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Why is US obsessed with Iran

On a second thought, why can't everyone just get along and all be friends?

Well, humans are so greedy, need resources to survive, spreading like a virus... It's all down to human competitiveness - "my guns are bigger than yours, my biceps are stronger than yours, my religion/god is truer than yours..." - so boring.
It was not much of a fight. You would have thought it would have been much more difficult to occupie an Islamic Country for 7 years and in the case of Afghanstan nine years. Of course not having some help would have made it harder.

The ruthless dictator Saddam Hussein was hated internally in Iraq too, the morale of the army was low, the equipments were inferior, the clans are divided, Iraq's almost landlocked country - minimal navy, the terrain was relatively simple, the Iranians population was the most influenced by the western ideology, etc ... many factors contributed to the outcome of US occupation.
The ruthless dictator Saddam Hussein was hated internally in Iraq too, the morale of the army was low, the equipments were inferior, the clans are divided, Iraq's almost landlocked country - minimal navy, the terrain was relatively simple, the Iranians population was the most influenced by the western ideology, etc ... many factors contributed to the outcome of US occupation.

Kind of sounds like Iran. Goverment hated internally, morale of the army is low,generals defecting to the USA, they just arrested about 20 officers for supporting the opposition, Iran equipment is inferior an they are divided, minimal navy and the Iranian population as you say are influenced by western idealogy, etc..

Of course you failed to mention the fact that more Iraqis liked the USA getting rid of Saddam then those that did not want USA getting rid of Saddam.

Of course you failed to mention the fact that more Iraqis liked the USA getting rid of Saddam then those that did not want USA getting rid of Saddam.

The reason for not mentioning is because I wasn't sure on that point, more or less - how did you know that? from CNN? And how many of them have already regretted it after 7 years of bloody war, I do not know.

Only glad that I am not living in that poor country, and so aren't you, which gives us the luxury to comment it so casually from afar.
My point was, Russia cannot be taken lightly when it says it will come to Iran's aid if US invades Iran. US didn't invade Iran, ergo, Russian threats worked.

Really...Russia will come to the aid of Iran when they did not do anything to help Serbia.A country with ethnic links to the Russians and one of their closest allies.

I guess that is why Russia refused to sell Iran the S-300 after taking money from them!!

US did not invade Iran yet because of multiple reasons..but fear of Russia is not on that list.
People don't want to trade in USD now too! Heck, even UN decreed that USD can no longer serve as the world's reserve currency.

And they will stick to the USD as their is no other choice..UN cannot do anything to make people change their currency and anyway the UN cannot do anything without the US.
And they will stick to the USD as their is no other choice..UN cannot do anything to make people change their currency and anyway the UN cannot do anything without the US.

SDR will be the reserve currency within 2 years.
Really...Russia will come to the aid of Iran when they did not do anything to help Serbia.A country with ethnic links to the Russians and one of their closest allies.

I guess that is why Russia refused to sell Iran the S-300 after taking money from them!!

US did not invade Iran yet because of multiple reasons..but fear of Russia is not on that list.

Yes, Serbia doesn't have peak oil resources. Russia will not let US control the entire middle east oil and natural gas, lol. In other news, Iran oil bourse is trading in Euro, Rial and will soon use Rouble.
The reason for not mentioning is because I wasn't sure on that point, more or less - how did you know that? from CNN? And how many of them have already regretted it after 7 years of bloody war, I do not know.

Only glad that I am not living in that poor country, and so aren't you, which gives us the luxury to comment it so casually from afar.

That was after 7 years Look up Iraqi Polls, and there is a lot of countries I am glad I dont live in, China being one of them.
Because Iran is news, not because the American people is as obsessed with Iran the way the Iranians are about US.

The issue is being discussed actively. American people are educated, so ofcourse they will not cry "death to Iran" (except rednecks ofcourse).
Yes, Serbia doesn't have peak oil resources. Russia will not let US control the entire middle east oil and natural gas, lol. In other news, Iran oil bourse is trading in Euro, Rial and will soon use Rouble.

Russia can't do anything..a country with no economy,no industries is nothing. Again maybe that is why Russia took Iranian money for the S-300 and then refused to sell it?

Trade in ruble :rofl:
Come on if you live here you know you have hundreds of thousands media people that speculate about every thing from UFOs to man in the moon. But you have never even heard any one say they hate Iran much less that they are the devil, satan or any thing else. You have never seen a march or demostration against Iran, unless it was in support of democracy after the last election and they were usually Iranians.

Speculating about UFOs is no longer done, except some nutjobs who are stuck in the 80's. Neither is man on the moon, unlike 80s. How old are you? I have seen people both for and against war demonstrations on Iran. Sarah Palin, who is no longer taken seriously was a right-wing nut job running for election as vice-president wanted to declare war on Iran and even Russia! There are a ton of right-wing nutjobs who want to declare war on Iran now to get out of the economic crisis by ramping up the war production engine!
Ya sure...that is what they said 5 years back and I am still waiting.

They didnt say that 5 years back. They said dollar was collapsing. The official UN statement came last week. That clearly means there is a momentum building internationally to replace SDRs are reserve instead of dollar and it will eventually happen.
Russia can't do anything..a country with no economy,no industries is nothing. Again maybe that is why Russia took Iranian money for the S-300 and then refused to sell it?

Trade in ruble :rofl:

This comment shows your grasp of current affairs. :lol:

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