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Why is My Hijab Your Problem?

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It is quite clear but let me give you one example.

Saudi Arabia doesn't allow any non Muslim places of worship or propagation of any religion.

Yet it funds the building of mosques and madressas in non Muslim majority countries, many of them preaching wahabism and terror.

It even builds a mosque in Rome, not far from the Vatican.

Just because the secular democracies are not bigots and intolerant like them.

And the tale is the same in every Muslim majority country, all of which are "Islamic".

Yet Muslims keep on making so many demands on non Muslims in their own countries!

And for your info saudia has a lof say in world politics so they can do all that.. To make it worse fir you they even built a mosque in Gibralter at the exact spot where Muslim conquerer from morocco 'tariq bin ziyad' landed.
This mosque sits at the mouth of mediterranian and all ships,boats,cruise liners entering or leaving cant miss the sight if a large imposing icon of islam..
Too bad no yindoo temple is there..

Its our urge and will and resiliance to stick to our religion that makes islam so prominent and attracts much jealousy from yours...we practice it no matter if the conditions are easy or harsh..
If today UK bans muslim prayers...do you think british muslimd will stop praying or going to mosque? No chance,we will still pray and go to mosque no matter what...
So they know well,that banning ourreligious practices wont work...
And for your info saudia has a lof say in world politics so they can do all that.. To make it worse fir you they even built a mosque in Gibralter at the exact spot where Muslim conquerer from morocco 'tariq bin ziyad' landed.
This mosque sits at the mouth of mediterranian and all ships,boats,cruise liners entering or leaving cant miss the sight if a large imposing icon of islam..
Too bad no yindoo temple is there..

Its our urge and will and resiliance to stick to our religion that makes islam so prominent and attracts much jealousy from yours...we practice it no matter if the conditions are easy or harsh..
If today UK bans muslim prayers...do you think british muslimd will stop praying or going to mosque? No chance,we will still pray and go to mosque no matter what...
So they know well,that banning ourreligious practices wont work...

We have only contempt for your ideology. Keep it to yourself and we couldn't care less.

You are one of those who wonder why kaffirs hate you. ;)

The folloiwng line by a Pakistani writrs sums you up.

Muslims are an extremely intolerant group and yet extremely sensitive when it comes to their own religious sensitivities.

Terrorism, Shameless Religious Bigotry and Pakistani Mindset | Pak Tea House

The reason is people like you. You can't expect respect for Islam and your prophet if you can't respect other religions.

And since it is impossible for you and your ilk by training, you shouldn't really wonder why kaffirs have the feelings they do for your prophet and Islam.

Why they go and do that "draw a ..." days.

And you are quite wrong in your diagnosis. The kaffirs allow you freedom because they are civilized people.

Of course, you think their civilized and polite behavior is their weakness. A typical mindset from your ilk.
I can only go by the available evidence.

OK. Mohammed's wife was running a business on her own. She employed male employees. That shows a high status for women that was impossible after Islam.

Where does it say?

Another one, people used to adapt children and raised them as their own.

This was again stopped by Mohammed for a reason that I will avoid going into the details of. For now, unless you want to.

There are reasons it was stopped...Since you do not want to go into details, I will not ;)

Suffice to say that many Muslims left Islam after that incident. ;)

No idea where you got that from! Proof?

In general, the pre Islamic Arabs were far more relaxed about religion and much less bigoted than later when they perpetrated massive genocides, rapine and slavery and destroyed many civilizations forever.

Slavery was abolished! You really think you know a lot! But what you type shows the contrary!

You brought up the urine thing. Camel urine is prescribed for drinking by your prophet and there are Sahih hadhith for that. I don't think I need to tell you the details but look up:

Sahih Bukhari, Ablutions (Wudu'), Volume 1, Book 4, Number 234

Medicine purposes...Not daily drinking like Hindus did!

By the way love the way you are going to ANTI-ISLAMIC websites to quote your stuff!
Try the answers for that Did Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him prescribe camel urine as medicine?

In this case: No.

A person should wipe their butt with an odd number of stones after defecating (Bukhari 4:162)
Not sure where you got that as obligation...That was ONE OF THE WAYS one could use if they are say in South India which lacks toilets! I am not sure which translation you read about the ODD NUMBER!

Frankly, I don't care what you do and what you worship.

Just don't make claims about our religion and you won't get for yours.

I did not...I asked you to teach me...But all you do is mock, laugh and disappear! That is all the Indians are doing on this thread! I know some Pakistanis are doing this too...that is why I am going through threads looking for those who want answers...I am sorry if you wanted to live in your twisted understanding of Islam from Anti-Islamic sites!

I do think it is ridiculous for any religion to wish hell upon all the followers of other religions and expecting to watch them burning in eternal hellfire from the balcony in heaven.

That is plain demeaning to all senses and humanity and the human intelligence.

It makes zombies of human beings!

Balcony in heaven?

Again twisted understanding!
^^^ I care not what cartoons they make....If grown up men want to have fun with cartoons,i rather laugh at them having childish fun..
But saying that,none of their slurs,propaganda and cartoons effect our love and respect for our Holy Prophet (PBUH).
We continue to have all the love and respect for our religious icons.
If this makes you jealous,so be it.
^^^ I care not what cartoons they make....If grown up men want to have fun with cartoons,i rather laugh at them having childish fun..
But saying that,nobe of their slurs and cartoons effect our love and respect for our Holy Prophet (PBUH).
We continue to have all the love and respect for our religious icons.
If this makes you jealous,so be it.

OK, that is good that they don't effect you.

I am not sure you want to cause some new ones to be made though! ;)

If no, don't be impolite to others' religions.

If yes and you don't mind being the cause of some more, be my guest. ;)

I and many others have no wish to do that unless provoked.
Having an Islamic state is not an easy job! You can not selective choose which law you like...If hijab is implemented the lowering of men's gazes needs to be implemented- how? Freedom of allowing others to practice their religion should be allowed...no corruption, no caste system, no Sultanate even! Monarchy is not Islamic...Learn Islam from Islam not from its followers or wrong doers of Islam!

Every religion is made up of followers. Without them the religion would be just a part of history. If the followers of Islam are said to be 100%, what % of muslims do you think you could have a likeminded interaction with? Mind you, that we are talking about one single religion and countless sects and even more in terms of following their custom built ideology. It is more dangerous to have frustrated 1% of these muslims than a dormant amount. We have seen that in the last 10 years that not giving in to their ridiculous demands has caused. Time to wake up from the slumber and go to war. They will not have it any other way. No one will understand your "Men were told to lower their gaze".. they wont have to if they drape you.
We are proud of our muslim and regional heritage....
Muslim conquests are cherished as our common religious heritage..
Then regional civilizations are cherished due to people belonging to that cast creed,area..
Dahir was a hindu tyrant who was defeated by one if our muslim ancestor....

Just explain the term "your Raja Dahir" and at the same time claiming we Indians don't have claim over anything from present Pakistani territory. :cheesy:

Since Raja Dahir was one among of you and since you claimed you feel proud of both pre-Islamic and Islamic past, so what was the reason behind such comment .:what:

Dahir was a tyrant because the Arab conqueror declared him tyrant as conquerors always write the history. Chachnama was written by Arabs.
Every religion is made up of followers. Without them the religion would be just a part of history. If the followers of Islam are said to be 100%, what % of muslims do you think you could have a likeminded interaction with? Mind you, that we are talking about one single religion and countless sects and even more in terms of following their custom built ideology. It is more dangerous to have frustrated 1% of these muslims than a dormant amount. We have seen that in the last 10 years that not giving in to their ridiculous demands has caused. Time to wake up from the slumber and go to war. They will not have it any other way. No one will understand your "Men were told to lower their gaze".. they wont have to if they drape you.

Well, what some corrupt followers do doesn't represent any religion!

Can I take the Templar knights and blame the whole of Christianity for it? Can I take Israel and blame Jews for their behaviour towards Palestine?
Well, what some corrupt followers do doesn't represent any religion!

Can I take the Templar knights and blame the whole of Christianity for it? Can I take Israel and blame Jews for their behaviour towards Palestine?

Then raise your voice to eradicate or put a lid on those who talk like the templars did. They wont succeed just like them. Not to let them dream should be our #1 priority.
OK, that is good that they don't effect you.

I am not sure you want to cause some new ones to be made though! ;)

If no, don't be impolite to others' religions.

If yes and you don't mind being the cause of some more, be my guest. ;)

I and many others have no wish to do that unless provoked.

my dear...i can log off from facebook...leave the site all together...and switch off the TV or Computer..so they can make what they want..
They only do this with the sole purpose of annoying us..Once we completely ignore them,they wont get what they want..
As far as pretesting against such behavior is concerned,those who do that are only expressing their right of free speech....same as the cartoon guys are doing...Freedom works both ways..
I wont bother anymore, that's official..
my dear...i can log off from facebook...leave the site all together...and switch off the TV or Computer..so they can make what they want..
They only do this with the sole purpose of annoying us..Once we completely ignore them,they wont get what they want..
As far as pretesting against such behavior is concerned,those who do that are only expressing their right of free speech....same as the cartoon guys are doing...Freedom works both ways..
I wont bother anymore, that's official..

OK, so you can stop using all kaffir technologies! That is good.

May be you can stop abusing the religion of your own ancestors as well.

To prevent the abuse of your current one?

A big ask? ;)
Then raise your voice to eradicate or put a lid on those who talk like the templars did. They wont succeed just like them. Not to let them dream should be our #1 priority.

It depends on whom you consider wrong...I do not consider ISLAM or anything associated with it wrong...Call me extremist if you like! But I will not support minorities being killed, suppressed or anything...

I DO RAISE MY VOICE FOR A CAUSE! I do support education systems...we donate money and had a school back in Pakistan bu then due to some issues had to shut it!

We do try to do our part! If you read any thread I have been in...I have ONLY PREACHED EDUCATION...been laughed at for it in a number of threads!
Maybe because you think you are a better person than me and clearly more religious than me because you have a piece of cloth over your head. If people who wear hats think this way, i would have the same problem with their hats.
It depends on whom you consider wrong...I do not consider ISLAM or anything associated with it wrong...Call me extremist if you like! But I will not support minorities being killed, suppressed or anything...

I DO RAISE MY VOICE FOR A CAUSE! I do support education systems...we donate money and had a school back in Pakistan bu then due to some issues had to shut it!

We do try to do our part! If you read any thread I have been in...I have ONLY PREACHED EDUCATION...been laughed at for it in a number of threads!

I consider living in fear wrong. I consider being blackmailed by a ludicrous blasphemy law wrong. I consider parents taking pride in putting their kids in schools that will make them memorize the quran but brush aside the fact their kid can not add two numbers or write a complete sentence in any language even though he is 10 years old!!!! wrong. These are not poor people, I do not want to get into what mess the poor people are in. "Bhookay ka koi mazhab nahin hota". You need to wish we have what you have in your country. That should be your only prayer. Nothing else. Proper order and no Shariah or any kind of medieval law. Everyone should be free to do whatever they want, just like you are in your country.
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