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Why is China Dithering While Cairo Burns?

At least, we have confident vote to test our leader . If China open a referendum, Im sure that at least 80 % poor Chinese peasant wanna oust China current corrupted regime:pop:
Pay attention to what I write before offering such unrelated remarks:

"we do not have a radical islam party ...''

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/china-...hering-while-cairo-burns-3.html#ixzz2cRJQiwgX


We have coincidentally a sect which calls itself the Brotherhood in China.

The Yihewani (Ikhwan) in China is supported by the CCP. The CCP provides support for thhe Ikhwan Imams and allows them to build mosques and religious schools in Ningxia, Gansu and Qinghai. They have a large following in those areas, the CCP allows all sects, including the Ikhwan and Sufi sects their share of representatives in the Communist party's peoples congresses and committes in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Regions. Each sect is allowed to have their clerics as members of the Congresses.
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For the current world politics, you need understand that China's non-interfering policy does not work well. In most cases, it is not China, but the outsiders trying to interfering China's internal/external interest and policies.

As for the islam issue, it has been the biggest headacle for many secular countries in the world, including China. It is unavoidable that China will be interfered by outsiders, either those secular west countries or those muslim countries from mid-east as well.

Let alone those islam extremists/terrorists who are like flies and will fly to everywhere.

Hand-off approach will not keep those headache from you and keep it from happening. It happened, is happening and will happen again and again... we just need deal with it consistently, promptly and courageously.

Without the islam issue, the world is a much better place. If you do not believe that, why don't you look at the conflicts today in the world, taking out the conflicts that are related to islam and see how much conflicts will be left? and see how peaceful the world will be?

The issue is not about Islam in China.

You need to park your anti-Islam obsession for two seconds and focus on the core question.

The answer, quite simply, is that China has a non-interventionist, hands off approach to most international conflicts which do not directly impact Chinese interests. China has never claimed to be the defender of democracy or whatever around the world.
For the current world politics, you need understand that China's non-interfering policy does not work well. In most cases, it is not China, but the outsiders trying to interfering China's internal/external interest and policies.

As for the islam issue, it has been the biggest headacle for many secular countries in the world, including China. It is unavoidable that China will be interfered by outsiders, either those secular west countries or those muslim countries from mid-east as well.

Let alone those islam extremists/terrorists who are like flies and will fly to everywhere.

Hand-off approach will not keep those headache from you and keep it from happening. It happened, is happening and will happen again and again... we just need deal with it consistently, promptly and courageously.

And you have no idea wtf is going on in the middle east. Saudi Arabia supports the military regime against the Muslim Brotherhood. Its not about seculars vs Islamist.

And thats why the CCP allows the Ikhwan and other native Chinese sects to build mosques and run religious schools, and why children are allowed to enter religious studies after they finish primary secular education, so they don't need to go abroad and learn from outsiders like al qaeda run madrasas. Thank God you are not running China or else we would have terrorists running all over the place

As for dealing with outsiders effectively, they've been dealt with before, and not by the CCP. Tawfiq Bay was shot up badly by Hui Muslims when he tried "interfering" in China's internal affairs.

Tawfiq Bay - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The biggest opponents of new sects coming from the middle easts have been Muslim sects already in China. When the Jahriyya Sufi sect arrived, the local Khufiyya Sufis and non Sufi Sunnis went nuts and started fighting against them. The jahriyya rebellion in 1781 was crushed with help from Khufiyya and non Sufi Sunnis. They went nuts when the Ikhwan arrived from the middle east again and started attacking Ikhwan members. They went nuts against the Salafists when they came. In fact, it was local Muslims who called on the Qing government to brutally crush and punish the new Muslim sects arriving from the middle east and who started converting their members.

The CCP stopped this sect nonsense and now all of the sects have equal representation in the people's congresses in Ningxia and don't fight and kill each other anymore. But some Sufi sects native to China have printed anti Salafi pamphlets and Sufi clerics even called Salafis non-muslims. (Salafism is widespread in Saudi Arabia)

And you seem to be a fan of extreme violence. Do you support what the Americans did in Mindanao to Moro civiliansDo you support what the Philippine government did in Jolo in 1972? Answer me with a straight face. Tell me who started it, the "Islam terrorists" you keep talking about, or the Americans violating their own Treaty and the Philippines sending millions of Visayans onto Mindanao and massacring Moro and Chinese civilians?







When the "secular" American government invaded Mindanao they also invaded China during the Boxer Rebellion and committed atrocities in both places. The Japanese invaded Mindanao in World War 2. The "secular" Philippine government slaughtered tens of thousands of civilians at Jolo, including the Chinese who lived in the city.

The "secular" Philippine government has now started claiming already occupied Spratly islands as "terra nullius" and wants to take them from mainland China and Taiwan.

The "secular" Soviet backed Afghan Communist government was against China. This "secular" Afghan government supported Soviet terrorism against China, it also let Afghan women dress in miniskirts. If you are interested in seeing naked women, go to a nudist beach in a western country, not Afghanistan.

The Jahangir Khoja invasions in Xinjiang were opposed by both the local Uyghurs and the Hui. There was no Uyghur separatism until the jadidists and the Soviet communists encouraged it.

I guess since you claim every instance of Muslim related violence is caused by Islam, then you would side with the western imperialists in the Boxer Rebellion since several Hui Generals in the Qing army used "brutal" violence against the Eight Nation Alliance Imperialists. You would also side with the Japanese during World War 2, because Hui Generals and Moros used violence to resist the Japanese invasion of China and Mindanao.

Without the islam issue, the world is a much better place. If you do not believe that, why don't you look at the conflicts today in the world, taking out the conflicts that are related to islam and see how much conflicts will be left? and see how peaceful the world will be?

Look at the Philippines. They call their country and people by the name of a Spanish King who suffered from syphilis and who colonized their land. They use Spanish names and their whole culture was change by Spain. All except the Moros in Mindanao who resisted the Spanish for 300 years and kept their own traditions and culture.

And I have never heard you say a word about the Soviet sponsored, secular Uyghur Communist separatist mass murderer Ehmetjan Qasim and his Second East Turkestan Republic, and the other Communist Uyghurs who murdered thousands of Han civilians in the Ili Rebellion, or the secular Uyghur separatist terrorists and propagandists like Rais Abdulkhalkovich. Qasim received an entirely secular education in Soviet central asia. The separatists ideology is a mask, they will become Communist, Nationalist, or adopt any ideology to secure funding from their masters.

Now the ETIM terrorists made propaganda videos about the Second East Turkestan Republic and the Ili Rebellion and Ehmetjan Qasim, and deleted all mention of them being Soviet backed communists, claiming that they were Islamist resistance heroes. Those videos were intended for a foreign Muslim audience. All China needs to do is to tell the truth and expose them as liars, show that Ehmetjan Qasim was a Soviet stooge and a Communist to boot, and that the Second East Turkestan Republic was a Soviet puppet state. Then no Muslim will believe the ETIM liars.

Hui and Salar Muslims in the Republic of China army fought against both the First and Second East Turkestan Republics, and they have a reputation for being more religious than the Uyghur.

You also keep boasting about secularism as if it was something native to China while Islam wasn't. It originated in the west. Nothing wrong with it, but China became secular in 1912, before that it was not.

You also have trouble with your English suffixes, its "Islamist" or "Islamic", not "Islam" when you use it as an adjective.
At least, we have confident vote to test our leader . If China open a referendum, Im sure that at least 80 % poor Chinese peasant wanna oust China current corrupted regime:pop:

While I'd like to agree with you, these guys will find their regime much better compared to the one that we currently have in India.
why you cannot shut the fxxk up and not dump so much garbage here???

You seriously have some comprehension problem. What an idiot.

And you have no idea wtf is going on in the middle east. Saudi Arabia supports the military regime against the Muslim Brotherhood. Its not about seculars vs Islamist.

And thats why the CCP allows the Ikhwan and other native Chinese sects to build mosques and run religious schools, and why children are allowed to enter religious studies after they finish primary secular education, so they don't need to go abroad and learn from outsiders like al qaeda run madrasas. Thank God you are not running China or else we would have terrorists running all over the place

As for dealing with outsiders effectively, they've been dealt with before, and not by the CCP. Tawfiq Bay was shot up badly by Hui Muslims when he tried "interfering" in China's internal affairs.

Tawfiq Bay - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The biggest opponents of new sects coming from the middle easts have been Muslim sects already in China. When the Jahriyya Sufi sect arrived, the local Khufiyya Sufis and non Sufi Sunnis went nuts and started fighting against them. The jahriyya rebellion in 1781 was crushed with help from Khufiyya and non Sufi Sunnis. They went nuts when the Ikhwan arrived from the middle east again and started attacking Ikhwan members. They went nuts against the Salafists when they came. In fact, it was local Muslims who called on the Qing government to brutally crush and punish the new Muslim sects arriving from the middle east and who started converting their members.

The CCP stopped this sect nonsense and now all of the sects have equal representation in the people's congresses in Ningxia and don't fight and kill each other anymore. But some Sufi sects native to China have printed anti Salafi pamphlets and Sufi clerics even called Salafis non-muslims. (Salafism is widespread in Saudi Arabia)

And you seem to be a fan of extreme violence. Do you support what the Americans did in Mindanao to Moro civiliansDo you support what the Philippine government did in Jolo in 1972? Answer me with a straight face. Tell me who started it, the "Islam terrorists" you keep talking about, or the Americans violating their own Treaty and the Philippines sending millions of Visayans onto Mindanao and massacring Moro and Chinese civilians?







When the "secular" American government invaded Mindanao they also invaded China during the Boxer Rebellion and committed atrocities in both places. The Japanese invaded Mindanao in World War 2. The "secular" Philippine government slaughtered tens of thousands of civilians at Jolo, including the Chinese who lived in the city.

The "secular" Philippine government has now started claiming already occupied Spratly islands as "terra nullius" and wants to take them from mainland China and Taiwan.

The "secular" Soviet backed Afghan Communist government was against China. This "secular" Afghan government supported Soviet terrorism against China, it also let Afghan women dress in miniskirts. If you are interested in seeing naked women, go to a nudist beach in a western country, not Afghanistan.

The Jahangir Khoja invasions in Xinjiang were opposed by both the local Uyghurs and the Hui. There was no Uyghur separatism until the jadidists and the Soviet communists encouraged it.

I guess since you claim every instance of Muslim related violence is caused by Islam, then you would side with the western imperialists in the Boxer Rebellion since several Hui Generals in the Qing army used "brutal" violence against the Eight Nation Alliance Imperialists. You would also side with the Japanese during World War 2, because Hui Generals and Moros used violence to resist the Japanese invasion of China and Mindanao.

Look at the Philippines. They call their country and people by the name of a Spanish King who suffered from syphilis and who colonized their land. They use Spanish names and their whole culture was change by Spain. All except the Moros in Mindanao who resisted the Spanish for 300 years and kept their own traditions and culture.

And I have never heard you say a word about the Soviet sponsored, secular Uyghur Communist separatist mass murderer Ehmetjan Qasim and his Second East Turkestan Republic, and the other Communist Uyghurs who murdered thousands of Han civilians in the Ili Rebellion, or the secular Uyghur separatist terrorists and propagandists like Rais Abdulkhalkovich. Qasim received an entirely secular education in Soviet central asia. The separatists ideology is a mask, they will become Communist, Nationalist, or adopt any ideology to secure funding from their masters.

Now the ETIM terrorists made propaganda videos about the Second East Turkestan Republic and the Ili Rebellion and Ehmetjan Qasim, and deleted all mention of them being Soviet backed communists, claiming that they were Islamist resistance heroes. Those videos were intended for a foreign Muslim audience. All China needs to do is to tell the truth and expose them as liars, show that Ehmetjan Qasim was a Soviet stooge and a Communist to boot, and that the Second East Turkestan Republic was a Soviet puppet state. Then no Muslim will believe the ETIM liars.

Hui and Salar Muslims in the Republic of China army fought against both the First and Second East Turkestan Republics, and they have a reputation for being more religious than the Uyghur.

You also keep boasting about secularism as if it was something native to China while Islam wasn't. It originated in the west. Nothing wrong with it, but China became secular in 1912, before that it was not.

You also have trouble with your English suffixes, its "Islamist" or "Islamic", not "Islam" when you use it as an adjective.
why you cannot shut the fxxk up and not dump so much garbage here???

You seriously have some comprehension problem. What an idiot.

Wholegrain really is an idiot.

He attacks Chinese members in order to defend Islam. He is just making them look even worse.
Wholegrain really is an idiot.

He attacks Chinese members in order to defend Islam. He is just making them look even worse.

What Muslims think varies depending on the country they live in.

Perhaps take his nationality into account for his source of bias.
What Muslims think varies depending on the country they live in.

Perhaps take his nationality into account for his source of bias.

Our problem here is that we have a keyboard warrior called ephone, and at every thread which remotely mentions Muslims, he will stick his nose in and start pounding away at the keyboard on how "Islam terrorists" should all be mass murdered.

He also talks retarded and acts like an internet hero, saying things which are not even part of CCP policy like claiming China is going to take over Mongolia. If you debunk his BS, he will not reply to your posts but instead will begin cursing and insulting you.

Another member on here has the polar opposite problem as ephone. He is Okemos and he is constantly issuing hate filled posts against minorities in China by claiming that the CCP favors them over Han people. He pulled out bullsh!t claims like using the entire population of Xinjiang (including 10 million non Muslims in Dzungharia) as proof that the population of Muslims in China is "exploding".

If you criticize any of ephone's keyboard warrior rants or Okemos's lies, Chinese-Dragon will say you are attacking "Chinese members in order to defend Islam".

All A1Kaid did once was to state some facts about China and America, and then Chinese-Dragon went nuts and accused A1Kaid of being anti China.
Our problem here is that we have a keyboard warrior called ephone, and at every thread which remotely mentions Muslims, he will stick his nose in and start pounding away at the keyboard on how "Islam terrorists" should all be mass murdered.

Another member on here has the polar opposite problem as ephone. He is Okemos and he is constantly issuing hate filled posts against minorities in China by claiming that the CCP favors them over Han people. He pulled out bullsh!t claims like using the entire population of Xinjiang (including 10 million non Muslims in Dzungharia) as proof that the population of Muslims in China is "exploding".

If you criticize any of ephone's keyboard warrior rants or Okemos's lies, Chinese-Dragon will say you are attacking "Chinese members in order to defend Islam".

All A1Kaid did once was to state some facts about China and America, and then Chinese-Dragon went nuts and accused A1Kaid of being anti China.

So that justifies you attacking all these Chinese members in order to defend Islam? :lol:

Every post you make just makes Islam look worse.

Who cares about Moro Muslims or any other crap like that? What does it have to do with us?

Our problem here is that we have a keyboard warrior called ephone, and at every thread which remotely mentions Muslims, he will stick his nose in and start pounding away at the keyboard on how "Islam terrorists" should all be mass murdered.

And what is wrong with that exactly?

Do you have sympathy for those terrorists?
So that justifies you attacking all these Chinese members in order to defend Islam? :lol:

Every post you make just makes Islam look worse.

Who cares about Moro Muslims or any other crap like that? What does it have to do with us?

Oh dear, debunking lies is attacking other members? So when ephone lied that China banned religious education for Muslim children (Muslims in China are allowed to enter religious studies after they finish primary education, ephone was in one of his anti religious rages and wanted to boast on how China crushed religious people), and I called him out on his lie, how is that an attack?

When Okemos started telling flat out lies like using the entire population of Xinjiang and claiming everyone in it was a Muslim in order to falsely claim that Muslim population in China is skyrocketing, i can't tell everyone that he is a liar?

speaking of not caring about anything that has nothing to do with us, ephone has been exactly doing that. He has butted into threads totally unrelated to China and attacked others. He went into threads about Egypt and called the Muslim brotherhood fanatics and said egypt was a "shxt hole". He went into threads about sharia in Muslim countries like Iran, and called religious Muslims "fxxkers". China was not attacked or mentioned UNTIL ephone butted in and started attacking others.

On threads about Islam in other countries, ephone has butted in and made false claims in his boasts (he claimed China banned religious schools and didn't allow religous education for children, which is not true)

ephone even claimed China was going to take over Mongolia. He is the one embarrasing us.

Ephone also attacked the "KMT Hui" as "Ma Gangs", the same Hui who fought against the separatist secular Communist Uyghurs under Ehmetjan Qasim. After boasting some more about how the CCP slaughters all religious separatists, he fumbled around when I asked him to explain why the Communist Uyghurs who murdered thousands of Han people in the ili rebellion were granted amnesty. Those ili National Army Communist Uyghurs were pardoned by the CCP.

And what is wrong with that exactly?

Do you have sympathy for those terrorists?

By "terrorist", ephone means religious Muslims, not just people who commit terrorist acts. He is everywhere boasting about "secularism" and cursing religious people.
Oh dear, debunking lies is attacking other members? So when ephone lied that China banned religious education for Muslim children (Muslims in China are allowed to enter religious studies after they finish primary education, ephone was in one of his anti religious rages and wanted to boast on how China crushed religious people), and I called him out on his lie, how is that an attack?

When Okemos started telling flat out lies like using the entire population of Xinjiang and claiming everyone in it was a Muslim in order to falsely claim that Muslim population in China is skyrocketing, i can't tell everyone that he is a liar?

speaking of not caring about anything that has nothing to do with us, ephone has been exactly doing that. He has butted into threads totally unrelated to China and attacked others. He went into threads about Egypt and called the Muslim brotherhood fanatics and said egypt was a "shxt hole". He went into threads about sharia in Muslim countries like Iran, and called religious Muslims "fxckers". China was not attacked or mentioned UNTIL ephone butted in and started attacking others.

On threads about Islam in other countries, ephone has butted in and made false claims in his boasts (he claimed China banned religious schools and didn't allow religous education, which is not true)

ephone even claimed China was going to take over Mongolia. He is the one embarrasing us.

Ephone also attacked the "KMT Hui" as "Ma Gangs", the same Hui who fought against the separatist secular Communist Uyghurs under Ehmetjan Qasim. After boasting some more about how the CCP slaughters all religious separatists, he fumbled around when I asked him to explain why the Communist Uyghurs who murdered thousands of Han people in the ili rebellion were granted amnesty.

By "terrorist", ephone means religious Muslims, not just people who commit terrorist acts. He is everywhere boasting about "secularism" and cursing religious people.

Are Ephone and Okemos attacking China?

No? Then I don't care.

Better than you, who would attack multiple Chinese members to defend some random Muslims in some other part of the world.

Who the Hell cares about Moro Muslims? Seriously, what on Earth do they have to do with us. Why should I care about what happens to them?
It is not in China's best interest to engage in world policemen role. The non-interference policy reflects China's foreign policy. However, this does not mean China will not protect our very close ally, such as Pakistan or North Korea, if such attacks happen to these countries. Please understand that China has no interest to be USA's superpower, so the role to police lies in the hand of the USA.
Are Ephone and Okemos attacking China?

No? Then I don't care.

Better than you, who would attack multiple Chinese members to defend some random Muslims in some other part of the world.

Who the Hell cares about Moro Muslims? Seriously, what on Earth do they have to do with us. Why should I care about what happens to them?

So if ehpone falsely claims China is oppresing Muslims by banning religious education for Muslim children, that isn't an attack? ( Muslim children are allowed to start religious education after primary education is completed in China) If ephone claims China is taking over Mongolia (not part of CCP policy) and presenting China as an evil imperialist monster, that isn't attacking China's image?

In case you didn't notice it was EPHONE who mentioned Muslim conflicts in other countries and blamed Muslims for them. I gave an example where it was the secular Filipinos and Americans who victimized the Moros.

Damaging our image by calling other people "fxxkers" without provocation count as attacking China. In case you didn't notice, the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt has been reaching out to China and signed many bilateral agreements and ephone calles them "fxxkers"

For the current world politics, you need understand that China's non-interfering policy does not work well. In most cases, it is not China, but the outsiders trying to interfering China's internal/external interest and policies.

As for the islam issue, it has been the biggest headacle for many secular countries in the world, including China. It is unavoidable that China will be interfered by outsiders, either those secular west countries or those muslim countries from mid-east as well.

Let alone those islam extremists/terrorists who are like flies and will fly to everywhere.

Hand-off approach will not keep those headache from you and keep it from happening. It happened, is happening and will happen again and again... we just need deal with it consistently, promptly and courageously.

Without the islam issue, the world is a much better place. If you do not believe that, why don't you look at the conflicts today in the world, taking out the conflicts that are related to islam and see how much conflicts will be left? and see how peaceful the world will be?

If Okemos lied about Muslim population growth and falsely claims the Muslim population has skyrocketed, I can't call him out? OKEMOS claimed on the East Asian Union thread that we will have friendship with the Japanese, while he attacks minorities in China with his evil poison.
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