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Why Muslims love to live in free India

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I can imagine some of the hypocritic thinkings of some members !!
They think its ok, as long as muslims kill muslims in a riot , but its not applicable for a another SECULAR's nations riot.. Killing and riots are bad whether muslims or hindu kills anyone...
First understand that... More muslims have been killed since the creation of pakistan than some in india..
We all know how much hindu bhartis love Muslims:


Genocide against Muslims:-Muslims doused with gasoline and set on fire by Hindus in India

You are a fcking looser. What do you get out of posting such pictures? Let me show you couple of pictures too,

These are the charred remains of the Hindu Pilgrims burned down by a Muslim mob in Godhra, the incident which triggeredthe Gujarat Riots.

Do you see us going around posting these pictures doing propaganda? There are asshol*s on both sides of the religious divide, they are neither Hindu nor Muslim, they are just scum.

Rest of us normal Hindus and Muslims want to forget the past and move towards a better future. So you can shove off with your uselss Pakistani propaganda intended to unsettle the religious harmony of India.

In the mean time stop killing your Shias, Hazaras and Baloch muslim bhais, who are getting slaughtered by terrorist fcks every day. :tdown:
So u mean there are no anti hindu sites in pakistan?
In a 1 billion population people such as them are bound to exist, but they say only in words, but people across in border execute their hate through killings and bombings....

oh yeah Babri Masjid incident and Gujarat was just a Bollywood filming ..
the truth is clearly hurtful given your angry comments

anyway, we are talking about the "tolerant" bharat not about your obsession with Pakistan ... however, we do appreciate you always remembering us :tup:

Well all credit goes to you people, you people always forget what sh*t is under your a** before pointing figure on dirt on others.

About thread, there is no need for us to prove anything we have indian muslims around us and we can see this article exactly complimenting to what we see.
Discrimination in Media

Hindu upper caste men, who constitute just eight per cent of the total population of India, hold over 70 % of the key posts across newsrooms in the country. The so-called twice-born Hindu castes dominate 85 % key posts despite constituting just 16 % of the total population, while the intermediary castes represent a meager 3%.

The Hindu Other Backward Class groups, who are 34 % of the total population, have a share of just 4% in the Indian newsrooms. Muslims, who constitute about 13 % of the population, control just 4 % top posts while Christians and Sikhs have a slightly better representation. But the worst scenario emerges in the case of Scheduled Castes (SCs) and Scheduled Tribes /Aborgines (STs): Based on CSDS study, 2006. Ref: The Hindu, June 05, 2006

Discrimination in Judiciary

India’s subordinate courts have a backlog of over 22 million cases while the 21 high courts and the Supreme Court have 3.5 million and 32,000 pending cases (2006). In subordinate courts, over 15 million cases are filed and an equal number disposed of annually by about 14,000 judges! Every year a million or more cases are added to the arrears. At the current speed, the lower courts may take 124 years for clearing the backlog. There were only 13 judges for every million people.

Recently a parliamentary committee blamed the judiciary for keeping out competent persons of downtrodden communities from “through a shrewd process of manipulation”. Between 1950 to 2000, 47% of Chief Justices and 40% of Judges were of Brahmin origin!. Dalits and Indian aborigines are lesser than 20 out of 610 judges working in Supreme Court and state high Courts. “This nexus and manipulative judicial appointments have to be broken, it urged”. [Parliamentary standing committee report on Constitutional Review, Sudarshan Nachiappan]. Among 12 states with high-Muslim population, Muslim representation in judicial sector is limited to 7.8%. (Justice Sachar Report).

According to the National Crime Records Bureau, only 31 per cent criminal trials are completed in less than a year. Some take even more than 10 years. According to its study, Crime in India 2002, nearly 220,000 cases took more than 3 years to reach court, and about 25,600 exhausted 10 years before they were completed. The term of the Liberhan Commission, formed 14 years ago to probe the demolition of the Babri mosque in Ayodhya and originally given a mandate of three months, has been extended again!
everyone love to stay in his country .partition is 65 years old story now after 2 generation this qes look to me stupid why they want to love india? its their country and every human love to live in his country .
A Q Khan the guy who developed atom bomb for Pakistan think of himself and his Muhajir community.

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everyone love to stay in his country .partition is 65 years old story now after 2 generation this qes look to me stupid why they want to love india? its their country and every human love to live in his country .

Its not just 2 generations, they have always been Indian.
Being poor, Unemployed- scattered- is the price indian muslims have to pay to live in free indian-
oh yeah Babri Masjid incident and Gujarat was just a Bollywood filming ..

Are u dumb or what?
Ok lets assume some 5000 people were killed during those riots..
Now say me how many muslims killed eack other in pakistan? U have a attitude like its ok as long as muslims kill muslims...
please remove these pictures you haters :angry: :angry: :angry:

hum log insaan hain janwer nhi :angry:

Its not just 2 generations, they have always been Indian.

good for them and you its india for indians please keep pakistan aside now after 65 years don't bash us for hell sake .
Discrimination in Media

Hindu upper caste men, who constitute just eight per cent of the total population of India, hold over 70 % of the key posts across newsrooms in the country. The so-called twice-born Hindu castes dominate 85 % key posts despite constituting just 16 % of the total population, while the intermediary castes represent a meager 3%.

The Hindu Other Backward Class groups, who are 34 % of the total population, have a share of just 4% in the Indian newsrooms. Muslims, who constitute about 13 % of the population, control just 4 % top posts while Christians and Sikhs have a slightly better representation. But the worst scenario emerges in the case of Scheduled Castes (SCs) and Scheduled Tribes /Aborgines (STs): Based on CSDS study, 2006. Ref: The Hindu, June 05, 2006

Discrimination in Judiciary

India’s subordinate courts have a backlog of over 22 million cases while the 21 high courts and the Supreme Court have 3.5 million and 32,000 pending cases (2006). In subordinate courts, over 15 million cases are filed and an equal number disposed of annually by about 14,000 judges! Every year a million or more cases are added to the arrears. At the current speed, the lower courts may take 124 years for clearing the backlog. There were only 13 judges for every million people.

Recently a parliamentary committee blamed the judiciary for keeping out competent persons of downtrodden communities from “through a shrewd process of manipulation”. Between 1950 to 2000, 47% of Chief Justices and 40% of Judges were of Brahmin origin!. Dalits and Indian aborigines are lesser than 20 out of 610 judges working in Supreme Court and state high Courts. “This nexus and manipulative judicial appointments have to be broken, it urged”. [Parliamentary standing committee report on Constitutional Review, Sudarshan Nachiappan]. Among 12 states with high-Muslim population, Muslim representation in judicial sector is limited to 7.8%. (Justice Sachar Report).

According to the National Crime Records Bureau, only 31 per cent criminal trials are completed in less than a year. Some take even more than 10 years. According to its study, Crime in India 2002, nearly 220,000 cases took more than 3 years to reach court, and about 25,600 exhausted 10 years before they were completed. The term of the Liberhan Commission, formed 14 years ago to probe the demolition of the Babri mosque in Ayodhya and originally given a mandate of three months, has been extended again!

Aryan be on topic.. there is no need to put up ur brahmin theory, which in fact u know nothing about them ...
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