenal. No wonder it is being rushed into service much faster.
Nobody said anything about Nasr being tested soon.

That being said, Nasr is a relatively small and less complex system, and its experimental units can be prepared and flight tested more quickly than other systems in Pakistan's arsenal. No wonder it is being rushed into service much faster.
Why did you change your handle?

What really?

Pakistan launching its satellite from China is commercially more sound than Pakistan building its own SLVs to launch its satellites. At least "as of now", the commercial side of Pakistan launching its satellites through China is more rational...

As I have explained previously, unlike ballistic missile program, Space program has a 'commercial' side to it. Indian Space program makes alot of sense commercially keeping in mind India's geography, location, and population...Read up on it.[/quote]

'Because Pakistan's missile program has reached the heights of maturity and sophistication.'

Not really.

And Pakistan haven't yet developed an SLV because it doesn't need to?India could have applied the same logic,back in 1970s when we were developing SLV.

And yes,the lead in Space technology also implies India's lead in missile technology-many of technologies that were developed for our space program also went into our missile program.

The only field we lag,as of now are Subsonic CMs,but we are destined to catch up & overtake you with Long Range Nirbhay & Supersonic Long range CM.

We have used RAMJET engines even in Akash. I don't think we had to borrow that technology.

Soolid Fuel Ramjet is used for Akash. We used Russian Ramjet for Brahmos while we have already developed Liquid Fuel Ramjet for a SupersonicLRCM
NATO? What the f@@@

Neither US nor Russia or any one else oppose India in any war ..... This is a current situation

Yeah sure..even if india attacks U.S interests, U.S will not "oppose" india..because shit hole called india is such star-spankled awesome. :lol:

Any attack on one NATO member is considered an attack on all.

This alliance-system is what makes U.S superpower status possible. Do you think U.S will let go of its superpower status for the sake of starving indians living in shit hole land? yeah sure.

War machine :lol: your country will be hell hole if only one missile fly from India.

Again...my country "will" be this and that blah blah...

Saying this doesn't change the fact that your country is a living shithole. Change that first...

Again NATO?? Alliance that only can be used to kill muslims in their own country??

The very same alliance carved-out a new Muslim-majority state inside European mainland. :lol:

Just try something that provoke war then we will see


We have humiliated you, destroyed your culture, imposed our culture, raped your women, ruled you for centuries, made your people slaves for hundreds and hundreds of years......and with all of this history, you are still begging "us" to "provoke" you? :lol:

We are done piercing your asshole dude. If you want revenge, you are most welcome. But hindus are historical losers with no self-respect. I don't think you'll try to get revenge
Yeah sure..even if india attacks U.S interests, U.S will not "oppose" india..because shit hole called india is such star-spankled awesome. :lol:

Do you really think they really care for a muslim majority shit hole??

Even you became their ultimate slave by selling your sole and by killing muslims all around the globe.

Any attack on one NATO member is considered an attack on all.

This alliance-system is what makes U.S superpower status possible. Do you think U.S will let go of its superpower status for the sake of starving indians living in shit hole land? yeah sure.

Same NATO also promise to save Ukrain :lol: :lol:
Reality is that no one will mess for others for you, you have to fight for your own ... and at present you are not capable enough

Again...my country "will" be this and that blah blah...

Saying this doesn't change the fact that your country is a living shithole. Change that first...

My country is not licking back side of Europeans and killing own people for sake of alliance.

The very same alliance carved-out a new Muslim-majority state inside European mainland. :lol:

We all know what treatment you got in those countries
@Zarvan .. expect a missile test in few weeks if not days.
I see what you did there. :disagree:
Within days you'll be hailing yourself (or in other words, trolling) in the "I-told-you-so! :azn:"-manner. It will be quite a sight to read about those uneducated assumptions.
I see what you did there. :disagree:
Within days you'll be hailing yourself (or in other words, trolling) in the "I-told-you-so! :azn:"-manner. It will be quite a sight to read about those uneducated assumptions.

More like - in a few weeks BJP comes to power in all likelihood and Pakistan tests a missile to show its deterrence.

am i right? @hinduguy
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