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Why is My Hijab Your Problem?

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Don't know about hijab much, even i don't know much about my religion.. but i think every one shd be free to live his/her life in her way but with out disturbing around him.. Karma is most imp.. and i think if there is any God, He ll judge us by our Karma..
Don't know about hijab much, even i don't know much about my religion.. but i think every one shd be free to live his/her life in her way but with out disturbing around him.. Karma is most imp.. and i think if there is any God, He ll judge us by our Karma..
Sir Hijab is the order of ALLAH and Islam is not a private matter Islam is a complete social economic system including politics economy and social life and laws which governments have to implement and only those things can be allowed which ALLAH allows and his PROPHET SAW
Going through the thread I have notice 1 VERY COMMON TREND like every other thread!

1st Question arose was why Muslims follow their Quran to do everything - what they eat, drink, how they dress etc...

Than when we reply this...Some one comes and says I do not care what your quran says...DUDE Why ask the question if you do not care? Then why read the reply if it is not associated with you...You don't want to read it move on...

2nd thing Hinduism is like that and like this.

Someone comes and says you are ignorant/ its not simple/ its not like that/ you are wrong...


Just by you saying it is wrong or not doesn't make it wrong...

3rd thing: You give 1 reply instead of thanking or absorbing it...another issue is put forward which usually is not related...then we go back to the Quran and the cycle continues!

From a caterpillar a butterfly comes out only to become a caterpillar again?!


Oh I forgot the most important bit:

When you try explaining Islam or relating to something from an Islamic point of view, we are declared as playing victim or even ooo...Islam "Khattray mein hai"

Hello!!! You ask something than be prepared to hear an answer!

IF NOT do not pass silly remarks!

IF YOU ARE WRONG, have the balls to admit it! And learn the right thing!

IF you don't understand ASK! Asking doesn't make you look like a fool but commenting rubbish does!
Indian culture is still pretty much distinguishable from Western culture.

Again the same old "Islam khatray main"....:disagree:
EXAMPLE of What I just said

Do you believe in 'evolution' ? ;) That's surprising.
Well, that is a complex story..So, your ancestors were monkeys? :pop: Mine were Adam and Hawa in case you thought something else:chilli:...

Loool I cant just believe this guy ! You know what is the problem to a women ? Marrying four of them and then divorcing them over a cell phone saying three words, not giving alimony to them, making them run around in black tents in a freaking Indian summer, making her dependent on men and so on.

Marrying 4 and giving them equal rights is better than having 4 affairs and contacting STD!
Don't watch too much dramas- no one can give a divorce over the phone!
Enough with black tents...Hijab is not just the Abaya! Please go get a proper education...Your street schooling proved no use!
Making her dependent on men? That is cultural not Islamic!

And anything wrong/degrading about paganism ? Paganism/polytheism is democracy in action. You are free to worship the God you want to without fear of retribution while the monotheism is essentially a fascistic concept where you pledge your loyalty to one out of fear of being condemned to hell. Pretty brutal, imo. Think about it.

oo...nothing wrong with worshiping the god you made with your own hands! Cheers to that! But there is something wrong with fascistic? Really?

WIKI Definition of Fascism: is a radical authoritarian nationalist political ideology...


IT is a way of life! Apparently you need more of common sense than education!

pledge your loyalty: Now it is OUR CHOICE, is it not? If we go to hell or heaven, YOU do not get a free ticket...So, LA KUM DEE NU KUM WALI YADIEN!
Sir Hijab is the order of ALLAH and Islam is not a private matter Islam is a complete social economic system including politics economy and social life and laws which governments have to implement and only those things can be allowed which ALLAH allows and his PROPHET SAW

Mr the form of your islam is different and will never be accepted or implemented in a country of 300m people. I will also keep repeating myself. Please dont wall of text your same propaganda again. Thank you.
you need to realise the hindus of ancient india were far more advanced and evolved beings. thats why we didnt need someone to hallucinate angels telling them BS. Arabs were nothing short of barbarians, so it was easy to trick them . and further islam is not a religion its just an imperial empire building exercise. more on that if you wish to know my theories.

please roll up your oder, stick it under your armpit and smell it after you go home.

Advanced in what? Killing/ burying female daughters like the pagans of Arab?

Evolved how? By burning/ burying wives with them?

Advanced in whose sense when they used to drink cow urine and spread it on their head and did not have toilets?

Mr the form of your islam is different and will never be accepted or implemented in a country of 300m people. I will also keep repeating myself. Please dont wall of text your same propaganda again. Thank you.

Why break someone's dream and hope?

One can hope...that is 1 thing you can not try to control nor should...He wants to be positive...that is ALWAYS a good attitude!

As long as they do not enter extremism!

pagans had empires.. all i am saying is islam is not a religion it was just an empire.
mohammad made it up by copying themese from paganism in those area, christianity and judaism . created a good army and defeted those people and put upon this idea of islam in their brains..

I would at the most say mohammad was a star general but even more, he wasthe baap of sigmund freud a psychologist, who has successfully hypnotised billions for centuries.

by putting god, and religion and conversion and making mecca a centre, he has ensured that for centuries his region will be a rich tourist destination for gullible people.

Just because somethings were similar did not mean it was copied it just means that its from the same source hence, these are called ABRAHAMIC religions not Paganism or anything.! Besides if it were copied, it was corrected and then copied by an ummi- one who is illiterate making him a highly intelligent!

baap of sigmund freud a psychologist, who has successfully hypnotised billions for centuries.

That is already written in the Quran and mind you each prophet who came to the earth was called similar names!

rich tourist destination for gullible people. That is a lot of hatred and ignorance mixed together to get a hybrid of rubbish
Even Islamic countries make many claims for the religion and the ideology. Including that it gives the maximum rights to the minorities.

It is not about the claims, it is about the reality within the countries.

Muslims have no right to demand more from non Muslims in their countries than they give the non Muslims in their own countries.

It is always about give and take, the golden rule.

We think it is your religion that is a joke.

And a very costly one for humanity at that!

I will leave it at this for now. Just for now. ;)

I did not understand what you meant by :
Muslims have no right to demand more from non Muslims in their countries than they give the non Muslims in their own countries.
Advanced in what? Killing/ burying female daughters like the pagans of Arab?

Evolved how? By burning/ burying wives with them?

Advanced in whose sense when they used to drink cow urine and spread it on their head and did not have toilets?

Your knowledge of ancient civilizations including Indian civilization is quite limited.

They were much more advanced than the desert Arabs and much more enlightened.

In fact even the pre Islamic Arabs were more enlightened and liberal than later.

Not sure why you think drinking Camel urine is superior!

And why wiping the behind with odd number of pebbles is better than even ones. It is nothing but the claims of one person with nothing to support it.

If you choose not to believe in the fantastic claims of one person, there is just nothing....

Nothing at all...

See how weak the foundations are. ;)
Ban Hijab......let muslim women breathe freely......muslim extremists you will burn hell if you don't do so

Now for a Muslim you are the extremist for saying BAN HIJAB- or trying to limit our freedom of religion!
I did not understand what you meant by :

It is quite clear but let me give you one example.

Saudi Arabia doesn't allow any non Muslim places of worship or propagation of any religion.

Yet it funds the building of mosques and madressas in non Muslim majority countries, many of them preaching wahabism and terror.

It even builds a mosque in Rome, not far from the Vatican.

Just because the secular democracies are not bigots and intolerant like them.

And the tale is the same in every Muslim majority country, all of which are "Islamic".

Yet Muslims keep on making so many demands on non Muslims in their own countries!
Your knowledge of ancient civilizations including Indian civilization is quite limited.

By you saying so does not mean it is limited..

They were much more advanced than the desert Arabs and much more enlightened. In fact even the pre Islamic Arabs were more enlightened and liberal than later.

By you saying does not make it so..give examples like I did

Not sure why you think drinking Camel urine is superior!

Did I say that? Apparently drinking urine is the only thing you can think of...But no for us any excretion from a human or animal is dirty/ Najisah...

Just shows how much you know about Islam..

And why wiping the behind with odd number of pebbles is better than even ones. It is nothing but the claims of one person with nothing to support it.

You knowledge about Islam is close to NIL

If you choose not to believe in the fantastic claims of one person, there is just nothing....

Nothing at all...

See how weak the foundations are. ;)

You only said this and that and expect me to swallow it?!

What a MULLAH!

If you think Muslim Mullahs are crazy well, You sound just like 1!!! Yup that is all Mullahs do...PREACH without knowledge!
Sir Hijab is the order of ALLAH and Islam is not a private matter Islam is a complete social economic system including politics economy and social life and laws which governments have to implement and only those things can be allowed which ALLAH allows and his PROPHET SAW

Then i hope to see this system fully active in pakistan and In India but for Islamic follower people, tab thik rahenga na tumhare hisab se ??

Btw wear Hijab for 1 month then tell me do u ll still think same ?? why most restrictions on women only ?
Why break someone's dream and hope?

One can hope...that is 1 thing you can not try to control nor should...He wants to be positive...that is ALWAYS a good attitude!

As long as they do not enter extremism!

A lot of that has been done over the 30 years by people who thought that those dreams would never become reality. They kept saying "who could be that stupid?" But then those dreamers had children, lots of them and their children had even more. Now it is an epidemic and needs to dealt with. They are extremists, if they want to force their opinions on you they automatically bag that badge. No other way to it.
By you saying so does not mean it is limited..

I can only go by the available evidence.

By you saying does not make it so..give examples like I did

OK. Mohammed's wife was running a business on her own. She employed male employees. That shows a high status for women that was impossible after Islam.

Another one, people used to adapt children and raised them as their own.

This was again stopped by Mohammed for a reason that I will avoid going into the details of. For now, unless you want to.

Suffice to say that many Muslims left Islam after that incident. ;)

In general, the pre Islamic Arabs were far more relaxed about religion and much less bigoted than later when they perpetrated massive genocides, rapine and slavery and destroyed many civilizations forever.

Did I say that? Apparently drinking urine is the only thing you can think of...But no for us any excretion from a human or animal is dirty/ Najisah...

Just shows how much you know about Islam..

You brought up the urine thing. Camel urine is prescribed for drinking by your prophet and there are Sahih hadhith for that. I don't think I need to tell you the details but look up:

Sahih Bukhari, Ablutions (Wudu'), Volume 1, Book 4, Number 234

You knowledge about Islam is close to NIL

In this case: No.

A person should wipe their butt with an odd number of stones after defecating (Bukhari 4:162)

You only said this and that and expect me to swallow it?!

What a MULLAH!

If you think Muslim Mullahs are crazy well, You sound just like 1!!! Yup that is all Mullahs do...PREACH without knowledge!

Frankly, I don't care what you do and what you worship.

Just don't make claims about our religion and you won't get for yours.

I do think it is ridiculous for any religion to wish hell upon all the followers of other religions and expecting to watch them burning in eternal hellfire from the balcony in heaven.

That is plain demeaning to all senses and humanity and the human intelligence.

It makes zombies of human beings!
It is quite clear but let me give you one example.

Saudi Arabia doesn't allow any non Muslim places of worship or propagation of any religion.

Yet it funds the building of mosques and madressas in non Muslim majority countries, many of them preaching wahabism and terror.

It even builds a mosque in Rome, not far from the Vatican.

Just because the secular democracies are not bigots and intolerant like them.

And the tale is the same in every Muslim majority country, all of which are "Islamic".

Who fed you that rubbish? EVERY Muslim majority country has Churches! Even when Islam was in Spain for 300 years, they were not allowed to BURN or destroy any places of worship!

There are churches in Spain that are older than 1400 years! In Iraq where someone brought up that Bhagdad was the center of Islam...The pagan temples of worship during Mesopotamia times and other times were not destroyed! Not even the temples of Zoroastrians!

However, the case for the Christian crusaders was not the same...They burnt Masjids from Philippines to Africa= forcefully converted alot there!

About KSA is another story...One which I do not know...But saying every other country is like preaching hatred!

Yet Muslims keep on making so many demands on non Muslims in their own countries!

What sort? Please explain what you mean or understand?

Then i hope to see this system fully active in pakistan and In India but for Islamic follower people, tab thik rahenga na tumhare hisab se ??

Btw wear Hijab for 1 month then tell me do u ll still think same ?? why most restrictions on women only ?

I have been wearing it for a number of years now! The restrictions are not for women only...Read around the thread! The 1st commandment is for men to lower their gaze! But this thread has been for discussing about women...men are just dancing around ;)

A lot of that has been done over the 30 years by people who thought that those dreams would never become reality. They kept saying "who could be that stupid?" But then those dreamers had children, lots of them and their children had even more. Now it is an epidemic and needs to dealt with. They are extremists, if they want to force their opinions on you they automatically bag that badge. No other way to it.

Jinnah had a dream...

Jackson had a dream...

It starts from a dream!

By the way, knowing Muslims, they are incapable of uniting...I can only say its teaching but the people have a choice of implementing it, following it or not!

Those who dream, might be able to make it reality if not then they can die trying!

Besides, if it is meant to be it will happen, if not this guy than another!

Having an Islamic state is not an easy job! You can not selective choose which law you like...If hijab is implemented the lowering of men's gazes needs to be implemented- how? Freedom of allowing others to practice their religion should be allowed...no corruption, no caste system, no Sultanate even! Monarchy is not Islamic...Learn Islam from Islam not from its followers or wrong doers of Islam!
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