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Why is US obsessed with Iran

Three key reasons..

1. Daddy wants to make sure baby israel is safe.
2. Oil in the eyes of US gov..
3. Iran is not Iraq and doesn't take any of US crap and US doesn't like to be said no too.

Simply enough said Us loves to play the int'l police man if they do invade Iran and don't come out dieing i sure hope they don't look like fools to the world like they did in Iraq when there in reality were no WMD's ;)
Three key reasons..

1. Daddy wants to make sure baby israel is safe.
2. Oil in the eyes of US gov..
3. Iran is not Iraq and doesn't take any of US crap and US doesn't like to be said no too.

Simply enough said Us loves to play the int'l police man if they do invade Iran and don't come out dieing i sure hope they don't look like fools to the world like they did in Iraq when there in reality were no WMD's ;)

Iran could not defeat Iraq in a eight and half year war with Iran being next door and lost nearly a million people trying. The USA traveled 5000 miles took out Iraqi Military in three weeks and lost 120 soldiers doing it. At the present time Iran is surrounded by USA bases, there are now half million USA combat vetrans. Iran is more divided then Iraq, its on the point of having an revolution right now.....perhaps Iran would put up more of a fight but I doubt it. If you think the USA looked like fools ask Saddam and Sons.
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Iran is very resource rich, both in minerals and oil. Two primary reasons for US to occupy Iran.
the us is not obsessed with iran, a cabal of zionist neo cons (sorry to say largely of jewish extraction) are obsessed with protecting israels interest at the expense of the american

so the mccarthys, the smiths, the gonzalez's and leroy's of america shed their blood for the zonist cabal, whilst the goldsteins join the IDF - again i feel i should apologise for saying this not because its false but because its true
The USA hates, yes hates, Iran for two main reasons:

#1, Revenge (i.e. Badal) has not been taken yet. The taking of our diplomats as hostages as well as those in Lebanon, and the bombing of our Marines and Embassy in Lebanon, has never been avenged. The Iranian airliner downing was not revenge but an accident. Accidents don't satisfy our need for justice a' la Amerikawali. We need to hammer the clerics good to feel satisfied. Personally, I think we should obliterate Khomeini's memorial to call that part of the equation "even".

#2, Iran is the leading state sponsor of terrorism in the world, especially in the Middle East. Iran stands in the way of settling the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by a two-state solution (thru it's proxies Hizbollah and Hamas). The USA cannot extricate itself from propping up Israel until the conflict is resolved and Iran is the main obstacle to that happening.

#1 But Khomaini is dead ? no ? what has the normal iranian people have done ?

#2 Isn't the militia , born out of inability of socity (UN) to resolve Palestine

PS: The mistake to shoot down a passenger plane belonging to iran I mean I think the naval radars are quite sensitive to know difference between a military jet and a civilian plane - I think that act alone , balances out the bad both countries have done to each other (Allegedly speaking) time to move on
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Iran could not defeat Iraq in a eight and half year war with Iran being next door and lost nearly a million people trying. The USA traveled 5000 miles took out Iraqi Military in three weeks and lost 120 soldiers doing it. At the present time Iran is surrounded by USA bases, there are now half million USA combat vetrans. Iran is more divided then Iraq, its on the point of having an revolution right now.....perhaps Iran would put up more of a fight but I doubt it. If you think the USA looked like fools ask Saddam and Sons.

But you are missing the point , Saddam was a dictator , Iranian gov is elected gov of 140 million people ? democracy
Iran is very resource rich, both in minerals and oil. Two primary reasons for US to occupy Iran.

Russia complicates the matter , otherwise US would have been in Iran already - I think Russia has made it clear more advancement around the regionor basis and Russia would be building bases in Canada:coffee:
The USA traveled 5000 miles took out Iraqi Military in three weeks and lost 120 soldiers doing it. At the present time Iran is surrounded by USA bases, there are now half million USA combat vetrans.QUOTE]

In what part of Iraq Army ever fought head on with US in 91 gulf war or 2003 ?

Please CA stop trolling here with your brain dead mis accuate inforation.
THe Iraqi ARmy never fought bcecause they were too much of coward. They never gave a proper fight for the allies thats wy you walked over into iraq. and 2003 happened you got your ***** kicked by a less sofisticated army the insurgant.

DO you know what really makes me think people like you are brain dead. Back in 1950 Iran had an elected prime minister, you over threw him and replaced the Shah of Iran. DO you know what happen next - YEs The islamic revolution. and yet with all the stupidity you're doing again- opposing the wish of the peole and replacing a puppet govt. Iraqis aint Saudi they'll fight back
THe Iraqis are behaving good so that you can leave Iraq quickly
but rest assured when the dust seattles they will bring back the nightmare that you always dread an Islamic Govt. GOd willing
the Talibans are just laughing.
ANd Iran, yes they may have some kind of dispute - y'know i like the idea of invasion of Iran because a) you had proven ahmed dinnjad points b) united the people of Iran against you
and belive me Iran is no broken back country
THE US had already shot its own foot when they eliminated Irans Enemies and made it more powerful can you guess who they were ? If not why bother coming here to debate
this will signal your end of reign of cruelity on freedom and peace-loving Muslims and Non-muslm alike around the world.

Its nice to see you optimism is so great that its on point of arrogance Obnoxious and madness, Its the point when you hit reality that you end up in a state of sickness realising that your own country is heading into decline, end of a super power, can't support its allies and headind for civil war.
Have a Nice day
CAPTAIN AMERICA;971181]Iran could not defeat Iraq in a eight and half year war with Iran being next door and lost nearly a million people trying.

LOL iraq had half the world and all of west helping he still couldnt capture even inch of iran you call that achivement.

The USA traveled 5000 miles took out Iraqi Military in three weeks and lost 120 soldiers doing it.

Wow some one is really delusional forget the period when saddam was undersanctions and bombed every other day by half of the west army but lets go with your story and forget the reality.

At the present time Iran is surrounded by USA bases, there are now half million USA combat vetrans.

You mean half a million targets in case of attack who do u think will face those missiles.

Iran is more divided then Iraq


its on the point of having an revolution right now

Man you have a wicked imagination
...perhaps Iran would put up more of a fight but I doubt it. If you think the USA looked like fools ask Saddam and Sons.

Saddam was a fool he listen to the americans and attacked iran and after losing that went into kuwait.
USA will not attack Iran in the present climate where it is bleeding billions in Afghanistan, though it may try and damage it economically and through covert support to enemies of the regime
But you are missing the point , Saddam was a dictator , Iranian gov is elected gov of 140 million people ? democracy

Its not a democracy when you only have one election, after the first election they disqualified any one from running for election that disagreed with them.
Whether any body likes it or not , US will attack Iran one day.
The "hostage crisis" was perhaps the biggest INSULT ever faced by America.
That has to be avenged.
How ever the Nuclear issue will be the trigger.

It will not be a ground invasion but sustained air and missile strikes like in Kosovo.

The posturing by Iranians has not helped matters either.
When Iran calls for "wiping out Israel" and "death to America" it is only ensuring that a war will happen.

well to be balanced, Iranians are not entirely wrong. US has been instrumental in putting Shah in Iran, enticing Iran and Iraq to fight weakening them both further, encouraging Iraq to fight Kuwait, entering the region in the name of saving Kuwait, Staying in Iraq and now getting ready to target Iran. Its quite clear the Iranians have suffered enough at the hands of Americans.
LOL iraq had half the world and all of west helping he still couldnt capture even inch of iran you call that achivement.

Wow some one is really delusional forget the period when saddam was undersanctions and bombed every other day by half of the west army but lets go with your story and forget the reality.

You mean half a million targets in case of attack who do u think will face those missiles.




Man you have a wicked imagination

Saddam was a fool he listen to the americans and attacked iran and after losing that went into kuwait.

Iran is under sanctions too. Right I am sure USA had Iraq attack Iran and Kuwait. Saddam was such a good old boy he did ever thing that the USA wanted that why he hung him.
Iran is under sanctions too. Right I am sure USA had Iraq attack Iran and Kuwait. Saddam was such a good old boy he did ever thing that the USA wanted that why he hung him.

You need to learn international politics. Saddam was propped up by US. Read up on it. He was no more useful to them, since he started revolting against the US. So he was taken out.

Propping Up Dictators NEVER Works - A Short History Lesson

Whenever US backed a dictator instead of the people, not only has that dictator been removed from power, but we’ve actually worked against the interests that led us to back the dictator in the first place. Let’s take a look at some examples, shall we:

The Dictator: Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, Shah of Iran

Our Interest: To prevent the spread of communism

The Outcome: After ruling under an undemocratic one-party system, the Shah was ousted in an embarrassing Islamic revolution in 1979. Iran is now an Islamic republic with a largely centralized, socialist style economy. To top it off, the U.S. now has to deal with the spread of Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism emanating from Iran.

This one didn’t turn out so well. Not only did we fail to prevent the spread of communist ideas, we also sowed the seeds of our later terrorism troubles by supporting a deeply unpopular dictator in the face of popular democratic sentiments. Largely because of our support for the Shah, Iran today refuses to work in any helpful way with the U.S. They are deeply suspicious of our motives, and perhaps they should be. Because of this impasse, the U.S. has to deal with Iran meddling in Iraq and threatening to develop nuclear technology and presumably nuclear weapons as well. Without any decent diplomatic way of dealing with the issues, we’ve resorted to talk of war.

The Dictator: Saddam Hussein

Our Interest: To combat the spread of revolutionary Islam in the newly independent Iran.

The Outcome: After screwing up our relations with Iran, the United States backed Saddam Hussien’s Iraq in the Iran-Iraq War. After using chemical weapons and losing hundreds of thousands of people, Iraq and Iran ended the war with a stalemate. Revolutionary Islam continued to spread throughout the Middle East, and after the United States turned on Saddam and invaded Iraq, we actually backed Islamic revolutionaries (Iranian backed Shiites) against Saddam’s more secular Sunnis.

As everyone today is well aware, our efforts to prevent the spread of Iranian influence in the Middle East has been an abject failure.
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