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Why is My Hijab Your Problem?

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I consider living in fear wrong. I consider being blackmailed by a ludicrous blasphemy law wrong. I consider parents taking pride in putting their kids in schools that will make them memorize the quran but brush aside the fact their kid can not add two numbers or write a complete sentence in any language even though he is 10 years old!!!! wrong. These are not poor people, I do not want to get into what mess the poor people are in. "Bhookay ka koi mazhab nahin hota". You need to wish we have what you have in your country. That should be your only prayer. Nothing else. Proper order and no Shariah or any kind of medieval law. Everyone should be free to do whatever they want, just like you are in your country.

Amen to that brother! :tup:
OK, so you can stop using all kaffir technologies! That is good.

May be you can stop abusing the religion of your own ancestors as well.

To prevent the abuse of your current one?

A big ask? ;)

Or may be you can look beyond your biased and pre-set mind?

while i am not responsible if a suicide bomber explodes in Afghanistan or Iraq or anywhere for that matter of fact..
Me saying my prayers,wearing dress of my choice and practicing my religion is my right which i am not willing to give up..
In Quran..
"Walau Karihal Kafiroon"
I consider living in fear wrong. I consider being blackmailed by a ludicrous blasphemy law wrong. I consider parents taking pride in putting their kids in schools that will make them memorize the quran but brush aside the fact their kid can not add two numbers or write a complete sentence in any language even though he is 10 years old!!!! wrong. These are not poor people, I do not want to get into what mess the poor people are in. "Bhookay ka koi mazhab nahin hota". You need to wish we have what you have in your country. That should be your only prayer. Nothing else. Proper order and no Shariah or any kind of medieval law. Everyone should be free to do whatever they want, just like you are in your country.

Please move to Europe! EVERYONE is free, nicely paying a price which many newspapers seem to overlook!

From teenage pregnancy to baby dumping is becoming soo popular!

From sexual abuses to gang rapes is also common...

And the most astonishing, the state telling you how to raise your child -which surprisingly no one has voiced out about!

All this is fine if the state does it to you BUT GOD asking you to do something is wrong?

It is different if people forcing it but saying something is wrong with the law because those who claim to practice it do not practice the right way....

I will not blame the law, but blame HOW it is being implemented - by force is not the way!
Please move to Europe! EVERYONE is free, nicely paying a price which many newspapers seem to overlook!

From teenage pregnancy to baby dumping is becoming soo popular!

From sexual abuses to gang rapes is also common...

And the most astonishing, the state telling you how to raise your child -which surprisingly no one has voiced out about!

All this is fine if the state does it to you BUT GOD asking you to do something is wrong?

It is different if people forcing it but saying something is wrong with the law because those who claim to practice it do not practice the right way....

I will not blame the law, but blame HOW it is being implemented - by force is not the way!

State law can be changed with a vote. How you intend to live in your country is none of my business. That is definitely your problem. I could pray for it to make it better for the miniscule minority you represent. God law according to our minority cannot be changed and, you complain about sexual abuses which are punishable, to 50 year olds marrying 13 year olds because that is what the prophet did and guess what happens to them? Pssh .. You can list all the evils in the world and they are being religiously backed in this country. Atleast in your country all these are said and treated as crimes. Baby dumping? Have you taken a good hard look at the subcontinent and what they do to babies and females of all ages?? How can you compare a 3 in a year problem with a more than 600 reported cases in a 6 month period of time? and I mean reported .. I am not even going into the stats for gang rapes and parading naked females in this islamic country which by the way you are more than welcome to tell me how many of the abusers were punished here and how many were punished in your country. Societies are not meant to be perfect, there are insane minorities in every country i have been to. But never have i seen the reigns for the future of an entire country being given to them. Different Gods ask different things. Country's law is one and every person is free to chase their God after. At least they will have a place to do it. Just like you.
Please move to Europe! EVERYONE is free, nicely paying a price which many newspapers seem to overlook!

From teenage pregnancy to baby dumping is becoming soo popular!

From sexual abuses to gang rapes is also common...

And the most astonishing, the state telling you how to raise your child -which surprisingly no one has voiced out about!

All this is fine if the state does it to you BUT GOD asking you to do something is wrong?

It is different if people forcing it but saying something is wrong with the law because those who claim to practice it do not practice the right way....

I will not blame the law, but blame HOW it is being implemented - by force is not the way!

Domestic violence in United States, experienced by 22-25% of American women in their lifetime, is part of a dynamic of control and oppression, often with multiple forms of physical and non-physical abuse. 60% of Native American women are physically assaulted in their lifetime by a partner or spouse. Women are nearly three times more likely to be killed by their partner than men and more likely to be killed during pregnancy. More than 50% of homeless women were subject to domestic violence.

Men are also subject to domestic violence, such as in situational couple violience, but are less likely to be physically hurt. Intimate terrorism, an ongoing, complicated use of control, power and abuse is what generally results in most of the violence against women.

Yes, They are the saviors of women and educated people. My un educated grandma never used to touch my sister whenver we fight(ofcoz when we were small). She used to say should never hit girl child.

Now pls dont quote one or criminals doing.
Domestic violence in United States, experienced by 22-25% of American women in their lifetime, is part of a dynamic of control and oppression, often with multiple forms of physical and non-physical abuse. 60% of Native American women are physically assaulted in their lifetime by a partner or spouse. Women are nearly three times more likely to be killed by their partner than men and more likely to be killed during pregnancy. More than 50% of homeless women were subject to domestic violence.

Men are also subject to domestic violence, such as in situational couple violience, but are less likely to be physically hurt. Intimate terrorism, an ongoing, complicated use of control, power and abuse is what generally results in most of the violence against women.

Yes, They are the saviors of women and educated people. My un educated grandma never used to touch my sister whenver we fight(ofcoz when we were small). She used to say should never hit girl child.

Now pls dont quote one or criminals doing.

I cannot believe you would quote domestic violence as a comparing issue.. Do you know the level of domestic violence that happens in the sub continent plus the majority of muslim countries? both physical and mental??? The amount you quoted is made up to a staggering number from the US, even if that was the case the reported deaths from burning a woman alive to burying her to just plain old shooting her for not towing the line is astronomical. And when I say level if I was a woman and had to deal with a country where I would be slapped around or being burned alive, guess what?? .... exactly. There are levels you have to grow out of and the only way to do that is to quit doing things from the last millennium. I know you will defend it by saying Islam dosnt allow all this, but its the followers that make a religion, otherwise its just another book with words and an invisible person who will never talk to you or tell you that things have changed. If you say education is the issue, then I would agree and trust me when you put a majority through the proper education, all these evil thoughts of making people do stuff disappears. Then everyone is free to do what ever they want including our educated talon which is what I would want. Till then let us fight to keep this nonsense to a minimum.
I cannot believe you would quote domestic violence as a comparing issue.. Do you know the level of domestic violence that happens in the sub continent plus the majority of muslim countries? both physical and mental??? The amount you quoted is made up to a staggering number from the US, even if that was the case the reported deaths from burning a woman alive to burying her to just plain old shooting her for not towing the line is astronomical. And when I say level if I was a woman and had to deal with a country where I would be slapped around or being burned alive, guess what?? .... exactly. There are levels you have to grow out of and the only way to do that is to quit doing things from the last millennium. I know you will defend it by saying Islam dosnt allow all this, but its the followers that make a religion, otherwise its just another book with words and an invisible person who will never talk to you or tell you that things have changed. If you say education is the issue, then I would agree and trust me when you put a majority through the proper education, all these evil thoughts of making people do stuff disappears. Then everyone is free to do what ever they want including our educated talon which is what I would want. Till then let us fight to keep this nonsense to a minimum.

How many abused women do you see around you?

I see every other family falling apart in this country...

A married couple is rare and married couples with more than 5 years without Divorce is even rarer..
The the children see a new person and the mental Dilemma doesn't have good effects on them...
Does that happen in Pakistan and Muslim countries?
I cannot believe you would quote domestic violence as a comparing issue.. Do you know the level of domestic violence that happens in the sub continent plus the majority of muslim countries? both physical and mental??? The amount you quoted is made up to a staggering number from the US, even if that was the case the reported deaths from burning a woman alive to burying her to just plain old shooting her for not towing the line is astronomical. And when I say level if I had to deal with a country where I would be slapped around or being burned alive, guess what?? .... exactly. There are levels you have to grow out of and the only way to do that is to quit doing things from the last millennium. I know you will defend it by saying Islam dosnt allow all this, but its the followers that make a religion, otherwise its just another book with words and an invisible person who will never talk to you or tell you that things have changed.

Followers dont make, Thats why they called followers. If every one makes then there wont be followers.

"The United States was one of the countries identified by a United Nations study with a high rate of domestic violence resulting in death during pregnancy".

So, this is where they beat them all. I dont know if there are any other muslim countries beat the records of violence against women. How much do they really follow islam. But one thing i can tell you for sure, As a Indian muslim, Almost every practising muslim (in fact non-muslim) also never ever do this. Because we treat women as pearl. we were asked to help them protect them.

But west treat them as marketing tool.

It is not enough if you now how to add 2 numbers. You should also know what is right and what is wrong. Right and wrong should not be according to you. There must be some one who should have defined it.
and stop repeating what you reading the news papers....How many families you know in Pakistan who actually killed their female because she did something bad?

I guess i am much older than you and i haven seen any such case...Despite living on top of a mountain in KPK
and stop repeating what you reading the news papers....How many families you know in Pakistan who actually killed their female because she did something bad?

I guess i am much older than you and i haven seen any such case...Despite living on top of a mountain in KPK

Honor killings are higher in Pakistan then in the US.
and stop repeating what you reading the news papers....How many families you know in Pakistan who actually killed their female because she did something bad?

I guess i am much older than you and i haven seen any such case...Despite living on top of a mountain in KPK

Ha ha ha.Top of mountain :-). I think you cant claim that it did not happen. It would have happened. Which would have done by some criminals who according to islam deserves death penalty. (I dont know pak law.).
Honor killings are higher in Pakistan then in the US.

A murder is a murder..One murder cannot be better than the other..No matter what the reason..Honor killing or else...
USA still wins in Murders
How many abused women do you see around you?

I see every other family falling apart in this country...

A married couple is rare and married couples with more than 5 years without Divorce is even rarer..
The the children see a new person and the mental Dilemma doesn't have good effects on them...
Does that happen in Pakistan and Muslim countries?

Every other means 50%, which is a pretty accurate rate of divorce in the states. Unemployment rate is at 8%, which would not mean that those children turned out to be complete failures. Even in that 8% you would find more than 4% to be high school graduates or dropouts. So whats the future for a family that is together with 8 children who actually would not go to school to save their lives? Now the western system is still intact, maybe damaged due to reasons other than religion and divorce. The children statistically speaking have much less emotional problems than children here who tend to continue to survive in a household where the father imposes his decisions on the hapless wife who has very little option. The rate of divorce is controlled just because how women are treated. Again that is my personal opinion but if you think that muslim countries have a better system why would anyone live in a western society for money and peace of mind? If the system is corrupt will it not corrupt your children as well?? Or have you already made up your mind to chose the obvious lesser evil?
A murder is a murder..One murder cannot be better than the other..No matter what the reason..Honor killing or else...
USA still wins in Murders

Not really. You are more likely to be violently killed in a major Pakistani city than a US city. If we account for the bombings etc.

Every other means 50%, which is a pretty accurate rate of divorce in the states. Unemployment rate is at 8%, which would not mean that those children turned out to be complete failures. Even in that 8% you would find more than 4% to be high school graduates or dropouts. So whats the future for a family that is together with 8 children who actually would not go to school to save their lives? Now the western system is still intact, maybe damaged due to reasons other than religion and divorce. The children statistically speaking have much less emotional problems than children here who tend to continue to survive in a household where the father imposes his decisions on the hapless wife who has very little option. The rate of divorce is controlled just because how women are treated. Again that is my personal opinion but if you think that muslim countries have a better system why would anyone live in a western society for money and peace of mind? If the system is corrupt will it not corrupt your children as well?? Or have you already made up your mind to chose the obvious lesser evil?

Good analysis. Women often have no opinion at all. I know a Pakistani guy who keeps his daughters indoors all the time, and even homeschool them. And he married one of them off to someone she never met or has seen.

So duh, there wont be a divorce, because that option is not avialible in the culture.

And if you do get a divorce, you have no child support payments, no rights to the husbands propery, and often the women has never worked in a place like Pakistan.

While the husband can go and simply find another wife.
Not really. You are more likely to be violently killed in a major Pakistani city than a US city. If we account for the bombings etc.

so its better to be "Politely Killed" as in a "Polite Murder" ..
Yup that makes sense.
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